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Determine the Subject of a Sentence. 主语的确定. By 陈烽. 汉英主谓结构的差异. “ 在汉语里 , (主谓)这种句子 ( 即使把被动的动作也算进去 , 把‘是’也算进去 ) 的比例是不大的 , 也许比 50% 大不了多少。因此 , 把 主语、谓语 当作 话题和说明 来看待 , 比较合适。” —— 赵元任 《 汉语口语语法 》. 主题 VS. 主语. 汉语是“注重 主题 的语言” ( topic-prominent language)
Determine the Subject of a Sentence 主语的确定 By 陈烽
汉英主谓结构的差异 “在汉语里, (主谓)这种句子(即使把被动的动作也算进去,把‘是’也算进去)的比例是不大的,也许比50%大不了多少。因此, 把主语、谓语当作话题和说明来看待,比较合适。”—— 赵元任《汉语口语语法》
主题VS.主语 • 汉语是“注重主题的语言” (topic-prominent language) • 英语是“注重主语的语言” (subject-prominent language )
马上骑着两个人。 On the horse were riding two people. 上面坐着主席团。 On the platform were sitting the members of the presidium. 这锅饭够十个人的。 Ten people can feed on this pot of rice. This pot of rice can feed ten people.
钱不用还了。 You don’t have to pay it back/repay the money. 说的是古代的一个老头,名叫愚公。 The story is about an old man named Yugong in ancient times. 从他那儿总能找到解决问题的办法。 You can always turn to him for a solution.
被人缠上是件讨厌的事儿。 It is annoying to be pestered/troubled. 老子打儿子, 天经地义。 It is perfectly justified for a father to beat his own son. 给国家纳税是天经地义的事。 It is right and proper that we should pay taxes to the state.
英语的七大主要主语 • 施动主语 (agentive subject): Susan is growing flowers. • 受动主语 (affected subject): Her books translate well. • 工具主语 (instrumental subject): A stone broke the glass. • 地点主语 (locative subject): The jar contains honey.
时间主语 (temporal subject): Yesterday was Monday. • 事件主语 (eventive subject): The dispute over the problem lasted a decade. • “it”作主语,表时间、气候、距离或形式主语: It is very late. It’s very hot in summer here. It is impossible to finish the paper in ten minutes.
如何确定主语 • 理解全句 • 找出话题 • 用对等词语 • 或易词而译 • 或补充主语 • 考虑语言规范的差异 • 考虑思维视角的差异 • 上下文的呼应与衔接
主语选择的原则 无主句必须添加必要的主语 必须是句中应该突出的信息 必须符合英美人的思维视角 必须符合英语的逻辑搭配习惯 必须符合行文连贯的需要
1. 无主句翻译,添加必要的主语 • 好极了。 • It is wonderful. • 改革开放胆子要大一些,要敢于试验。 • When it comes to reform and opening-up, we must be courageous enough to venture on experiments.
3. 只可惜宫粉涂不平脸上的皱纹,看起来好像驴粪蛋上下了霜。 • Unfortunately powder could not smooth over her wrinkled face; it looked like a frosted donkey turd. • Unfortunately powder could not smooth over her wrinkled face. It only made it look like a frosted donkey turd.
4. 北静王笑道:名不虚传,果然如“宝”似“玉”。 • “You live up to your name,” remarked the prince. “You are really 1ike precious jade.” 5. 得第一名获金牌,第四名什么也拿不到。 • Whoever comes first wins a gold medal whereas the one who comes fourth gets nothing.
汉语中用时间、地点、工具作表面主语 • 昨晚抓住了三个小偷。 • Three thieves were caught last night. • 校园东头盖了一栋房。 • A house has been built on the east of the campus. • 两把菜刀闹革命。 • His revolution started with kitchen knives.
大多数高校已将权利下放给系主任。 • In most colleges and universities,the decision-making rights have been given to department heads. • 明年将出版更多的儿童读物。 • More books for children will be published next year.
2. 主语必须是句中应突出的信息 • 这次国家调动了160万军队去帮助守护大堤,将被洪水淹没地区的百姓迁走。 • 1.6 million troops have been mobilized to help protect the dikes and to move people out of areas being flooded.
2. 到去年年底,上海已与好几个国家签订了建造拉索桥的合同或协议。 • By the end of last year,contracts or agreements were signed with some countries for the construction of chain bridges in Shanghai. 3. 上海采取了一系列的优惠政策来吸引外资。 • A series of preferential policies have been adopted in Shanghai to attract foreign investment.
报告的其他部分没有提到这一点。 • This point was not mentioned elsewhere in his report. • 在未来的许多岁月里,人民都会感受到洪灾对中国经济的总体影响。 • The overall effect of the flood on China's economy will be felt for many years to come. • 热烈欢迎世界各地客商来此建立和发展贸易关系。 • Customers all over the world are warmly welcome to establish and develop business contacts with us.
汉语:强调主体意识: 常以有生命的、具体的名词或代词作主语 多用主动语态和无主句 英语:强调客观,注重客观事物对人的影响,无生命、抽象的名词作主语比汉语中多: “无灵主语” (inanimate subject),表示抽象概念、心理感觉、事物名称或时间地点等 “有灵动词” (animate verb),表示人或社会团体的动作和行为 3. 主语必须符合英美人的思维视角
找工作处处碰壁,搞得我心乱如麻。 • MY job-hunting has failed again and again and it upset me terribly. • see,find,bring,give,escape,surround,kill,deprive,seize,send,know,tell,permit,invite,take,drive,prevent. . . from
我昨天收到你的信。 • Your letter reached me yesterday 这时我激动得说不出话来。 • Words failed me here. 我一时记不起他的名字。 • His name escaped me.
他们害怕起来,而且越来越害怕。 • Then fear set in and commenced to build up. 不同的人对退休持不同的态度。 • Attitudes towards retirement vary from person to person. 她从来没想到他是个不诚实的人。 • It never occurred to her that he was a dishonest man.
他两天就抽完了一包烟。 • A pack of cigarettes lasts him only two days. 他突然发现地毯上有个深色斑点。 • A dark stain on the carpet caught his eyes/suddenly attracted his attention.
A. 表示条件、原因等的词语作主语 走廊的地毯厚厚的,我走在上面,一点脚步声也没有。 • The thick carpet on the corridor killed the sound of my footsteps. 没有几天的工夫,商店里的货就抢购光了。 • Within days, panic buying emptied store shelves. 由于计划不周,他不仅浪费了时间,而且浪费了所有钱。 • Poor planning wasted all his money as well as his time.
B. 表示时间、地点的词语作主语,同时谓语改为 see, witness, find 等 1998年召开了九届一次全国代表大会。 • The year 1998 witnessed the convocation of the 1st Session of the 9th National People’s Congress. 南京发生过许多重大的历史事件。 • Nanjing witnessed many great historic events.
C. 用 “there be” 句型取代原文主语 他今天的举止有些反常。 • There is something strange about his behavior today. 这个事件不象看上去的那样简单。 • There is more to the incident than it seems to be. 新工作不见得比原先的工作强。 • There is no guarantee that the new job will be better than the old one.
4. 主语必须符合英语的逻辑搭配习惯 • 汉英主谓搭配习惯不同 • 汉语的主语≠英语的主语 • 汉语:拟人法—英语:修辞的毛病 • 他的英语讲的很好。 • His English speaks good. • He speaks good English.
我们的事业从胜利走向新的胜利。 • A series of victories have been won for our cause. • 我国的社会主义建设事业需要尽可能多的知识分子为它服务。 • China needs the service of as many intellectuals as possible in building socialism. • 任何新生事物的成长都是要经过艰难曲折的。 • Any thingemergent is bound to experience difficulties and setbacks before it reaches maturity.
读书可以增长知识。 • Through reading one can acquire knowledge. • 宗教不得干预政治。 • It is impermissible to interfere with politics in the name of religion. • 汉字在历史上有过不可磨灭的功绩。 • The system of Chinese characters has played an invaluable role in our history.
5. 主语必须符合行文连贯的需要 • 根据上下文确定主语:英语的主语在连词成句、连句成篇、承上启下的过程中起着举足轻重的作用 • 汉语:相邻几句的主语可以不一样,大量的流水句。 • 英语:平行一致原则 (parallelism):为了保持连贯,通过避免重复原词,使用照应和替代的方式来衔接上下文
一天,父亲来封快信,上面说:“顷得汝岳丈电报……”一天,父亲来封快信,上面说:“顷得汝岳丈电报……” • One day an express letter came from his father. It read as follows: “I have just received a telegram from your father-in-1aw.” • 语言这东西不是随便可以学好的,非下苦功不可。 • The mastery of language is not easy and requires painstaking effort.
五十年代初期,美国企图征服朝鲜,但是中朝军民共同努力,最后打败了他们。五十年代初期,美国企图征服朝鲜,但是中朝军民共同努力,最后打败了他们。 • In the early 1950s, the US tried to conquer Korea, but finally were defeated by the joint efforts of the army of the people of Korea and China. • 我父亲狂热地追求绘画,绘画已成了他生活的一切,要比母亲,比他的孩子,甚至比他自己都更为重要。 • For my father, painting was a governing passion. It came before Mother, before his children and even before himself.
Practice • 希望今后北京能够与更多的外国城市结为友好城市。 • It is hoped that Beijing will establish friendly relations with more foreign cities in the future. • 我知道你要说服他放弃那个计划是很困难的。 • I know it is difficult for you to persuade him out of the plan.
她从来没想过他会来。 • It never occurred to her that he would come. • 下的是倾盆大雨。 • It is raining cats and dogs. • 2001年中国成功加入世贸。 • The year 2001 saw China’s entry into WTO. • 我给你打国际直拨就跟给楼下的李姐打电话差不多,一拨就通。 • An international phone call to you is as easy as a call to Sister Li downstairs.
…… 到去年年底,我部已同有关省市签订了100余艘中小船舶的建造合同和协议。 • By the end of last year, contracts and agreements were signed with some provinces and cities for the construction of more than 100 medium-and small-sized vessels. • 想到要出国深造,他就激动不已。 • The idea that he would go abroad for further study made him greatly excited.
另一些人则对一生中这样 一个重大变动早有准备。 他们一生为工作操劳,现在筋疲力尽了,渴望退休后能放松拉紧的弦,好好休息。由于不再需要每天早晨去赶公共汽车了,不再要为晋级忧虑。就可以有足够的时间去追求童年时的梦想,如写写书、画画图、种种花、周游各地。
Attitudes towards retirement vary from person to person. Some people think that they will enjoy their time in retirement. But when it does come, they may feel a little disappointed. Unwilling to resign themselves to the prospect of being put on the scrap heap, they try to seek alternative outlets for their energies and alternative sources of income that employment can provide.
Others have already prepared themselves for the significant change in their lives. Tired out after all exhausting life revolving around work, they are anxious to relax in retirement with all the strains relieved. As there is no more need to rush to catch a morning bus and no more anxiety about promotion, they now have enough time to fulfill an old dream, such as writing, painting, growing flowers and traveling around.
有这样一个故事。 有人问:世界上什么东西的气力最大?回答纷纭的很,有的说“象”,有的说“狮”,有人开玩笑似的说:是“金刚”,金刚有多少气力,当然大家全不知道。 结果,这一切答案完全不对,世界上气力最大的,是植物的种子。一粒种子所可以显现出来的力,简直是超越—切。这儿又是一个故事。 人的头盖骨,结合得非常致密与坚固,生理学家和解剖学者用尽了一切的方法,要把它完整地分出来,都没有这种力气,后来忽然有人发明了一个方法,就是把一些植物的种子放在要剖析的头盖骨里,给它以温度与湿度,使它发芽,一发芽,这些种子便以可怕的力量,将一切机械力所不能分开的骨骼,完整地分开了,植物种子力量之大,如此如此。