1. FDOT PowerPoint Example Slides based on the FDOT Policy Planning Trends and Conditions report: http://www.dot.state.fl.us/planning/policy/trends/tc-report/population062905.pdf
Slides based on the FDOT Policy Planning Trends and Conditions report: http://www.dot.state.fl.us/planning/policy/trends/tc-report/population062905.pdf
2. 03/28/06 Estimated Visitors to Florida Graph created by CUTR and Data obtained from U.S Census Bureau, Historical Census, Annual Population Estimat4es 2000-2004, and Interim Projections of Total Population by County, 2005-2030 in June 2005
Graph created by CUTR and Data obtained from U.S Census Bureau, Historical Census, Annual Population Estimat4es 2000-2004, and Interim Projections of Total Population by County, 2005-2030 in June 2005
3. 03/28/06 Seasonality of Visitors to Florida Graph created by CUTR and data retrieved from U.S. Census Bureau, Historical Census 1970-2000 in June 2005
Graph created by CUTR and data retrieved from U.S. Census Bureau, Historical Census 1970-2000 in June 2005
4. 03/28/06 Florida Visitors by Type Graph created by CUTR and data obtained from U.S. Census Bureau, Historical Census and Projections in June 2005
Graph created by CUTR and data obtained from U.S. Census Bureau, Historical Census and Projections in June 2005
5. 03/28/06 Canadian Visitors to Florida Graph created by CUTR and data obtained from U.S. Census Bureau, Historical Census and Projections in June 2005
Graph created by CUTR and data obtained from U.S. Census Bureau, Historical Census and Projections in June 2005
6. 03/28/06 Air and Non-Air Visitors to Florida Graph created by CUTR and data obtained from U.S. Census Bureau in June 2005Graph created by CUTR and data obtained from U.S. Census Bureau in June 2005
7. 03/28/06 Percent of Visitors Renting Cars Graph created by CUTR and data obtained from U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000; and University of Florida, Bureau of Economic Research, Florida Statistical Abstract 2001
Graph created by CUTR and data obtained from U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000; and University of Florida, Bureau of Economic Research, Florida Statistical Abstract 2001
8. 03/28/06 Car Rental Surcharge Collections Map created by ?
Map created by ?
9. 03/28/06 Length of Stay by Visitor Type Map created by ?
Map created by ?
10. 03/28/06 All Visitors to Florida by Type Map created by ?
Map created by ?
11. 03/28/06 Average Group Size by Visitor Type Graph created by CUTR and data obtained from U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000 in June 2005
Graph created by CUTR and data obtained from U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000 in June 2005
12. 03/28/06 Florida Resident Pleasure Trips Graph created by CUTR and data retrieved from U.S Census Bureau, 2003 Multi-Year Profile in June 2005
Graph created by CUTR and data retrieved from U.S Census Bureau, 2003 Multi-Year Profile in June 2005
13. 03/28/06 Visitor Trips by Region Graph created by CUTR and data retrieved from U.S. Census Bureau, Census 1990 and Census 2000, and University of Florida, Bureau of Economic and Business Research, Florida Statistical Abstract 2002 in June 2005
Graph created by CUTR and data retrieved from U.S. Census Bureau, Census 1990 and Census 2000, and University of Florida, Bureau of Economic and Business Research, Florida Statistical Abstract 2002 in June 2005
14. 03/28/06 Visitor Trips by Region Charts created by CUTR and data obtained from U.S. Census Bureau, Census 1990 and Census 2000 in June 2005
Charts created by CUTR and data obtained from U.S. Census Bureau, Census 1990 and Census 2000 in June 2005