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Portfolio. Introducción al Diseño Curricular de 6º año – Inglés Andrea Salvo. Objetivos de aprendizaje para 6to año. De acuerdo con el presente diseño curricular se espera que los alumnos logren:
Portfolio Introducción al Diseño Curricular de 6º año – Inglés Andrea Salvo
Objetivos de aprendizaje para 6to año • De acuerdo con el presente diseño curricular se espera que los alumnos logren: • Comprender textos orales y escritos con los contenidos propuestos para el año utilizando estrategias específicas en función de las necesidades de información y comunicación • Producir textos escritos y orales con propósitos comunicativos aplicados a una situación relacionada con el contenido propio de materias relacionadas con su especialidad y propuestos para el año. • Reconocer y producir el vocabulario propio de las materias especificas de los distintos tipos de escuela y modalidad. • Desarrollar estrategias de la lengua extranjera que faciliten el acceso al conocimiento, desarrollo personal y de comunicación en el mundo actual. • Ganar autoestima y confianza en sí mismos y aprendan a trabajar con independencia debido a la naturaleza interactiva y cooperativa del trabajo que AICLE supone.
Bloom`s Taxonomy of Learning Domains Adapted from Anderson and Krathwohl (2000). A Taxonomy of Learning
The Four Cs Content Communication Cognition Culture
Algunos de los principios básicosde enseñanza de la puesta en marcha del enfoque de AICLE que proponemos en el presente diseño curricular son los siguientes: La enseñanza deberá combinar los siguientes elementos: Contenido: que permita progresar en el conocimiento, las destrezas y la comprensión de los temas específicos de una o varias materias determinadas Comunicación: el uso de la lengua para aprender mientras se aprende a usar la lengua misma Cognición: que implica el desarrollo de las destrezas cognitivas que enlazan la formación de conceptos (abstractos y concretos), los conocimientos y la lengua Cultura: que permite la exposición a perspectivas variadas y a conocimientos compartidos que nos hagan más conscientes de el otro y de uno mismo.
La enseñanza centrada en el alumnodeberápromover su compromiso con la tarea de aprender en cooperación con el docente negociando los temas y tareas, utilizando ejemplos y situaciones reales, realizando trabajo por proyectos, etc. La enseñanza deberá ser flexible atendiendo a los distintos estilos de aprendizaje y facilitadora de la comprensión y producción del contenido que sirve como contexto de aprendizaje. La enseñanza estará orientada a promover el aprendizaje interactivo y autónomo a través del trabajo en pares y grupal, actividades que involucren la negociación de significados y desarrollen el trabajo de investigación.
Global Goal: • Tobuildconscience. • Toreflectaboutnowadaysdiseases. UnitTitle: Nutrition, Bulimy and Anorexy
Presentationtotheschoolcommunity What is bulimy? Nutrition, Bulimy and anorexy today What is anorexy? Symptoms Methods to deal with them today Consequences Culture Specialists` talks Content What to do Places where to treat them TheNutritionalPyramid Present, past and future tenses Relative pronouns Connectors cause and effect Visual material/ representation Understand cause and effect Nutrition, Bulimy and Anorexy Language of learning Key voc . and phrases Investigation Cognition Gerund and infinitive Discuss solutions Communication Discuss life experiences Campaing against them Surveys Brochures videos Language through learning Spots Language for learning Reading strategies for different types of texts (visual, oral, written) Blogs Dictionary use Definitions Asking/ answering questions Reflecting on adolescents`view Describe pictures/ feelings
Assessment FOR learning • Designedtogiveteachersinformationtomodifyteaching and learningactivities. Teachers can usedthisinformationtostreamline and target instruction and resources and toprovidefeedbacktostudentstohelpthemadvancetheirlearning. • Assessment AS learning • Aprocessfordeveloping and supportingmetacognitionforstudents. Itoccurswhenstudents monitor theirownlearning and use thefeedbackfromthismonitoringtomakeadjustments, adaptations and changes in whattheyunderstand. • Assessment OF learning • Summativein nature and usedtoconfirmwhatstudentsknow and can do and todemonstratewhethertheyhaveachievedthecurriculumoutcomes.
Washback Tests can have positive and negative effects, or washback. Positive Washbackrefers to expected test effects. For example, a test may encourage students to study more or may promote a connection between standards and instruction. Negative Washbackrefers to the unexpected, harmful consequences of a test. For example, instruction may focus too heavily on test preparation at the expense of other activities. One way to ensure positive washback is through instructional planning that links teaching and testing. By selecting a test that reflects your instructional and program goals, you can more closely line testing with instruction.
Construct Constructs are theabilities of thelearnerthatwebelieveunderlietheir test performance, butwhichwecannotdirectly observe. Thesebeing “concepts”, and we can identifythembecausethey are usuallyabstractnouns. Theoldestconstruct in educationispropbably “intelligence”. Whenweabstractfromwhatwe observe and createlabelswe are essentiallybuilding a basictheorytoexplain observable phenomena. Theimportantthingisdecidingwhatqualitiesyouwantstudentstohave and howyouwillassessthemagainstthosequalities.
Digital or E-Portfolios Student e-portfolio were born out of print-based portfolios (from the mid-1980s) in mainly art, English, and communication studies … Digital portfolios are selective and purposeful collections of student work, records of learning, growth over time (Barrett, 2000), and they change on the part of the student. They are multimedia representations of learning achievements. They may include: text photographs illustrations diagrams spreadsheets Publisher and Powerpoint presentations digital images videos music and sounds voice recordings links to useful and interesting websites
Definitions • Anorexy: Peoplesufferingfromanorexy, don’twant to mantaintheirnormal weightbecausetheyareaffraid of gainingweightandbecoming obese, andtheyareworriedabouttheirbody. • Bulimy: Peoplesufferingfromeatingexcesivelyandaftertheyvomitate or uselaxatives anddiuretics. Sometimestheysubmitthemselvesto veryrestricteddietswhichmodifytheircharacterandbehaviour.
Symptoms Anorexy • Don’twant to keeptheirweight. • Vomitate. • Starteatinglessandless. • Can’tconcentrateon theirstudies. • Losetheirmenstruation. • Peoplefeelcold, losetheirhair... • Etc... Bulimy • Eatingwithoutcontrol. • Feelingthatit’s impossible to stop eating. • Fastingto compensate for previous over eating. • Inducingvomitsthataredenied. • Abusingof laxatives anddiuretics. • Problemswithteeth. • Changesof humor anddepression.
Treatment • Anorexy: • Thebest treatment is a grouptherapy. • Talkingabouttheproblem. • Thehelp of thefamily. • Andthemore important is adquiringtherighteating attitude.
Bulimy: • Thebest treatment is group or individual therapy. • Acquiringtherighteating • attitude. • There is a pharmacologicaltreatment. • The mosteffectiveareantidepressants.
Watchthem and reflect • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qFbYW6bNViw • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AmJLiuxTfsQ&feature=related • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wjwZhEnSWvg&feature=related • http://almadormida.blogspot.com.ar/2007/05/una-cucharada-cada-comida-la-anorexia-y.html
A Fear of Food A History of Eating Disorders In the late 1800s, the curtain was about to rise on modern conceptions of anxiety. Victorians were beginning to get a glimpse of a new world, a world characterized by radical transformations, such as the telegraph, new theories of evolution and religion, telephones, light bulbs, elevators, and new forms of transportation. Such transformations seemed to produce a special kind of fear, a fear that we might call today general anxiety. Among burgeoning attention to the study of “mental states,” such as William James’ seminal work Principles of Psychology and Freud’s theory of the unconscious mind, Victorian doctors increasingly noted a rise in a previously obscure disorder called “hysteria.” Hysteria, from the Greek hysterikos (“of the womb”) was mainly associated with women and was indeed thought to be caused by a dysfunction of the uterus (Stacey 2002). The symptoms, mostly exhibited by women, were physical, but they also seemed to be linked to psychological factors and emotional distress. Increasingly, hysteria was seen as a type of social illness that was directly related to the needs and style of the era. In fact, soon after the turn of the century, cases of hysteria declined as social transformations were established, including significant changes in the status of women (Gordon 2000). Yet, in the second half of the twentieth century, a different and more serious type of “anxiety” burst into public view: eating disorders. Though several ancient texts seem to describe many modern eating disorders, these disorders began to occur with alarming frequency in the late 1960s.
Eating Disorders Statistics General: • Almost 50% of people with eating disorders meet the criteria for depression.1 • Only 1 in 10 men and women with eating disorders receive treatment. Only 35% of people that receive treatment for eating disorders get treatment at a specialized facility for eating disorders. • Up to 24 million people of all ages and genders suffer from an eating disorder (anorexia, bulimia and binge eating disorder) in the U.S. • Eating disorders have the highest mortality rate of any mental illness. Students: • 91% of women surveyed on a college campus had attempted to control their weight through dieting. 22% dieted “often” or “always.” • 86% report onset of eating disorder by age 20; 43% report onset between ages of 16 and 20. • Anorexia is the third most common chronic illness among adolescents. • 95% of those who have eating disorders are between the ages of 12 and 25. • 25% of college-aged women engage in bingeing and purging as a weight-management technique. • The mortality rate associated with anorexia nervosa is 12 times higher than the death rate associated with all causes of death for females 15-24 years old. • Over one-half of teenage girls and nearly one-third of teenage boys use unhealthy weight control behaviors such as skipping meals, fasting, smoking cigarettes, vomiting, and taking laxatives.
• In a survey of 185 female students on a college campus, 58% felt pressure to be a certain weight, and of the 83% that dieted for weight loss, 44% were of normal weight. Mortality Rates: Although eating disorders have the highest mortality rate of any mental disorder, the mortality rates reported on those who suffer from eating disorders can vary considerably between studies and sources. Part of the reason why there is a large variance in the reported number of deaths caused by eating disorders is because those who suffer from an eating disorder may ultimately die of heart failure, organ failure, malnutrition or suicide. Often, the medical complications of death are reported instead of the eating disorder that compromised a person’s health. According to a study done by colleagues at the American Journal of Psychiatry (2009), crude mortality rates were: • 4% for anorexia nervosa • 3.9% for bulimia nervosa • 5.2% for eating disorder not otherwise specified
Why You Need Calcium By ShereenJegtvig, About.comGuideJuly 23, 2012 My BioHeadlinesForumRSS Calcium is needed for strong bones and teeth, but that's not all. It's also important for normal blood clotting, and for healthy muscle and nervous system function. Most adults need around 1,000 mg to 1,200 mg every day (and teenagers need more). You can get enough calcium from the foods you eat. Dairy products are well-known as a source of calcium, but you don't need to consume dairy foods if you can't tolerate them or even if you just don't want to consume them. You can get plenty of calcium from other foods like legumes, green leafy vegetables, nuts, seeds and bony fish (like canned salmon), or you can take calcium supplements. Vitamin D is essential as well. If you don't get enough sun exposure (up to 30 minutes twice each week), then you might want to consider taking vitamin D supplements. Why? Because vitamin D helps your body absorb calcium. More About Calcium and Vitamin D http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tc20-M-9aTE