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Think about it...

Think about it. “Dost thou love life? Then do not squander time, for that is the stuff life is made of.” Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790) Maxims prefixed to Poor Richard's Almanac , 1757. The Amazing Time Machine. Fast Times. Slow Times. In-between Times. It’s All Relative. Texas Stadium.

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Think about it...

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Think about it... “Dost thou love life? Then do not squander time, for that is the stuff life is made of.” Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790) Maxims prefixed to Poor Richard's Almanac, 1757

  2. The Amazing Time Machine

  3. Fast Times...

  4. Slow Times...

  5. In-between Times...

  6. It’s All Relative...

  7. Texas Stadium

  8. BIG Numbers

  9. -15 10 Geologic Time Age of the earth 1 billion years 9 Mountain range to be uplifted 3000m at 0.2mm/yr 1 million years 6 Time for Atlantic Ocean to widen 1 km at 4 cm/yr 1 thousand years 3 Human lifetime Measurable erosion of rivers and shorelines 1 year 0 1 month Floods 1 day -3 1 hour 1 minute Earthquake waves go through and around Earth -6 1 second -9 Time for 1 sound wave detectable by human ears 1000th of a second -12 Nuclear Processes Time in years

  10. Geologic Time Scale Eon Era Period Epoch Age Quaternary Recent Pleistocene Present Pliocene Cenozoic Miocene to Tertiary Oligocene Eocene 60-65 m.y.a. Paleocene Phanerozoic Cretaceous 60-65 m.y.a Mesozoic Jurassic to Triassic 230 m.y.a. Permian Pennsylvanian 230 m.y.a. Mississippian Paleozoic Devonian to Silurian Ordovician 600 m.y.a. Cambrian Cryptozoic Pre-Cambrian 600 m.y.a. to 4.6+ b.y.a.

  11. The Geologic Clock

  12. Football Field 0 50 100 10 yards Human beings appear 1st microscopic life (3.5 b.y.a.) 1st fossil of large life-like sponges & jellyfish Age of Dinosaurs 1st dinosaur appeared Earth forms (4.6 b.y.a.) Today

  13. One Year January 1, midnight 4.6 b.y.a. formation of the earth early to mid-March 3.5-3.8 b.y.a. first life on earth early-May 3 b.y.a. photosynthesis; blue-green algae mid-November 570 m.y.a. first eukaryotic cells; shelled animals Thanksgiving 400 m.y.a. Fish, vertebrates, land plants December 7 300 m.y.a. Large swamps (coal), insects, reptiles December 11 250 m.y.a. Beginning of the age of reptiles December 15 200 m.y.a. Dinosaurs December 20 130-140 m.y.a. Dinosaurs, fish, flowering plants December 25 65 m.y.a. Mass extinction of dinosaurs December 31, 4 pm 4 m.y.a. Earliest fossils of genus Homo 11:58:30 12,000 y.a. All of recorded history 11:59:46 2,000 y.a. Christian Era

  14. A Piece of Pie?

  15. Time’s Up!

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