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The SUN. The light giver. http://www.bnsc.gov.uk/assets/channels/education/ae/sun_main.jpg. The suns begging life. T he stellar nursery. This is where the star process starts. http://a52.g.akamaitech.net/f/52/827/1d/www.space.com/images/071228-protostar-jets-02.jpg. The protostar.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. The SUN The light giver

  2. http://www.bnsc.gov.uk/assets/channels/education/ae/sun_main.jpghttp://www.bnsc.gov.uk/assets/channels/education/ae/sun_main.jpg The suns begging life

  3. The stellar nursery This is where the star process starts

  4. http://a52.g.akamaitech.net/f/52/827/1d/www.space.com/images/071228-protostar-jets-02.jpghttp://a52.g.akamaitech.net/f/52/827/1d/www.space.com/images/071228-protostar-jets-02.jpg The protostar The protostar is part of the suns life.

  5. The sun 4.2 million Before the sun was discovered

  6. http://www.jmuzacz.com/resources/_wsb_507x369_red+giant.jpg The Red Giant The biggest star in space and it is way bigger than our sun.

  7. The planetary nebulla This is when the sun explodes. http://www.archturia.com/images/nebulla.jpg

  8. The white dwarf This is a bigger size of the white dwarf http://www.celestiamotherlode.net/catalog/images/screenshots/various/extrasolar_stars_White_Dwarf_Sirius_B_1__Frank_Gregorio.jpg

  9. Black dwarf This is a small black dwarf http://www.dorlingkindersley-uk.co.uk/static/clipart/uk/dk/sci_space/image_sci_space013.jpg

  10. Another way that the could go.

  11. This is a huge star The huge star is about 1.5 times the size of our sun http://www.sciencenewsforkids.org/articles/20071031/a1590_1297.4.rc.fob.jpg

  12. this is a red super giant A red giant is a hole lot bigger than our sun http://www.daviddarling.info/images/redsupergiant2.gif

  13. This is a super nova http://www.williamsclass.com/EighthScienceWork/ImagesEighth/SuperNovaReminant.jpg

  14. This is a Neutron star A neutron star is smaller then Earth http://science.nationalgeographic.com/staticfiles/NGS/Shared/StaticFiles/Science/Images/Content/neutron-star-magnetar-ga.jpg

  15. This is a Black hole A black hole can suck anything in to it that’s near it http://seedmagazine.com/news/2006/07/what_if_black_holes_didnt_exis.php

  16. http://www.geocities.com/dpeczek/Sun_Life_Cycle.jpg The life of the sun The life of a sun

  17. The life cycle for any star

  18. http://www.enchantedlearning.com/sgifs/Starlifecycle.GIF

  19. The End http://quatchwatch.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/08/camel-spider-01-2.jpg http://pantsshrapnel.com/images/questionmark.jpg

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