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Rainforest Recovery Center at the Rio Indio Ecolodge San Juan del Norte, Nicaragua. Rainforest Recovery Program.
Rainforest Recovery Center at the Rio Indio Ecolodge San Juan del Norte, Nicaragua
Rainforest Recovery Program Our Program is therapeutically designed to parallel the Principles of a Twelve Step Recovery process. You will meet and share in the life of local Indian villagers, travel upriver by boat into the Caribbean Rain Forest and be welcomed by the humble hospitality of the remote native Rama tribal Indians. You will share witness in their struggles for daily survival, yet experience the Gifts in living a life of magnificent beauty and simplicity that those of us in cultured society rarely have an opportunity to experience. Through specifically tailored interactions and personal encounters with jungle life in the Rainforest, you will experience a shift in consciousness, enlightenment and spiritual growth. Our Professionally trained Staff will accompany you on these journeys, facilitating a recovery process with on-going individual therapy and counseling sessions when we return daily to the privacy and comfort of our luxurious tropical setting at the Rio Indio Ecolodge. Our Clinical team, along with our amazing native wilderness guides, will accompany us whenever journeying outside the sanctuary of The Lodge located on the banks of the San Juan River, gateway to the wild and virtually unexplored Rio Indio-Maiz Biological Reserve in southeastern Nicaragua. Upon completion of our intense ten day recovery program, we will address any on-going needs in treatment, tailoring your aftercare plans for continuum of care . We want to ensure continued goals for sobriety upon leaving The Rio Indio Rainforest Recovery Center, embracing a new perspective and outlook on life.
Our priority is to safeguard your well-being and ensure the integrity of your anonymity. We allow you the solace of freedom to address and explore individual treatment plans designed by our clinical staff. Very private and secluded, our program is designed to foster your Spirit into a life of sobriety. Utilizing our exotic jungle environment and its’ native people, we’ve designed a rehabilitation program with person-centered experiential therapy for each client. These experiences elicit the spiritual process necessary for self awareness in maintaining recovery. Our Rainforest Recovery Program will assist in healing emotional wounds from active addiction, such as alienation in significant relationships, loss of respect from family and friends as well as changes in career paths. We will help you get back in touch with your Authentic Self and those qualities of character within you to live your life with integrity, grace and freedom from addiction. The intrinsically personal and intense nature of our substance abuse rehabilitation program dictates that our client capacity be limited in order to address individual needs in treatment and offer significant one-on-one therapeutic counseling sessions.
The Rama Children of Nicaragua Educational efforts continue by the Rama people with the influence and support of some local supporting governments. Still, it is difficult to reach many of these families along the river in order to provide some of the basic necessities those of us from cultured societies often take for granted. Dr. Alfredo Lopez, founder of the Rio Indio Lodge, has been a long standing supporter, advocating for the development, growth and well-being of these Rama children. Today, because of the efforts and growth of the Rio Indio, its’ visitors and guests of the Lodge, the needs of these Rama children are now being addressed by the World Community. Sharing any of your personal skills and experiences to benefit these remote Rama people are encouraged during your visits as part of the recovery process.
i The Ecolodge Resort Elevated walkways and buildings set above the jungle floor, the Rio Indio Lodge brings you close to nature with all amenities, blending perfectly with the natural wild surroundings. Recreation and lounging areas overlook the Lagoon where our daily individual and group sessions are held. In the evening, you will be able to utilize self-soothing meditation techniques taught for stress relief and relaxation . Dining Room with several lounging areas and wraparound porch, all create a luxurious exotic environment of peacefulness and tranquility throughout your stay. Internet access and phone service are available in our Main Lodge.
Accommodations Our suites are equipped with two comfortable king-size beds for either single of double occupancy, large exquisitely-tiled bath, ceiling fans and private screened-in porch that holds a magnificent view of the River and Jungle surroundings. Wake up in the morning to the sounds of tropical birds and monkeys that live in the canopy of trees cascading throughout the Rio Indio - some of whom come for a curious visit on our wrap-around porch ! Family Program Addiction claims the lives of Innocents who struggle as much as - if not more, than their loved ones. As Addiction Specialists, we recognize the needs of significant family members for their own therapeutic intervention, education and counseling on the disease of addiction and its’ adverse effects on the family system. We have designed an accompanying Family Therapy program in order to facilitate the healing of wounds suffered and to help re-establish healthy family relationships and encourage significant family members to contact us for additional information or assistance with a loved one suffering from the disease of addiction.
Executive Staff Dr. Alfredo “Doc” Lopez, Co-founder, Executive Director An honored Costa Rican physician trained in psychiatry, Doc had a dream. He envisioned in the vast untamed and unadulterated rain forest, a Lodge that not only would be an attraction for those seeking something new and adventurous, but an eco-friendly getaway that could serve to help protect the beautiful natural surroundings and create jobs for the local people. Doctor Lopez understands as a physician and humanitarian, the devastating affects of addiction on family and has been a long standing, pro-active supporter of those attempting recovery. Yvonne Testa, CASAC IDDT, Co-Founder Program Director of Clinical ServicesMember of the Int’l Consortium of Addiction Counselors Certified chemical dependency treatment for well over a decade, she arrived at The Rio Indio Ecolodge while traveling through Nicaragua and immediately fell in love with the heart and soul of the people. Through eyes of a recovering woman, she recognized the healing potential in the peace and serenity of the Rain Forest. Through activities and adventures offered, she found herself re-visiting the principles the 12 Steps of Recovery and knew these experiences were meant to be shared with others . Paul J Schonbrun DO, Medical Director Dedicated humanitarian and adventurer, Doc Paul was trained in Emergency Medicine becoming a recognized expert at providing high quality medical care in austere environments. Actively involved in Humanitarian and Disaster Relief missions all over the world – to include several trips to Nicaragua providing medical care to the Rama people, he will be managing your primary health care needs throughout your stay and will be coordinating our tour of the only Clinic in the region. Doc Paul will be joining us on all your jungle adventures, assuring your safety and comfort. Mike Lilla, Operations ManagerFormer U.S. Special Forces, was there from the beginning with Doc Lopez and operates a Jungle Survival School directly out of the Lodge for special groups as well as for individuals. Mike owned and operated a chain of restaurants prior to his involvement and dedication to the Rio Indio Lodge and now plays a pivotal role in overseeing all daily Operations for both the Restaurant and Recreational activities for our guests. Steven Fusco CASAC, Counseling Staff Steven’s training and personal experience have allowed him to work effectively with all populations in understanding the barriers to recovery that confront Individuals in their daily lives. Steven is passionate about creating an environment in holding the sacred space necessary for our clients to embrace the changes necessary to heal, let go of the past and move into a life unrestricted by alcohol and drugs.
Your Travel Itinerary American, Continental, Delta, TACA and Copa Airlines all fly directly into San Jose, Costa Rica United States destination flight times are approximateHouston 3 Hours,New York 3 Hours,Miami 2 ½ Hours, Los Angeles 6 Hours Once you arrive in Costa Rica, you will be met at the airport by representatives of the Rainforest Center and escorted by direct air transfer to Nicaragua’s new International Airport. You will then enjoy a scenic ten minute boat ride along the tropical jungle shores of the San Juan River. After a light lunch and brief rest period, we will begin our orientation process with a tour by Dr. “Doc” Alfredo of the Rio Indio Ecolodge, the history of the Maiz Rainforest and an introduction to our Rainforest Center Program for recovery. Rio Indio Lodge
“The Promises”“If we are painstaking about this phase of our development, we will be amazed before we are half way through. We are going to know a new freedom and a new happiness. We will not regret the past nor wish to shut the door on it. We will comprehend the word serenity and we will know peace. No matter how far down the scale we have gone, we will see how our experience can benefit others. That feeling of uselessness and self pity will disappear. We will lose interest in selfish things and gain interest in our fellows. Self-seeking will slip away. Our whole attitude and outlook upon life will change. Fear of people and of economic insecurity will leave us. We will intuitively know how to handle situations which used to baffle us. We will suddenly realize that God is doing for us what we could not do for ourselves. Are these extravagant promises? We think not. They are being fulfilled among us—sometimes quickly, sometimes slowly. They will always materialize if we work for them”.Pages 83-84 of the “Big Book” of Alcoholics Anonymous • Rainforest Recovery Center • at the Rio Indio Ecolodge For more information about our program, contact us at Costa Rica 866-593-3176 United States 877-211-9366 www.rioindiolodge.comwww.rainforestrecoverycenter.com