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Biomass Energy (ethanol). Renewable Energy Source Biomass is organic matter that can be converted to fuel 15 % of the world's total energy supply 35 % in developing countries Is one of the most plentiful and well-utilised sources in the world
Renewable Energy Source • Biomass is organic matter that can be converted to fuel • 15% of the world's total energy supply • 35% in developing countries • Is one of the most plentiful and well-utilised sources in the world • Biomass can’t replace dependence on coal or oil Basic Biomass Facts
Ethanol is an alcohol that is used in gasoline By blending ethanol, diesel and other fuels black smoke is eliminated Corn is the primary feedstock for ethanol production Every barrel of ethanol produced, 1.2 barrels of petroleum are replaced The results is cleaner air for everyone Producing Ethanol
Adding ethanol to gasoline "has little impact on improving ozone air quality.“ An ethanol/gasoline mix containing 80 percent ethanol appears to reduce formation of smog
so that biomass can be converted to usable energy in ways that are more efficient, less polluting, and at least as economical as today's practices
http://www.altenergy.org/renewables/biomass.html http://www.nrel.gov/learning/re_biomass.html http://ethanolfacts.com/ETHL2008/page.php?pgID=1