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Single-Payer Health Care Workshop

Single-Payer Health Care Workshop. by the Maine AFL-CIO Health Care Committee. Under HR 676, “The United States National Health Insurance Act,” all people would receive the following benefits:.

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Single-Payer Health Care Workshop

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  1. Single-Payer Health Care Workshop • by the Maine AFL-CIO Health Care Committee

  2. Under HR 676, “The United States National Health Insurance Act,” all people would receive the following benefits: • The program established by H.R. 676 will cover all medically-necessary services without charging co-pays or deductibles. The services covered include: • Primary care • Inpatient and outpatient • Emergency hospital care • Prescription drugs • Durable medical equipment • Hearing, dental and vision care • Chiropractic treatment • Mental health services • Long-term care

  3. How Does it Work • Under HR 676, “The United States National Health Care Act”, we would all pay in to a national health care system through a payroll tax. • This is very much like Medicare. In fact some people like to refer to HR 676 as “expanded and improved Medicare for all”. • Everyone would be covered from cradle to grave with good quality health insurance.

  4. Union Endorsers of HR 676 • HR 676 has been endorsed by 572 union organizations in 49 states. • Endorsers include 134 Central Labor Councils and Area Labor Federations and 39 state AFL-CIO's (KY, PA, CT, OH, DE, ND, WA, SC, WY, VT, FL, WI, WV, SD, NC, MO, MN, ME, AR, MD-DC, TX, IA, AZ, TN, OR, GA, OK, KS, CO, IN, AL, CA , AK, MI, MT, NE, NY, NV & MA). • The following 22 international/national unions have endorsed HR 676: • USW, UAW, NEA, ILWU, NALC, IAM, UA (Plumbers & Pipefitters), AFM (Musicians), UE, CNA/NNOC, SMWIA, IFPTE, OPEIU, UTU, SEIU, AFT, AFSCME, CSEA (California School Employees Association), UWUA, CWA, IATSE, & AFGE.

  5. How Does this Benefit Workers? • The leading cause of strikes in the US is negotiations over health care benefits. • When health care is off the table we can negotiate wages and working conditions. • We are covered if we get hurt or sick, we are covered if we are laid off, and we are covered when we want to retire.

  6. How can we afford to cover everyone? • Our current system of private insurance is incredibly wasteful. Typical private health insurance companies spend between 25 and 30 Cents for every dollar on non-health care related items like; advertising, bloated CEO salaries, profits, and paper shuffling. Medicare, on the other hand, spends less than 3 Cents for every dollar on non-health care related items. It is estimated that the creation of a Universal Single Payer Health Care system would save the country 400-600 Billion Dollars per year in administrative savings. • By covering everyone and providing them with access to a primary care physician, we will reduce the strain on our emergency rooms which is where many uninsured people are forced to go for health care. Seeking health care in emergency rooms is a very expensive and inefficient. • Under a Universal Single Payer Health Care system we expect to see significant savings in; workers compensation rates and car insurance rates. We also believe that we could see significant savings for municipalities and state and federal governments.

  7. Won’t people who work in the insurance industry lose their jobs if we pass single payer? • Under HR 676, “The United States National Health Insurance Act” insurance companies would be prohibited from providing the same coverage and benefits provided by HR 676. Many health insurance companies would have to retool their companies or would end up going out of business. However, there are provisions in HR 676 that: • Provide funding for the retraining of health insurance workers. • Give priority status to health insurance workers to be rehired to help administer our new single payer system. • Allow insurance companies to provide insurance not covered by “The United States National Health Insurance Act”. In fact private health insurance companies exist in many countries that have single payer systems like, Canada and Great Britain.

  8. Why don’t more businesses support single payer? • We still have a lot of work to do to educate all people about the benefits of a Universal Single Payer Health Care system including business owners. • Many organizations that claim to support businesses like, the Chamber of Commerce are only interested in pursuing the narrow interests of America’s largest corporations like Health Insurance and Pharmaceutical Corporations. • There has been so much misinformation about the role of government in our health care system that many people are scared off by the idea of a single payer system. • There are businesses that support a single payer system. Maine People’s Alliance has signed up over 1300 small businesses that support the creation of a single payer system.

  9. Paying for single payer with a payroll tax doesn’t seem fair. Doesn’t that punish those that make more money? • Most workers will save under a single payer system. A 3.3% payroll tax is typically much less than the cost of private health insurance premiums. • Historically union members have helped to improve conditions for all workers. Providing all people with quality health care would put more power in the hands of workers. • The leading cause of strikes in the United States has to do with negotiations over health care benefits. When we all have a guarantee to health insurance we can focus negotiations on wages and working conditions. • A payroll tax ensures that all people pay in to the system but that their contribution is proportional to their income level.

  10. Cost Sheet

  11. Health Care Costs Now and Under HR676 - The United States National Health Insurance Act • Teacher SAD 60 Spouse Plan - one person working - income $53,000 • Now: • Employer Total ..........................$14,862 • Worker Total................................$5,686 • Grand Total................................$20,548 • Under HR676: • Employer Total.............................$2,517.50 • Worker Total................................$2,517.50 • Grand Total..................................$5,035.00 • Savings under HR676............................$15,512.91

  12. Health Care Costs Now and Under HR676 - The United States National Health Insurance Act • Postal Worker Family Plan - two people working - income $100,000. • Now: • Employer Total ..........................$18,750 • Worker Total................................$6161 • Grand Total................................$24,911 • Under HR676 • Employer Total.............................$4,750 • Worker Total................................$4,750 • Grand Total..................................$9,500 • Savings under HR676............................$15,411

  13. Health Care Costs Now and Under HR676 - The United States National Health Insurance Act • State Employee (1st year) Individual plan - • one person working - income $29,411 • Now: • Employer Total ..........................$9,334 • Worker Total................................$519 • Grand Total................................$9,853 • Under HR676 • Employer Total.............................$1,393 • Worker Total................................$1,393 • Grand Total..................................$2,786 • Savings under HR676..............................$7,066

  14. Explanation of How to Get Healthcare Cost of Workers Compensation • Health care costs account for 53% of workers compensation cost. Under a Single Payer national health insurance system there would be significant savings to workers compensation costs. To figure out the savings, first find out the workers compensation rate for your company or your industry (ask your company or see attached sheet). The comp rates are based on $100 of wages. • The health insurance side of the workers’ comp rate is determined by multiplying the comp rate by .53, then by using that number as a percent and multiply in by your wage.

  15. Explanation of How to Get Healthcare Cost of Workers Compensation • For Example: • The MEMIC insurance rate for local trucking is $21.03 per $100 of wages. Multiply the insurance rate ($21.03) by 53% (or 0.53) . • 21.03 x 53% = 11.43 • This number is the portion of a person’s wages that makes up the costs of health insurance associated with workers’ compensation. That means the trucker just has to find 11.43% (or .1143) of his wages. • $50,000 x 11.43% = $5715 • This dollar amount is the total the trucker’s employer spends each year on health care costs associated with workers’ compensation.

  16. Demand Congress Pass a Single Payer Bill • Demand that Congress passes THE WEINER AMENDMENT to HR 3200 and maintain the KUCINICH AMENDMENT that lets states start their own single payer programs, • Call Congressman Mike Michaud today!!! At 202-225-6306 • Hi my name is __________, from Local _______, I am calling to ask Congressman Michaud to support the Weiner Amendment to HR 3200 and the Kucinich Amendment that lets States start their own Single Payer systems.

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