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Electricity Cross-Regional Group meeting and Dedicated Meetings per Regional Group. Cross-regional group meeting B russels, 25 -26 June 2015. European Commission DG Energy Networks and R egional initiatives. Agenda 25 June 2015. Public Part
Electricity Cross-Regional Group meetingandDedicated Meetings per Regional Group Cross-regional group meeting Brussels, 25 -26 June 2015 European Commission DG Energy Networks and Regional initiatives
Agenda25 June 2015 Public Part 10:00-10:30 Results of public consultation and feedback from the stakeholders' workshop (Commission) 10:30-11:00 Discussion and comments 11:00-12:15 Revised assessment methodology of candidate PCIs (JRC) • - Q&A on concerns raised by RGs members • - Qualitative assessment 12:15-12:30 Update on the Electricity Highways thematic area and next steps for the Stakeholders' Platform 12:30–13:30Lunch break
Regional Group sessions BEMIP Regional Group meeting 13:30-13:50 Assessment of national regulators (NRAs) 13:50-14:00 Ranking results (JRC) 14:00-15:00 Discussion and conclusions on the preliminary ranking list NSOG Regional Group meeting 15:00- 15:40 Presentation of the NSOG Study (Commission) 15:40-16:30 Assessment of national regulators (NRAs) 16:30-16:40 Ranking results (JRC) 16:40-18:00 Discussion and conclusions on the preliminary ranking list
Agenda 26 June 2015 Regional Group sessions NSI East Regional Group meeting 09:00-10:00 Assessment of national (NRAs) 10:00-10:10 Ranking results (JRC) 10:10-11:30 Discussion and conclusions on the preliminary ranking list NSI West Regional Group meeting 11:30-12:30 Assessment of national regulators (NRAs) 12:30-12:40 Ranking results (JRC) 12:40-14:00 Discussion and conclusions on the preliminary ranking list
State of play of the 2nd PCI evaluation process - Updated schedule 1 2 3 4 6 5 6 7 * 8 3rd – 4th mtg: System wide assessment Discuss and agree on methodology Eligibility 5th - 6th (-7th) mtg: Assessment Apply methodology per project Discuss projects Rank projects 2nd mtg: PCI candidates and methodology 1st mtg: Launch the 2nd PCI process • 8th mtg: agreeregionallists • Technicallevel DMB We're here • 9th mtg: HighLevel DMB toapprove PCI list • Regionallistsmaystill be updatedbasedon ACER opinion Commission adoption (tentative): end of November
Public Consultation on 2nd PCI list – Summary of results Cross-regional Electricity Group Meeting 25/06/2015
TEN-E Regulation- Annex III 1 (5) "Each Group shall consult the organisations representing relevant stakeholders — and, if deemed appropriate, stakeholders directly — including producers, distribution system operators, suppliers, consumers, and organisations for environmental protection. The Group may organise hearings or consultations, where relevant for the accomplishments of its tasks"
Background of Consultation Objectives: - seek views on the need for a gas or electricity project from an EU energy policy perspective bringing together security of supply, market integration, competition and sustainability Dates: 22/12/2014 until 31/03/2015
Background of Consultation • List of PCI candidates has been published on Your Voice In Europe and DG ENER websites: • https://ec.europa.eu/energy/en/consultations/consultation-list-proposed-projects-common-interest • Consultation was open from 22 December 2014 – 31 March 2015 • We welcome contributions from citizens, organisations and public authorities through the online questionnaire (EUSurvey) • https://ec.europa.eu/eusurvey/runner/a260e50b-4b70-2ff6-f8eb-dff8771fae06 • Information on the consultation also on Ministry website • Link to information on projects in the national language on Ministry and/or project promoters website
Background of Consultation List of 357 projects (investment items) The published list of projects included internet links to the proposed projects where more information could be obtained. Additional information could also be obtained on the ENTSO-E and ENTSO-G websites.
Background of Consultation Questionnaire: "In your opinion, is a proposed project significantly contributing to market integration/sustainability/security of supply/competition and therefore needed from an EU energy policy perspective?" (yes/no + comments)
Results - 652 respondents from 17 countries
Results - 652 respondents from 17 countries
Results - 652 respondents from 17 countries number of submitted questionnaires
General comments • Need to respect environmental standards • High confidentiality and lack of transparency • Need for a more comprehensible format of the provided information in order to avoid only "pro forma" participation • Need for adequate timelines, meeting announcements and information distribution • Electricity storage projects should not be considered for a PCI status
BEMIP electricity Project code 36 - Kriegers Flak CGS • increased interconnection between the Nordic and German electricity systems • better utilisation of offshore wind farm cables • increased trade and competition • strategic dimension as a pilot project for a combined offshore grid solution involving both AC and DC technology Project code 59 - LitPol Link Stage 1 Project code 62 - InterconnectionEstonia – Latvia Project code 69 - Nordbalt (LV reinforcement) Project code 123 - LitPol Link Stage 2 • connection of the Nordic area which is rich in low carbon resources with Eastern Europe
NSI East electricity Project code 200 - Czech North South Corridor • allows for electricity flow from north-western border to south-eastern border • re-building of lines in existing corridors minimizes environmental impact Project code 47 - AT – DE • one of the most important energy infrastructure projects to be realized in Austria to complete the 380-kV ring • environmental concerns Project code 48 - SK - HU interconnection • increased cross-border connectivity could enhance both SK and HU systems reliability and improve security of supply through increased flexibility • essential to induce competition into national markets and contribute to the development of regional markets
NSI East electricity CZ West-East (West) • required to ease power flows from West to East and enable market integration of generation with high flexibility in to the power grid • brings ability to current and new connected generation free access to cross-border ancillary market Project code 58 - GerPol Power Bridge Project code 94 - GerPol Improvements • support integration of increasing power production in central Europe into the system and provide trade capacity for market integration in Central Eastern Europe Project code 205 – North South Eastern German • full realization of the German grid plan is key for the further development of the internal European Energy market • promotes centralized model of energy supply while Energiewende should promote the opposite
NSI East electricity Project code 210 - E15 • allows market integration and major competiveness between Italian and Austrian energy markets • creates possibility to dispatch the energy produced by the more efficient power plants and the RES Project code 130 - North South Eastern German Corridor (one of 6 projects) • severe negative impact on the environment by destroying landscape • construction of the high-voltage lines will create a more rigid internal market in Germany and complicate integration of regionally produced energy • will result in higher electricity prices • lack of transparency of the information process and disregard of the opposition from the affected cities • development of HVDC grids is oversized and - especially the south-east line (Corridor D) – and mainly used for the future supply of lignite power
NSI West electricity Project code 134 - North South Western German Corridor (one of 5 projects) Project code 164 - North South Eastern German Corridor (one of 6 projects) • necessary for the full realization of the German grid plan and is key for the further development of the internal European Energy market • strengthens the internal north-south transmission capacity which will contribute to RES integration • may delay development of a more decentralized power grid in Germany • increases electricity prices • environmental concerns Project code 182 – BRITIB • increases the interconnection capacity between Spain and France • concerns about the project's costs
NSI West electricity Project code 223 - LimbergIII Project code 226 - EnergiespeicherRiedl • enables large scale integration of volatile renewable energy resources and improves grid security and stability • reference project promoting innovative EU technologies Project code 224 - Hydro Pumped Storage Pfaffenboden in Molln • closed-loop water system whose components that are largely underground or located on an existing industrial site, making the plant especially environmentally friendly and sustainable • essential for the further increase of renewable energy production in Austria, as well as the neighbouring countries
NSI West electricity Project code 193 - Godelleta-Morella/La Plana Project code 203 - Aragón-Castellón • contributes to bottleneck reduction and integration of renewables in the zone Project code 222 - Extension of the pump storage powerplantKaunertal • enables large scale integration of volatile renewable energy resources on a European scale • contributes to the grid security and stability and the positive by-effects for the region • water rights for parts of the extension project were awarded to the municipality of Sölden • separable parts of the project are electricity production and capacity increase of the existing hydro storage power plant, which are not needed for the pump storage construction and operation • environmental impact
NSI West electricity Project code 1 - RES in north of Portugal • additional power generation capacity of the project is currently not necessary (the official government target is 2000 MW while the current hydroelectric pumping capacity in Portugal is now 2500 MW • the electricity market is evolving rapidly towards decentralized production and storage and higher interconnection of Iberia with the European continent, which reduces the need for storage through the hydroelectric pumping Project code 4 – Interconnection Portugal Spain • unnecessary - the current interconnection capacity between PT and ES is greater than the minimum 10% requirement threshold and market prices are already aligned Project code 16 – Western interconnection FR-ES • essential for overcoming the historical Iberian Peninsula natural gas isolation and building the united European gas market • more competitive price of the electricity • concerns about the project's costs
NSOG Project code 25 - IFA2 • a beneficial 25% increase in GB interconnection • OFGEM found that in NPV terms, the benefit to GB consumers is between €1.7bn and €2.0bn in the Base Case. • concerns about the project's costs Project code 37 - Southern Norway - Germany (Nord.Link) Project code 39 - DKW-DE, step 3 Project code 71 - COBRA Cable Project code 183 - DKW-DE, Westcoast • contribute to closer integration of the Nordic and German power systems
NSOG Project code 74 - Thames Estuary Cluster (NEMO) • creates the first direct electrical connection between the Belgian and the British electricity networks - a beneficial 25% increase in GB interconnection • OFGEM found that it would provide social welfare benefits resulting from trade between the GB and Belgian markets • concerns about the project's costs Project code 107 - Celtic Interconnector • unnecessary given that Ireland already has a 9% interconnection with the EU grid • concerns about the project's costs • Irish TSO Eigrid stated that the regional power imbalances in Ireland can be solved by infrastructure upgrade such as the installation of series compensation technology to increase power transfer capacity
NSOG Project code 110 – Norway - Great Britain (NSN) • a beneficial 35% increase in GB interconnection • ENTSO-E TYNDP suggests that the project has high potential of enabling a better use of RES (low correlation of wind yields in GB and NO) • flagship project for a meshed offshore grid to facilitate system integration of offshore wind energy Project code 167 - Viking DKW-GB • a beneficial 25% in the British interconnection • enables Great Britain to gain access to low-cost energy from hydro, nuclear, and wind generation (low correlation of wind yields in GB and DK) Project code 185 - Greenlink, Greenwire IE-GB Project code 185 - Greenwire IE-GB • projects are not connected to the Irish Grid and will only supply energy to the UK customers (however OFGEM did not to award the Greenlink project a cap and floor regime due to lack of benefits for the UK consumers)
NSOG Project code 189 - Irish-Scottish Links on Energy (ISLES) • Contributes to an integrated offshore grid development and prevention of renewable energy spillage • concerns about the project's costs Project code 190 - NorthConnect: Norway-Great Britain • one of the top ranked candidate projects in terms of socioeconomic benefits and increased renewables integration • flagship projects for the first leg of an integrated Northern Seas offshore grid Project code 209 - North South Eastern German Corridor (one of 6 projects) • crucial for increasing cross-border capacity from the Nordic market by relieving congestion in northern Germany • may lead to an increase in electricity prices • delays development of a decentralized renewable energy generation in Germany
NSOG Project code 214 - Interco Iceland-UK • creates the first direct electrical connection between the Icelandic and Great British electricity networks and increases the current GB capacity by 20-30% • concerns regarding the project's costs and technical challenges Project code 228 – MARREX • supports the integration of volatile RES, in particular off-shore wind parks and power plants utilization tidal currents and wave energy • flagship project for promoting innovative EU technologies • not connected to the Irish Grid and will only supply energy to the UK customers
Stakeholders Workshop 15 & 17 June – Project discussions 15 June: Electricity session 1. Extension of the pump storage powerplantKaunertal 2. Celtic Interconnector 3. Greenlink/wire project 4. Western interconnection FR-ES Gatica-Aquitaine 5. RES in North Portugal 17 June: Gas session 1. Iberian-French corridor: Eastern Axis-MidcatProject 2. South Caucasus Pipeline Future Expansion 3. TANAP – Trans Anatolian Natural Gas Pipeline 4. Shannon LNG PCI at Country Kerry, Ireland
Stages of the PCIs selection process • 1. Submission of project proposals - done • 2. Eligibility test – done • 3. Assessment – elements for ranking – to be finalised • 4. Drawing up the regional lists – to be done
Assessment criteria for PCI candidates • - Article 4 and Annex IV define the eligibility/assessment criteria and the corresponding indicators against which PCI proposals should be screened and evaluated. • - The criteria reflect the EU's energy policy objectives relating to the IEM, SOS, SUSTAINABILITY.
Assessment criteria - Article 4(2)/ Annex IV TEN-E • Electricity projects are to contribute significantly to at least one of the following specific criteria: • market integration …via lifting isolation of at least 1 MS and reducing energy infrastructure bottlenecks, competition and system flexibility; • security of supply, …via interoperability, connections and secure and reliable system operation • sustainability, …via integration of renewable energy into the grid, transmission of renewable generation to major consumption centres and storage sites
Additional criteria/parameters (Art 4.4) • (1) The urgency of each proposed project • (2) The number of Member States affected by each project • (3) The contribution of each project to territorial cohesion • (4) Complementarity with regard to other proposed projects
Next steps in PCI selection process • 3 July 2015 – Meeting of Decision Making Body- for agreement on Regional Lists for electricity sector
Update of the Electricity Highways thematic Area and next steps for the Stakeholders Platform Cross-regional Electricity Group Meeting 25/06/2015
EH Stakeholder Platform discuss and give guidance on developing more integrated and more powerful trans-European electricity transmission infrastructure ("electricity highways") into a European electricity highways system assist in identifying concrete projects to implement these electricity highways
EH Stakeholder Platform • Two meetings: October 2012 and April 2014 • Final conference of the "eHighway2050" project on 3-4 November 2015 in Brussels • Following the final results of the "eHighway2050", another meeting of the SP will be organised to discuss the development of the EH Master Plan