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What did the spring faculty survey really tell us?

What did the spring faculty survey really tell us?. Richard Cornell, Professor Emeritus, UCF Visiting Scholar, Wenzao Cheng Chang Pan Assistant Professor, UT Brownsville Data Analyst. Happy to be with you again!. Agenda: Summary of faculty assessment results

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What did the spring faculty survey really tell us?

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  1. What did the spring faculty survey really tell us? Richard Cornell, Professor Emeritus, UCF Visiting Scholar, Wenzao Cheng Chang Pan Assistant Professor, UT Brownsville Data Analyst

  2. Happy to be with you again! • Agenda: • Summary of faculty assessment results • Really nice things contained in it • Some issues YOU brought to the table • What can WE do to address these issues • Your input • Summary from Wo • We are done for this day…see you soon

  3. A Caveat or two…and a question • Percentages given have been rounded off to the next whole number • Of a total population of 410 + or -, 134 faculty participated • Would the overall results be much different had all faculty returned the questionnaires?

  4. Faculty Demographics You are… • Half of those surveyed are male • 75% are between age 30-49 • 80% are Mandarin speakers • 70% work full-time at Wenzao • 80% have not worked anywhere but here • 134 faculty members completed the survey

  5. Two Surveys for the Price of One • Survey 1 – 39 questions about you and your understanding and use of instructional resources, facilities, instructional design concepts, and related activities. • Survey 2 – 18 questions related to how you related to, perceived, and benefited from the Instructional Excellence Project since it began in 2006. (Will discuss this topic at a later session)

  6. Survey One said… • Chinese is favored by most, followed by English, French, Japanese, Spanish, “Other” (German?), and Dutch • 15 different departments/areas represented, 7 of which were allied to languages • 3 were professors, 19 Associate Professors, 29 Assistant Professors, and the rest lecturers or contract teachers

  7. It said that… • 25 of you worked elsewhere before Wenzao • 73% are familiar with “I.T.” 42% read about it, over 90% know and use Word, less than half know Excel with a third using it; while 80+% of you know and use (love?) Power Point! • You have taught for various numbers of years, ranging from 3 to more than 20.

  8. That your tech knowledge and use varies… • Your knowledge and use of the web for instruction, be it for teaching, drill and practice, testing, conducting surveys, interacting with others, and authoring…varies with some being active web users across the spectrum of applications while most use it at a survival mode. • The same may be said for knowledge and use of digital…media, audio, video, and animation.

  9. And… • Many of you upload instructional and support content, use the E-course for group discussion, assign homework, with a few using it to test, survey, and as a chat room. • 19 of you indicated you do not use the E-course platform…hmm… • Your use of the classroom technology podium ranges from often to none, depending on the use, i.e., when it is available, with Power Point, projecting films, the E-course website, listening to audio, demonstrating software, etc.

  10. Your use of other media in class… • Computer use is low • Your use of DVD’s, VHS players, cassette recorders, I-Pods, television, overhead projection, document cameras and flip charts is increasing as is white boards, and realia (real objects), is significant for about half the faculty, again depending on format.

  11. It is clear that… • Technology has had a definite impact upon your use of it in the classroom but…a surprising number of you find it difficult to integrate its use within the lesson rather than as a stand-alone source of information.

  12. Your preferred teaching methods are… • Lectures 83%; Online instruction 39%; Discussion 62%; Drill and practice 47% Cooperative activities 39%; Discovery learning 28%; Gaming 23%; Tutorials 33%; Use demonstrations 26%; Problem solving 42%; Simulations 13%; Case studies 19% and Other methods (???) 7% • And what we conclude from this is…?

  13. Instructional design techniques are… • Known by about half of you, used by about a third, and… • Used in needs assessment 55%; audience assessment 48%; Used when designing learning objects 53%; Considered in the classroom learning environment 30%; Included in content design 70%; Factored into assessment 42%; Included when developing strategies and activities 49%; When designing instruction 60%; In formative evaluation 45%; Summative evaluation 47%; and Revising your instruction 42% • Implications then are…???

  14. The difficulties you faced included… • Motivation 75% • Effective teaching 68% • Pre-requisites 55% • Insufficient time 34% • Insufficient knowledge 28% • Language Proficiency 28% • Classroom facilities 13% • Large class size 5% • Teaching load 4% • Other 11%

  15. Eleven supports you found useful… • Computing 56% • Class schedule 54% • Instructional Technology consulting 41% • Troubleshooting 40% • Library 36% • Rules and regulations 35% • Tutors 19% • Physical plant 18% • Test management 15% • Materials 8% • Personnel 8% • Support received 78%

  16. About the Center for Faculty Development • 47% of you are familiar with the CFD • Used: AV Converter 32%; Computer at CFD 28%; Consultation room 14%; CFD Computer room 11%; Audio studio 11%; Consulting room 8%; Video studio 2%; IT None of these 40% • Times used: Less than once a month 75%; Once a month 10%; Twice a month 4%; Once each week 6%; More than twice each week 4%

  17. What or how you used the CFD • I.T. Consultation 34% • Multi-media 24% • Professional Development 22% • Web-based Instruction 20% • As a new faculty member 19% • Film 5% • Photography 4% • Checked out one or more of above resources or services (sans new faculty) 35%

  18. Things that interest you… • Software 59% • Hardware 49% • Curriculum Design 44% • Teaching Strategies 41% • Instructional Design (ISD) 39% • Motivation 37% • Action Research 34% • Classroom Management 31% • Counseling 13% • Administrative Rules 10% • School Vision 10% • Other 6%

  19. Our CFD Programs • Attended 59% • Found useful 93% • Favorite programs attended: • E-teaching 52% • Professional Development 33% • Exchange programs 27% • Excellence in Education 23%

  20. Interest in Future Programs • Professional Development, Services 27% • Whole Person concepts 24% • Research 6% • Professional Development, Teaching 4%

  21. What can Wenzao do to help you? • Your input

  22. Some closing thoughts • You work hard for your students and for Wenzao • There remains great potential for better faculty development to be utilized • Let the CFD really get to know YOU and vice versa • Technology integrated into the curriculum works • If technology is the solution, what is the problem? (Ely, 1998)

  23. Thank you! I look forward to seeing you at future faculty forums where YOU are the focus

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