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Crime and punishment

Crime and punishment. www.zlinskedumy.cz. Types of crime. Match the definitions with the crimes in the box. arson forgery espionage manslaughter assassination treason smuggling perjury. killing somone by accident not telling the truth during a trial setting sth on fire deliberately

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Crime and punishment

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  1. Crimeandpunishment www.zlinskedumy.cz

  2. Typesofcrime Matchthedefinitionswiththecrimes in the box. arsonforgeryespionagemanslaughterassassinationtreasonsmugglingperjury • killingsomone by accident • not tellingthetruthduring a trial • settingsth on firedeliberately • takingsthillegalyacrossborders • betrayingyour country • copyingsomeone´s signatureoranofficialdocument • killinganimportant person • givingimportantdocumentsconcerningthesafetyofyour country to itsenemies manslaughter perjury arson smuggling treason forgery assassination espionage

  3. Word formation Completethesentenceswiththecorrectformofthewords in thebrackets. Corporal _____________ (punish) has beenabolished as inhumanein many countries. Theexecutivemanager had to facethe ___________ (accuse) ofembezzlement. _____________ (investigate) had to beterminatedforthelackof evidence. _____________ (prosecute) managed to gatherenoughproofs to sendthedefendant to prison. Theserialkiller has been ____________ (prison) forlifebecausedeath penalty wasabolishedtwoyears ago. punishment accusation Investigation Prosecution imprisoned

  4. Sentence completion Completethesentenceswithcorrectformofthewords in the box. breakobjectionarmedtestify run remand I wassummoned to court to __________ againstthe man who had crashed my car last month. An ___________ gang ________ in the bank last nightand stole a lot of money. Thejuveniledelinquentaccusedofassult has beensent to a _________ homeforthreemonths. Thekidnapperswere on the _________ forfivemonthsbeforethe police managed to chatchthem. Thebarristerraisedan __________ abouttheprosecutor‘s offensivequestions. testify armed broke remand run objection

  5. Discussion • Do youthinkyour country is a safe place to live? Whyorwhy not? • Do youthinkguncontrolis a good idea? Explain. • Do youthinkpeoplewho use illegaldrugsshouldbe put in jail? • Do youthinkthatcapitalpunishmentis a good idea? Whyorwhy not? • Do youthinkthatpunishmentforviolentcrimesshouldbethesameforjuvenilesandadults? Why/why not? • Do youthinktherewillbe more orlesscrime in thefuture? • Isitever O.K. to breakthelaw? Ifso, when? • Isprisonaneffectivepunishment? (Why? orWhy not?)

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