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Spectral Image Enhancement Techniques and Applications

Explore various methods like histogram equalization, tone curve adjustments, and color compositing for enhancing spectral images efficiently. Learn about reflectance spectra and vegetation indices.

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Spectral Image Enhancement Techniques and Applications

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Chapter 11Image Enhancement andFeature Extraction:Spectral Information

  2. Example of a tone curve for a functional conversion

  3. An example of linear conversion (image: MTSAT-1R)

  4. An example of linear conversion (Image: Landsat/TM) provided by JAXA

  5. Tone curve of Piece-wise linear conversion

  6. Triangle wave conversion (1) Tone curve of the triangle waveconversion (3) Output image (2) Input image

  7. Continuous function conversion (in case of logarithmic function) (1) Tone curve of the continuous function (2) Input image (3) Output image

  8. An example of decorrelation stretch (2)Output image after decorrelation stretch (1)Input image(B:B1, G:B2, R:B3) (image: IKONOS) provided by JSI

  9. Histogram of gray level

  10. An example of histogram equalization (1)Dark image (2) Bright image (3) Histogram equalization (4) Histogram of the image (1) (5) Histogram of the image (2) (6) Histogram of the image (3)

  11. Concept of pseudo color

  12. An example of pseudo color (b) Pseudo color image (a)Input image

  13. Concept of color composite

  14. Difference between false color and natural color False color image Natural color image (image: MESSR, JAXA/TRIC)

  15. True color image composite (image: IKONOS, JSI)

  16. Typical reflectance spectra major land surface objects seasonal change of reflectance spectra in a rice canopy Note) Wavelength regions around 1430 nm and 1950 nm are missing due to strong absorption by water vapor in the atmosphere.

  17. Reflectance spectra A wheat leaf with different relative water content The relationship between leaf water content and a ratio spectral index R800/R1650 using reflectance at 800 nm and 1650 nm wavelengths

  18. Conceptual implications and categories of spectral vegetation indices using reflectance data in red (R) and near-infrared (NIR) wavebands

  19. Reflectance spectra (upper) and first derivative spectra (lower)- example for a luxuriant rice canopy -

  20. A contour map of coefficient of determination (r2) between grain protein content and the normalized difference spectral indices (NDSIs) using the combinations of two wavelengths on x and y axes Notes) The white arrow indicates the optimal NDSI (550, 970). The red ovalcorresponds to the location of NDVI using R (660±30 nm) and NIR (830±70 nm) of Landsat TM.

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