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American Jesuit Institutions:

American Jesuit Institutions:. The striving purpose, mission, and pedagogy of Jesuit Colleges/ Universities . Thesis.

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American Jesuit Institutions:

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  1. American Jesuit Institutions: The striving purpose, mission, and pedagogy of Jesuit Colleges/ Universities

  2. Thesis • Jesuit institutions for higher education were developed upon the workings and passion of St. Ignatius of Loyola; utilizing St. Ignatius’ own writings helped develop the foreground for Jesuit institutions and how the Ignatian Pedagogy and mission statement came to existence.

  3. St. ignatius of loyola • b. 1491- d. 1556 • Born of privilege and was educated to work in court life when older • Served Spain in May of 1521- injured during French invasion and neared death • Catholic conversion came during a prayer vigil to Sts. Peter and Paul- heath restored • During August 1521- Ignatius read many books while on bed rest for recovery of injury. Read many books about Saints and the life of Christ • Once fully recovered- traveled to a Benedictine monastery where he stayed for 11 months to grow in his spiritual journey

  4. St. Ignatius’ development of education and the society • Ignatius spent ten years from 1524-1534 studying and becoming the “expert” in disciplines known as • Philosophy • Logic • Physics • Christian Doctrine • Ultimately leading to his work called Spiritual Exercises • 1534- six men along with Ignatius took vows to become priests and start the society Ignatius long dreamed of and in 1537- full vows were taken and were fully dedicated to the society’s cause and the church

  5. Society of Jesus (Jesuits) • 1540- Papal seal and approval were given to the men calling themselves the Society of Jesus, AKA Jesuits • Ignatius was elected Superior General and was stationed in the Vatican. • Within 15 years- the first institution was founded in Gandia along with the internationalization of Jesuits across the world • 1556- Jesuits were in 33 countries; Ignatius died this same year

  6. America- in the beginning • Jesuits came to America, but found themselves ostracized when Pope Clement XIV pulled Papal and Vatican support from the missionaries. • 14 years of disbanded Jesuit priests in America with not official backing • Ex- Jesuit priest John Carroll was hurt by this action, and returned to Europe for additional education during this time. • Carroll returned to America years later once hearing that the new Pope was in full support of Jesuits and would be reinstalling the society in America • Carroll pushed for a higher education institution, and therefore- Georgetown College was established in 1789.

  7. America-In the beginning • Carroll never re-established himself as a Jesuit, but was fully supportive. Carroll became 1st Bishop in America • About 30 years later- Carroll asked help of the New Orleans providence Bishop to help begin a Catholic college in the mid-west. • St. Louis Academy was started in 1818- officially taken over completely by Jesuits in 1826 changing the name to St. Louis College. • St. Louis College was known as a Jesuit Research institutions for spirituality and philosophy • The Maryland Province and the Missouri Province became the center of the growing Jesuit schools

  8. Staging of Institutions • From 1820-1920, 24 of the 28 schools were developed across the country with Jesuit support • These institutions began as 7+ years of schooling- grammar, college, masters • There were 5 Staging Areas • 1st- East Coast • 2nd- Midwest • 3rd – West Coast (Italian Jesuits) • 4th- Central East Coast- NY, AL, LA • 5th- Upper Northeast (Buffalo Mission-eventually fizzled out)

  9. Staging of Institutions • Additional Institutions after 1920 • 4 institutions were “collected”/ taken over by Jesuits • Scranton Univ- 1942 • Fairfield Univ-1942 • LeMonyne-1946 • Wheeling- 1955 • In 1920- there were four provinces until the US was sectioned off by the “Father provincials” and established ten provinces across the country

  10. Ratio Studiorum and Ignation Pedagogy • Ratio Studiorum- official “rules” book for professors, staff, teaching assistants, and administrators- and even student behavior • Written in 1599 by Ignatius himself- wanted the best education for all students and wanted those teaching to be as passionate as he was • Ignatian Pedagogy- developed in 1990 as a style of teaching and actions taken by faculty, staff, TA’s, administration within Jesuit universities. • Focus on the “whole” students, social justice, and 5 elements • Context, Experience, Reflection, Action, and Evaluation

  11. Jesuit Mission Statement • Each institution has their own personal mission statement- BUT all 28 colleges/ universities share a mission statement that is to be lived out by all • Council came together of all lead admins for Jesuit institutions and updated in 2010- still keeping with the Ignatian way from 1599 • Mission statement covers Faculty and Staff, Students, and Presidents, Board of Trustee’s and Bishops • Complied in a 30 page booklet and can be found on the Association of Jesuit Colleges and Universities website

  12. Conclusion • Enjoyed doing the research but schools seem very intensive and prestigious. • Many are thought to fall into the “Prestigious” group when thinking of universities because of the dedication of the faculty, staff and administrators to the students. (Prestigious in Basketball too- Georgetown and Gonzaga!)

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