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School-Wide Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (SWPBIS)

Join our NEPBIS School-Wide Team Training Day 1 led by expert trainers. Learn about SWPBIS critical features, evidence-based interventions, and behavior support continuum. Establish leadership teams, staff agreements, and action plans. Organize for the upcoming year with tools provided. Understand why SWPBIS works and how to implement it successfully. Be part of a respectful and supportive training environment that promotes positive school discipline and climate. Evaluation plan available for tracking progress. Don't miss out on this opportunity to enhance your school's behavioral interventions!

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School-Wide Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (SWPBIS)

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  1. School-Wide Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (SWPBIS) Northeast PBIS (NEPBIS) School-Wide Team Training Day 1 INSERT TRAINER NAMES with support from Brandi Simonsen, Jen Freeman, Susannah Everett, & George Sugai

  2. Advance Organizer • Overview of NEPBIS School-Wide Training • Overview of PBIS/SWPBIS • Why SWPBIS? • What is SWPBIS? • Critical Features • Evidence Based Behavioral Interventions • Continuum of Behavior Support • SWPBIS Team Implementation Process • Getting Started with SWPBIS (steps 1-3) • Action Planning

  3. Tier 1 Leadership Team & Coaches Meetings • YEAR 1 • YEAR 2 • YEAR 3+ • Tier 2 Training will also be offered to schools implementing Tier 1 with fidelity.

  4. MAIN TRAINING OBJECTIVES • Establish leadership team • Establish staff agreements • Build working knowledge of SWPBIS outcomes, data, practices, and systems • Develop individualized action plan for SWPBIS • Organize for upcoming school year

  5. Training Expectations: RESPECT…

  6. Tools! School-Wide PBIS Workbook and Appendices

  7. 1. Overview of SWPBIS 2. Getting Started with SWPBIS 3. Non-classroom Settings 4. Classroom Settings 5. Building Behavioral Capacity

  8. Tools! School-Wide PBIS Workbook and Appendices nepbis.org pbis.org

  9. pbis.org nepbis.org

  10. Tools! School-Wide PBIS Workbook and Appendices nepbis.org pbis.org Evaluation Plan

  11. See evaluation plan… …in your materials on nepbis.org

  12. Tools! School-Wide PBIS Workbook and Appendices nepbis.org pbis.org Evaluation Plan Action Plan

  13. Activity:Please Enter Attendance • 1 min • Please login on nepbis.org, go to the coaches’ tab, and click on the Team Training Attendance Link. Follow prompts to enter team attendance.

  14. Legend New Content Review Guidelines +Ex -Ex Activity Training Organization

  15. Legend Section Header (I.A) Chapter Header (e.g., I)

  16. Overview of School-wide Positive Behavior SupportS(Chapter i)

  17. Why SWPBIS? I.A

  18. Why SWPBIS? I.A.i

  19. “Teaching” by Getting Tough Runyon: “I hate this f____ing school, & you’re a dumbf_____.” Teacher: “That is disrespectful language. I’m sending you to the office so you’ll learn never to say those words again….starting now!”

  20. Immediate & seductive solution…. “Get Tough!” • Give initial “aversive” consequence • Say “no” • Remove privilege • Send to “think seat” ...Predictable individual response Some students’ behaviors improve (“respond” ); Other students’ behaviors continue… I.A.i

  21. Reactive responses are predictable…. When we experience aversive situation, we want select interventions that produce immediate relief • Remove student • Remove ourselves • Modify physical environment • Assign responsibility for change to student &/or others I.A.i

  22. When behavior still doesn’t improve, we “Get Tougher!” • Give additional and more “aversive” consequences • Repeat “NO” louder • Move closer and point • Complete ODR • Threaten and establish bottom line • Send to in-school detention Again, some students’ behaviors improve (“respond” ); Other students’ behaviors continue… I.A.i

  23. When behavior still doesn’t improve, we “Get Even Tougher!” • Increase intensity, frequency, and duration of “aversive” consequences • Zero tolerance policies • Increased monitoring and security • Physically assist or intervene • Give out of school suspension Behavior escalates in intensity, frequency, and duration to levels that interfere with teaching and learning I.A.i

  24. Erroneous assumptions that … • ….student is inherently “bad” • …student must prove they deserve to be part of class • …aversive consequences teach • …some kids improve (even temporarily), so all will • …will be better tomorrow… I.A.i

  25. But….false sense of safety/security! • Fosters environments of control • Triggers & reinforces antisocial behavior • Shifts accountability away from school • Devalues child-adult relationship • Weakens relationship between academic & social behavior programming I.A.i

  26. Science of behavior has taught us that students…. • …are NOT born with “bad behaviors” • …do NOT learn when presented contingent aversive consequences ...DO LEARN better ways of behaving by being taught directly & receiving positive feedback The power of SWPBIS is not in the rewards, it is in the teaching!

  27. School Discipline and Climate Mental Health and School Violence Disproportionality

  28. VIOLENCE PREVENTION • Surgeon General’s Report on Youth Violence (2001) • Coordinated Social Emotional & Learning (Greenberg et al., 2003) • Center for Study & Prevention of Violence (2006) • White House Conference on School Violence (2006) • Positive, predictable school-wide climate • High rates of academic & social success • Formal social skills instruction • Positive, active supervision & reinforcement • Positive adult role models • Multi-component, multi-year school-family-community efforts I.A.i

  29. Why SWPBIS? I.A.ii

  30. Context Matters! Examples: Individual Student vs. School-wide

  31. “Albert” Albert displays a number oppositional behaviors such as refusing to remain in his seat when asked, walking out of the classroom without permission, and talking during independent seatwork. When his usual routines are unexpectedly changed (e.g. school-wide assembly, guest speaker, or fire drill) his behavior behavior increases, he walks out of class, yells, and swears at his peers. His teachers are unable to convince him to return to class. What would you do?

  32. “Brooke” Brooke dresses in black every day, rarely interacts with teachers or other students, & she often puts her head down on her desk, or listens to her iPod. When approached or confronted by teachers, she pulls hood of her black sweatshirt or coat over her head & walks away. Mystified by Brooke’s behavior, teachers usually shake their heads & let her walk away. Recently, Brooke drew pictures depicting morbid scenes such as gory skeletons and graveyards on the front of her notebooks. Other students became frightened when they noticed what she was drawing. When asked about the pictures she mumbles f@$& you. What would you do?

  33. Fortunately, we have a science that guides us to… • Assess these situations • Develop behavior intervention plans based on our assessment • Monitor student progress & make enhancements All in ways that can be culturally & contextually appropriate (Crone & Horner, 2003)

  34. However, context matters…. What factors influence our ability to implement what we know with accuracy, consistency, & durabilityfor students like Albert and Brooke? I.A.ii

  35. “159 Days!” Intermediate/senior high school with 880 students reported over 5,100 office discipline referrals in one academic year. Nearly 2/3 of students have received at least one office discipline referral.

  36. 5,100 referrals = 76,500 min @15 min = 1,275 hrs = 159 days @ 8 hrs Albert and Brooke are in this school!

  37. SWPBIS Message! Successful individual student behavior support is linked to host environments or school climates that are effective, efficient, relevant, & durable. (Zins & Ponti, 1990) I.A.ii

  38. Why SWPBIS? I.A.iii

  39. Competing, Inter-related National Goals • Common core • Improve literacy, math, geography, science, etc. • Make schools safe, caring, & focused on teaching & learning • Improve student character & citizenship • Eliminate bullying • Prevent drug use • College & career readiness • Provide a free & appropriate education for all • Prepare viable workforce • Affect rates of high risk, antisocial behavior • Leave no child behind • Etc….

  40. Challenge

  41. Why SWPBIS? I.A.iv

  42. And, when done well, SWPBIS makes things better for kids and adults!

  43. Research Says… • Implementing Tier 1 SWPBS is associated with the following positive outcomes: • Increases in prosocial behavior • Increases in organizational health/climate • Increases in state-wide test scores (tentative) • Decreases in office discipline referrals • Decreases in suspensions • Decreases in reported bullying (e.g., Bradshaw, Koth, Thornton, & Leaf, 2009; Bradshaw, Koth, Bevans, Ialongo, & Leaf, 2008; Bradshaw, Mitchell, & Leaf, 2010; Bradshaw, Waasdorp, & Leaf, 2012; Horner et al., 2009; Waasdorp, Bradshaw, & Leaf, 2012 )a

  44. Research Says… • Further, among schools implementing SWPBS, those that implement with fidelity experience greater • decreases in ODRs, • decreases in suspensions, and • increases in state-wide test scores in math over time. (Simonsen, Eber, Sugai, Black, Lewandowski, Simms, & Myers, 2012)

  45. Schools Implementing PBISAugust, 2017 25,911 Schools Implementing PBIS ----------------------------------- 13,832,582 Students 3367 High Schools

  46. Schools Implementing PBIS August, 2017 21 States with over 500 schools using PBIS

  47. Proportion of Schools Implementing PBIS by State, August 2017 14 States with over 40% of schools using PBIS

  48. Activity:Why SWPBIS In Your School? • Work as team for 5 min • Discuss the rationale for implementing PBIS • What does staff knowledge and support for PBIS currently look like in your school? • What are the current student and staff needs in your building? • How can PBIS help meet those needs? • What messages will be important for you to take back to share with staff and build support? • Summarize key points

  49. What is SWPBIS? I.B

  50. SWPBIS is I.B.i

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