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www.merlot.org. What is MERLOT?. M ultimedia E ducational R esource for L earning and O nline T eaching. Free and Open Resource Links to Online Learning Materials Peer Review Assignments. What Can I Do With Merlot?. Browse the Collection or Search for Materials

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Presentation Transcript

  1. www.merlot.org

  2. What is MERLOT? Multimedia Educational Resource for Learning and Online Teaching • Free and Open Resource • Links to Online Learning Materials • Peer Review • Assignments

  3. What Can I Do With Merlot? • Browse the Collection or Search for Materials • Members May Add Materials, Comments and Assignments • Membership is FREE

  4. Who Provides Material? • Community of People Involved in Education • Professional Information Available • Usually Faculty, Staff, Students, or Administrators at Higher Education Institutions • No Affiliation with an Educational Institution is Required • Peer Reviews by Qualified Faculty in the Discipline • Comments and Assignments by Members

  5. Institutional Partners Project Directors’ Council Peer Review Editorial Board Discipline Co-Editors' Council Administrative Team Transition Advisory Board Who Maintains MERLOT?Collaborative Effort of a Consortiumof Higher Education Institutions

  6. How Do I Find Material? • BROWSE the Collection by Subject – Arts – Mathematics – Business – Science and Technology – Education – Social Sciences – Humanities • Use SEARCH Option – Title – Rating – Author – Item Type – Date Entered • RECENT ADDITIONS Link Under Highlights

  7. Where Do I Access Material? • Learning Material is Not Stored at Site Not Responsible for Content Try to Keep Links Current • MERLOT only provides: description comments peer reviews assignments

  8. How Do I Use Material? • To View Learning Material - Click the Link • Check for Licensing Regulations or Costs • Some Materials are FREE • Others Have Usage Restrictions or Costs • Copy and Paste the URL

  9. Detail View

  10. Peer Review

  11. Peer Review (cont’d)

  12. Member Comments

  13. Communities

  14. Special Interest Communities • Resources for groups of people supporting online learning • Teaching Well Online (TWO) • Focuses on effective planning for using online resources in teaching and learning. • Community of Academic Technology Staff (CATS) • Sharing tools, methods and expertise among academic support staff

  15. Teaching Well Online • Assessment and Evaluation • Instructional Material Design • Learner Support • Selecting Technologies • Teaching Strategies

  16. Example: Principles of Online Design • Found under Assessment and Evaluation • Sort by “Item Type” • Go to Page 3. • Last item on page. • www.fgcu.edu/onlinedesign/newchecklist/

  17. Example: Syllabus Tutorial • Found under “Instructional Material Design” • 4th on the list. • http://www1.umn.edu/ohr/teachlearn/syllabus/index.html

  18. Contact Us Jon Cottrell cottrell@fdu.edu Joy McDonald jmcdonal@fdu.edu

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