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Multienzyme systems

Multienzyme systems. A soluble or dissociated multienzyme system with diffusing intermediates A, B, C. S. A. B. C. P. E 1. E 2. E 3. E 4. Multienzyme systems. Multienzyme complex

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Multienzyme systems

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Multienzyme systems • A soluble or dissociated multienzyme system • with diffusing intermediates A, B, C S A B C P E1 E2 E3 E4

  2. Multienzyme systems • Multienzyme complex • Intermediates in the reaction sequence catalyzed by an enzyme complex are covalently bound and do no diffuse away from the complex E7 E2 E6 E1 E3 E5 E4

  3. Multienzyme systems • Membrane bound enzyme systems • Large supramolar structures such as membranes or ribosomes • Terminal oxydation chain

  4. H+ H+ H+ H+ H+ 4 H+ 4 H+ 2 H+ + + + + + Cit c III. e- I. e- UQ e- II. IV. e- e- - - - - NADH + H+ Szukcinát 4 H+ + O2 NAD+ Fumarát H2O

  5. Kinetical behaviour Each component has an own Km for substrate, cofactor, Vmax and pH optimum Computer modell Regulatory enzyme Fatty acid synthetase Pyruvate-dehydrogenase .a-ketoglutarate dehydrogenase Branched chain amino acid dehydrogenase Multienzyme systems

  6. Pyruvate-dehydrogenase (PDH) Glucose glycolysis Pyruvate Pyruvate-dehydrogenase enzyme complex

  7. Piruvát - dehidrogenáz Kofaktorok: NAD+ HS-CoA Koenzimek Tiamin-pirofoszfát (TPP) Liponsav Prosztetikus csoportok FAD

  8. A piruvát-dehidrogenáz multienzim komplex (PDH – komplex) Protein-kináz E1: Piruvát dehidrogenáz a2b2 (20-30) E2: Dihidrolipoil-transzacetiláz (60) x: alegység (6) Foszfoprotein-foszfatáz E3: Dihidrolipoil-dehidrogenáz (6) X E1 b E2 E3 E1 a TPP- FAD

  9. A PDH komplex szabályozása aktív + ATP NADH + H+ Acetil-CoA - Piruvát (máj) X + Inzulin (zsírszövet) E1 b E2 E3 E1 a HPO42- ATP PDH-kináz PDH-foszfatáz inaktív ADP H2O X Ca2+ ADP, NAD+ HS-CoA koncentráció növekedése esetén E1 b E2 E3 E1 a

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