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Augmenting the MERLOT Tradition with Multi-User Virtual Environments: A Guided Tour

The MERLOT International Conference, New Orleans, October 9, 2007. Augmenting the MERLOT Tradition with Multi-User Virtual Environments: A Guided Tour. By Sabine Lawless-Reljic, real life host Dr. Brock Allen, Second Life host San Diego State University, CA. Agenda.

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Augmenting the MERLOT Tradition with Multi-User Virtual Environments: A Guided Tour

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Presentation Transcript

  1. The MERLOT International Conference, New Orleans, October 9, 2007 Augmenting the MERLOT Tradition with Multi-User Virtual Environments:A Guided Tour By Sabine Lawless-Reljic, real life host Dr. Brock Allen, Second Life host San Diego State University, CA

  2. Agenda • Seriously Engaging… (in-world + slide 3) • …And Seriously Researched (slides 4 &5) • MUVEs: What and Why (slides 6, 7, 8) • Meet instructional designer and instructor, Cathy Arreguin (in-world) • “Challenging traditional concepts”, Dr. Allen (in-world) • Q&A (in-world) • Resources (slides 9, 10, 11)

  3. New Media Consortium “NMC Campus: Seriously Engaging”

  4. Science 27 July 2007:Vol. 317. no. 5837, pp. 472 – 476The Scientific Research Potential of Virtual Worlds, by William Sims Bainbridge Social scientists and computer scientists meet at the intersection of virtual worlds. These virtual worlds, such as Second Life and World of Warcraft, provide new resources and approaches for research in political science, sociology, and economics. *** http://www.sciencemag.org/content/vol317/issue5837/cover.dtl

  5. Technology Review (MIT), July/August 2007: Current issue Second Earth, by Wade Roush The World Wide Web will soon be absorbed into the World Wide Sim: an environment combining elements of Second Life and Google Earth. *** http://www.technologyreview.com/

  6. Multi-User Virtual Environments • Genres *Action *Puzzle *Educational *Fighting/combat *Sports *Racing *Role-play/adventure *Flight *Shoot’em *Platform games *Business *Board *Word *General entertainment *Fantasy violence *Human violence *Non-violent sports *Sports violence *Simulation games • Types

  7. The World Wide Web • Web 1.0: • static documents • Print-centric 20th century library • Web 2.0: (action through the web) • social internet (interactive, customized, social, and media intensive) • Multilayered media databases, software programs running inside web browsers, high-volume community forums, social search tools • Web 3.0: (virtual environment and interaction through objects and people) • web of data and object-like constructs with which users engage directly through object manipulation interfaces and metaphors • Web-browsing with 3D experience

  8. Information Objects list Sharing objects: http://www.technogogy.org.uk/passing_notes.html

  9. Q&A by the lake Follow-up Meeting Friday, August 17th, 10:00 a.m. PST SDSU EdTech Virtual Building, upstairs classroom San Diego Second Life Pioneers, Meadowbrook 218, 84, 23

  10. Contact Information Sabine Lawless-Reljic(SL: Willow Shenlin) sabine@reljic.com Dr. Brock Allen (SL: Doxbrox Allen) brock.allen@sdsu.edu Consulting: Cathy Arreguin (SL: Mari Asturias), cathy_arreguin@mac.com

  11. Suggested locations

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