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Source: http://images.google.com.tw/. EU-FP7 INTRODUCTION Prof. Y.C. Heng, CEng FIET CEO, EU-FP NCP-Taiwan Office 7 November, 2008. Agenda. About NCP-Taiwan Introduction of FP7 & NCP  Rules for participation FP7  Energy Info. Day in Brussels Conclusion.

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  1. Source: http://images.google.com.tw/

  2. EU-FP7 INTRODUCTION Prof. Y.C. Heng, CEng FIET CEO, EU-FP NCP-Taiwan Office 7 November, 2008

  3. Agenda • About NCP-Taiwan • Introduction of FP7 & NCP  Rules for participation FP7 Energy Info. Day in Brussels • Conclusion

  4. NCP-Taiwan Office is working for the benefit of all Taiwanese organizations, which have an interest in EU Framework programmes (FP).

  5. NCP-Taiwan’s objectives • To carry out National Science Council’s mission of reaching out to the global R/D communities, in this case, the European Union’s Framework Program (EU-FP). • To build then strengthen the relationship with the EU-FP7. • To inform and assist academic and industrial communities in Taiwan about EU-FP7 programs and furthermore to take part in many of the EU-FP7 projects in Europe. • To help to build further NCPs in Taiwan when needed and train qualified staffs for them when required. • Above all, the EU-FP7 NCP-Taiwan office is a service oriented organization.

  6. FP7 Introduction • Framework Program started from 1984, and FP7 is the 7th program. It lasts for seven years from 2007 until 2013. • The program has a total budget of over € 50 billion. • The program aims to strengthen the innovation ability of EU, and provides funding and collaborative services for the researchers in Member States. • FP7’s short-term objective is to establish the “European Research Area (ERA)”, and become the "most dynamic competitive knowledge-based economy in the world as its long-term objective.

  7. From FP5 to FP7 7 years 50 182 M€ COOPERATION Recherche collaborative Project: consortium Network of excellence Joint technologies initiatives ERA-NET Plus 4 years 17 500 M€ 4 years 13 700 M€ Integrating Network of excellence Integrated project ERA-NET Mobility & infrastructures IDEAS European Research Council Project Consortium Structuring Infrastructures, Mobilité Innovation, INCO ~+ 9,8% per year ~+ 40 % per year PEOPLE Marie Curie Actions Accompanying Measures Innovation, INCO StrengtheningERA CAPACITIES Infrastructures, SMEs International Cooperation OTHERS Euratom, JRC (EC)

  8. FP7 budget : 53,372M€ for 7 years

  9. What is a NCP ? (National Contact Point) • The main tasks of NCP is to inform and assist potential participants and contractors in ongoing EU-FP projects. • NCPs have been set up in all Member States and Associated Countries worldwide. • 1262 NCPs in EU Member States and associated states, and 233 NCPs in third countries. • The existing NCP systems in Member States and Associated Countries show a wide variety of organizational structures.

  10. The organization of NCPs in U.K., France and Germany Lower Flexibility Higher Flexibility Centralized Decentralized • NCP in U.K. is a decentralised network, ministries join the programs separately based on their own assessments. Higher flexibility but a bit difficult to integrate resources. • NCPs in Germany are generally ruled by the government to involve in FP projects. Well structured, but lesser flexibility. • France seems to take the middle approach. • The number of NCPs: in UK:37; France: 67; Germany: 79.

  11. NCP-Taiwan Information Participation Coordinators EU NCP networks NSC-International Cooperation Coordinate and integrate research project in Taiwan NCP provides info. of EU research at National level. NCP-Taiwan EU’s specific research themes NCP Taiwan Website scientific and technological experts from industrial, official, academic, and research communities

  12. NCP-Taiwan Project Execution Plan(1/2) • Establish offices in Northern, Middle and Southern Taiwan. Northern Taiwan office serves as the HQ office. • Hold NCP council meeting: invite NSC, MoEA, MoE and PIs of National Research Programs. • Set up the portal for NCP-Taiwan. • Inform, raise awareness, advise, assist and train: • Domestic conferences for introduce EU-FP programme. • Planning and implementing activities on training information experts of EU-FP program. • Conferences on FP7 Competition and Cooperation Strategy research

  13. NCP-Taiwan Project Execution Plan(2/2) • Find EU partners • Visiting EU’s research institutes for collaboration opportunities. • Holding conferences on Taiwan-EU scientific and technological collaboration • Attending EU’s INFO-DAY • Holding meetings for National Research Programs and focused universities on FP’s information. • Help to realize actual FP7 project participation.

  14. Promoting Taiwan’s National Research Programs to join FP7 Budget of National Research Programs is NTD 15 billion per year, with a total budget of around NTD 105 billion during 7 years period, which is about 4% of the total budget of FP7. 15

  15. Categories of Countries; • Member States: (27) • Associated countries: Switzerland, Israel, Norway, Lichtenstein, Iceland, Turkey, Croatia, Serbia, Montenegro, Former Yugoslavian Republic of Macedonia. • International Cooperation Partner Countries (ICPC): • a). countries neighboring the EU (Mediterranean Partner countries, Western Balkans, Eastern European and Central Asian Countries); • b). Emerging economies (China, India, Brazil, Russia, South Africa). • Industrialized countries: USA, Canada, Japan, Australia.. And other high-income countries and territories. * Information was provided by Philippe Vialatte, DG Research on 23 September 2008

  16. Team Introduction • PI:Jeng-Ywan Jeng   • Dean of R&D Office at NTUST • Professor of Mech. Engineering Department at NTUST • Dr. of Mechanical Engineering at Liverpool University • CEO: Yong-Chie HENG • Visiting Professor of electronic engineering department at NTUST • Former Vice President of Motorola Inc. U.S.A. • Dr. of Wireless Communications at University of Wales, U.K. • CO-PI: Wei-Chung Wang • Professor & Dean of International Affairs at • NTHU • Dr. of Engineering • Science and Mechanics • at Iowa State University • CO-PI:Hua-Mei Liu • Associate professor of • Management Institute at NTUST • Dr. of Law at Munich University • CO-PI:Yon-hua Tzeng • Dean of R&D Office at NCKU • Professor of Microelectronics Department at NCKU • Dr. of Mechanical Engineering at TEXAS TECH University

  17. Taiwan’s FP7 participation so far * Figures were provided by Philippe Vialatte, DG Research on 23 September 2008

  18. The following presentation Rules for participation, was given by European Commission Research DG Mirela ATANASIU at EU-FP7 Energy Info Days. (material is designated« not legally binding »)

  19. Rules for Participation – Proposals: from submission to selection ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? European Commission Research DG Mirela ATANASIU


  21. Definitions Who can participate Funding limits, Eligible costs Guarantee Fund (*) Regulation (EC) No.1906/2006 of 18 December 2006 (OJ L 391, 30/12/2006) PART I. FP7 RULES for PARTICIPATION(*)

  22. DEFINITIONS (1) • Public body means any legal entity established as such by national law, and international organisations • Research organisation means a legal entity established as a non-profit organisation which carries out research or technological development as one of its main objectives • Higher and secondary education establishments Term used by Financial Regulation / Implementing Rules, includes universities, schools for applied sciences and similar

  23. DEFINITIONS (2) • SMEs mean micro, small and medium-sized enterprises within the meaning of Commission Recommendation 2003/361/EC in the version of 6 May 2003 (*) • International cooperation partner countries (ICPC) – see Annex 1 to the work-programme (*) enterprises which employ fewer than 250 persons and which have an annual turnover not exceeding EUR 50 million, and/or an annual balance sheet total not exceeding EUR 43 million

  24. “Contract” “Grant Agreement” “Contractor” “Beneficiary” “Instruments” “Funding Schemes” “Audit certificate” “Certification on Financial Statement” “Proposers” “Applicants” DEFINITIONS (3)New terminology in comparison to FP6

  25. Any undertaking, university or research centre or other legal entity, whether established in a: Member State (MS) Associated country (AC)* Candidate country International organisations and participants from third countries can participate only if in addition to the minima * Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, Croatia, Serbia, Turkey, FYROM, Switzerland, Israel. From 1/1/08 also Albania and Montenegro WHO CAN PARTICIPATE in FP7 ?

  26. PARTICIPATIONMinimum Conditions • General: • 3 independent participants from 3 different Member States (MS) or Associated countries (AC) • Natural persons may participate • JRC may participate and is deemed to be from a different MS or AC (same principles for international European interest organisations and entities established under Community law) • Additional conditions can be established by the work programme (WP) or specific programme (SP) (e.g. number or type of participant, place of establishment)

  27. PARTICIPATIONMinimum Conditions Specific: • Coordination and support actions– minimum of 1 legal entity (except actions to coordinate – minimum 3 legal entities) • Collaborative projects addressing the participation of international cooperation partner countries (ICPC) – minimum is 4 participants of which 2 in MS or AC and 2 in ICPC countries unless otherwise foreseen in work programme • Participation of international organisations and participants from third countries possible, if in addition to minima

  28. Principles of co-financing and no profit Forms of grants (Community Financial contribution): Reimbursement (in whole or in part) of eligible costs is the preferred method Flat rate financing, including scale of unit costs Lump sum financing, in particular as option for participants from ICPC combination possible (ERA-NET scheme) GENERAL PRINCIPLESImplementation and grant agreements

  29. Legal entities from MS and AC or created under Community law (and JRC) International European interest organisations Legal entities established in international cooperation partner countries (ICPC) and International organisations, third countries other than ICPC, if provided for in SP or WP; or essential for carrying out action; or provision for funding is provided for in a bilateral agreement between Community and the third country ELIGIBILITY for Funding

  30. UPPER FUNDING LIMITS (1) Reimbursement of costs: according to the type of organisation, of action and/or activity • Research and technological development activities: up to 50% of eligible costs except for • Public bodies: up to 75% • Secondary and higher education establishments: up to 75% • Research organisations (non-profit): up to 75% • SMEs: up to 75% • Security related research: up to 75%.

  31. Demonstration activities: up to 50% Coordination and support actions: up to 100% Other activities: up to 100% including e.g. Management UPPER FUNDING LIMITS (2)

  32. actual (*) incurred during the duration of project in accordance with the usual accounting principles of beneficiary recorded in the accounts of beneficiary used for the sole purpose of achieving the objectives of the project Non-eligible: identifiable indirect taxes including VAT, duties, interest owed, provisions for future losses or charges, exchange losses, costs declared, incurred or reimbursed in another Community project etc… ELIGIBLE COSTS (1)

  33. (*) Average personnel costs accepted if : are consistent with the management principles and accounting practices do not significantly differ from actual personnel costs, if identified according to a methodology approved by the Commission (NEW) – see the model Grant Agreement ELIGIBLE COSTS (2)

  34. DIRECT/INDIRECT COSTS • eligible costs shall be composed of • Direct costs = attributable directly to the action • Indirect costs = not attributable directly to the action, but which have been incurred in direct relationship with the direct costs • the reimbursement of participants’ costs shall be based on their eligible direct and indirect costs

  35. Principles and flat rates are set out in the model Grant Agreement General: either actual overhead or simplified method flat rate of 20% of direct costs, excluding subcontracting and 3rd parties costs not used on the premises of the beneficiary. Specific: Non-profit Public Bodies, Secondary and Higher Education establishments, Research Organisations and SMEs unable to identify real indirect costs, may opt for a flat rate of 60% of direct costs for funding schemes with RTD (until end of 2009). CSA funding scheme: limit of 7% of direct costs INDIRECT COSTS

  36. replaces the financial collective responsibility managed by the Community represented by the Commission on behalf of the participants – under conditions established by the model Grant Agreement 5 % of the total EC contribution, offset by the EC from the initial pre-financing (returned at the end of the project) However, there is still “collective technical responsibility” of the consortium to carry out the project jointly and severally towards the Community Participant GUARANTEE FUND


  38. ROAD MAP • Publication of the Calls  3rd of September 2008 • Submission of Proposals  specific deadline for each call (Nov’08-Jan’09) • Eligibility and Evaluation criteria • Evaluation process • Evaluation results • Next steps • Redress procedure


  40. Includes Call Fiches for the 2009 Calls Identifies topic(s) specific for each Call Specifies Funding Scheme for each Topic Indicates the selection and evaluation criteria WORK-PROGRAMME: ENERGY-2009

  41. Specific for the Call & Funding Scheme Include description of Funding Schemes State how to submit proposal incl. instructions for Parts A & B (template & page limits) Provide Eligibility criteria as well as Evaluation Criteria Indicate detailed evaluation procedure & timetable GUIDE(S) FOR APPLICANTS

  42. FUNDING SCHEMESRTD-Energy Calls • Collaborative Projects (CP) • Coordination and Support Actions (CSA) • Coordination type (typically in the range of 1-2 M€) • Support type (up to 1 M€)

  43. Electronic submission of proposals in EPSS  CORDIS Fill in Part A proposal details using on-line web form Upload PDF of Part B proposal description Remember to Save and Submit regularly Latest Submission overwrites previous one Don’t wait until last minute! ELECTRONIC PROPOSAL SUBMISSION SYSTEM-EPSS

  44. PART A: Administrative information about the proposal and the participants (On-line web forms) PART B: Scientific & Technical content of proposal Template or list of headings To be uploaded into the EPSS In PDF and within size limit of 10Mbytes To be only submitted electronically by the coordinator using the Commission's EPSS Different templates for one/two stages submission !!! PARTS of PROPOSAL

  45. Does your planned work address the topic(s) open in the call? Is your proposal eligible? Is your proposal complete? Are you applying for the right funding scheme? Does your proposal follow the required structure? Do you have the agreement of all the members of the consortium to submit it on their behalf? BEFORE SUBMITTING YOUR PROPOSAL- Check List

  46. Specific for call and funding scheme Submission of proposal before the deadline Minimum number of eligible, independent participants Completeness of proposal (parts A & B) Scope Others: budget limit, maximum number of pages (part B), etc. – specified in the work-programme ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA Minimum conditions that a proposal must fulfil to be retained for evaluation:

  47. Peer-review carried out by independent experts selected by the Commission Experts selection is based on high level expertise and appropriate competences. Furthermore, academic/industrial balance, as well as geography, gender, « rotation » balances. Experts sign confidentiality and no-conflict of interest declarations Following the Commission “Rules for submission of proposals, and the related evaluation, selection and award procedures” EVALUATION

  48. EVALUATION CRITERIA • Criteria adapted to each funding scheme • indicated in the work programme and in the Guide for applicants • reduced criteria for first stage in a two stages call !!! • Divided into three main criteria: • S&T Quality (including relevance to the topic of the call) • Concept, objective, work-plan • Implementation (operational capacity of participants) • Individual participants and consortium as a whole • Allocation of resources • Impact • Contribution to expected impacts listed in work programme • Plans for dissemination/exploitation

  49. Evaluation shall follow a single stage or a two-stage submission procedure as indicated in the Work Programme Proposal for a two-stage submission: 1st stage: Minimum Participants, all budget under coordinator Part B: Brief outline of the work planned (around 10 pages) 2nd stage: Full proposal (only succesful applicants in the first stage evaluation) EVALUATION PROCEDURE

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