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Regional Support Group. Transfer and Transition Forward Thinking. Introduction. Aim To discuss Transfer and Transition To develop expertise in this area To enable discussion and feedback Maria di Nardo maria.dinardo@bromley.gov.uk
Regional Support Group Transfer and Transition Forward Thinking
Introduction Aim • To discuss Transfer and Transition • To develop expertise in this area • To enable discussion and feedback Maria di Nardo maria.dinardo@bromley.gov.uk Sue Dean sue.dean@bexley.gov.uk Carmel O’Hagan carmel.o’hagan@cilt.org.uk Aly Arnold Trinity School Bexley 01322 441371
The guidance • Where in the KS2 Framework for Languages can you find a section on Transition? • Can you name any assessment systems which could be used for transition? • Does your school already have links with secondary schools? • Do you have a whole school transition policy?
Key messages • Effective transition lies in recognising and building on children’s prior knowledge understanding and achievement • Collaboration • Continuity of learning • Sustaining motivation, enthusiasm and progress.
The ‘Changing Landscape of Languages’ • Sustainability of provision including staffing was still not assured in about half the schools and most had not tackled assessment and progression to Key Stage 3. • Monitoring and communication with the secondary schools were particular weaknesses
What could be better… • In the schools whose progress was less than good, some or all of the following were evident: • insufficient attention was given to assessment and too little thought had been given to transferring information to and working with partner secondary schools
Sustained communication • Liaison with secondary schools about how pupils would progress was a widespread weakness. However, the better schools and areas surveyed were beginning to embrace it well.
Effective practice • The primary–secondary interface was a real strength of the project. The school had formed a partnership with other local primaries and the secondary school. At the request of the primary schools, a group was formed to decide how best to introduce languages in Key Stage 2 and have a sustainable model that would be firmly supported by the secondary school.
Consider the following • How do the two schools work in collaboration with each other in order to build on learners’ language skills? • What has helped both the teachers and the learners in this work? • What do the schools consider to be the benefits of the collaborative work?
Nuggets • http://www.nationalstrategiescpd.org.uk/user/policy.php Links • Strengthening transfer and transitions- Partnerships for progress Tel:0845 60 333 60 – 00083-2008BKT-EN www.standards.dcsf.gov.uk • www.cilt.org.uk • www.comeniuslondon.org.uk
Keynote: Transition and Transfer • Carmel O’Hagan – Head of Secondary – CILT • CILT 7 – 14 Transition Project
The Bexley Pilot Project • Why? • Who? • How?
The Bexley Pilot Project • Using the Junior Language Portfolio as a guide • Identifying key points for the transfer of information • Identifying and agreeing which information is most useful • Agreeing how the information will be used to ensure pupils’ continued progress and achievement
Trinity School Erith • Involvement in the Bexley pilot • Links with primary schools focusing on Spanish • Sustained, effective communication with primary schools
Weblinks • http://www.cilt.org.uk/transition/transition_report.pdf • http://www.cilt.org.uk/transition/ • http://www.ofsted.gov.uk/content/download/5959/53679/file/The%20changing%20landscape%20of%20languages%20(Word%20format).doc • http://www.nacell.org.uk/resources/pub_cilt/portfolio.htm#download
Thinking ahead – next steps • What could we do more of… • What should we do less of… • What are we good at… • What could we do better…