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WORKSHOP II: Planning for Course Redesign. Review of Workshop Homework Innovative Course Redesign Practices Break-out Sessions: Redesign Plans Preparing the Final Proposal. READINESS CRITERIA. What were we looking for in institutional responses? Collaborative response—not by one person
WORKSHOP II:Planning for Course Redesign • Review of Workshop Homework • Innovative Course Redesign Practices • Break-out Sessions: Redesign Plans • Preparing the Final Proposal
READINESS CRITERIA • What were we looking for in institutional responses? • Collaborative response—not by one person • Evidence to document your response—not “yes”
READINESS CRITERIA • What impact would redesigning the course have on the curriculum, on students and on the institution—i.e., why do you want to redesign this course?
FACTORS TO CONSIDER WHEN THINKING ABOUT HIGH IMPACT • High drop-failure-withdrawal rates • Student performance in subsequent courses • Students on waiting lists • Student complaints • Other departmental complaints • Lack of consistency in multiple sections • Difficulty finding qualified adjuncts
READINESS CRITERIA #1The “Why” • “Over the past several years, the proportion of students earning A, B, or C has been unacceptable. In DSPM 0700, 0800 and 0850, the averages are 61%, 60% and 66% respectively.” • “In fall 2006, 60% of students in basic and developmental writing courses passed, and 54% of students in basic and developmental reading courses passed. These numbers suggest that the courses require continued refinement.”
HOW MANY SUPPLIED DATA? • 2 of 6 Universities in math • 5 of 13 Community Colleges in math • 1 of 6 Universities in English • 3 of 13 Community Colleges in English • “DSPM 0800 has just ended. The instructor indicated that the pass rate for this course was good and her overall experience with the course was good.” • “We have already redesigned DSPW 0800 to better prepare students for future English courses.”
Do the faculty have a good understanding of learning theory? • “Yes, the faculty members have an excellent understanding of learning theory. They have an average of 15 years of teaching experience, and they have investigated and incorporated sound pedagogy and best practices content development and delivery while using technology as the enabler.” • “Classes are staffed with full-time, tenured faculty who are experienced professionals, well-qualified in their disciplines and in the field of nurturing under-prepared students.”
PROBABLY MORE HONEST • “Although students have several options for achieving required learning outcomes, the faculty need a better understanding of learning theory and sound pedagogy. • Professional development activities targeting the differences between the manner in which older mature students learn versus how younger students learn would be beneficial. • Most of our faculty were exposed to learning theory concepts in their own higher educational experiences and courses, but an in-depth analysis of how various educational models impact learning would assist faculty in thinking from the students’ perspectives.”
LOTS OF SERVICESLOTS OF APPROACHES • “A Writing Lab has been available for all students for several years; recently students have been given access to SMARTHINKING.” • “During the last several years, we have piloted various new approaches for alternative delivery of courses such as the reading workshop, learning communities, linked courses and the Flexible Learning for Achievement and Growth Center.” • What’s the impact? How is each one different? Why? Has it improved student success?
WHAT ABOUT TECHNOLOGY? • National Association of Developmental Educators (NADE) says using “developmental” and “technology” in the same sentence is an oxymoron. • Good news – there’s a lot of technology use in TBR institutions. • Bad news – has it made a difference?
WHAT ABOUT TECHNOLOGY? • “In our department we have run the gamut of computer-based instruction. We have used in-class computer-based instruction, online class delivery, hybrid course delivery, and online course homework.” • “Faculty in the department are currently using Academic Systems, MyMathLab/MathXL, Statdisk, WebCT, ilrn, Scientific Notebook, Interactive Math, Excel, Geometers Sketch Pad, SmartBoard, Mathcad, Fathom, Virtual Manipulatives.”
WHAT ABOUT TECHNOLOGY? • “Over the last three years we have used a variety of software packages and/or technology as part of our courses. Materials we have used and/or piloted have included: Educo, Math Zone, Plato, Geometer’s Sketchpad; Smart CD Math Zone, Respondus software, and MathCad. Personal response systems . . . equation editors, graphing calculators and publisher-provided test resource software are used routinely by faculty members.”
WHAT ABOUT TECHNOLOGY?The Bottom Line • “Even though the faculty have been involved in a variety of cutting-edge and innovative teaching techniques for the past fifteen years, the success rates of developmental math students remain stagnant.” Chattanooga State Technical Community College
NO BENEFIT GOING HIGH-TECH FOR MATH AND READING • Going high-tech doesn't lead to higher math and reading scores, according to a federal study. • The study on the effectiveness of education technology was released by the National Center for Education Evaluation and Regional Assistance, a research arm of the Education Department. • The study found achievement scores were no higher in classrooms using reading and math software products than in classrooms without the new products.
REASON? • Using technology does not automatically lead to increased student success. • It’s how you use the technology that leads to increased student success.
MISCONCEPTIONS • “One of the goals of the Redesign Team is to investigate other materials that are currently available to determine the materials that will work well for our students.”
MISCONCEPTIONS • “Currently, math faculty are being polled to determine interest in a homework management system such as MyMathLab.” • “In DSPM 0800 and 0850, we currently use MyMathLab internet-based software as the lab/homeworkcomponent.” • MyMathLab is not a homework system!
“Several faculty members are assigning MyMathLab activities to students as outside-of-class homework in classes which meet in a traditional face-to-face format.” • “By summer 2007, faculty members will have developed instructional CDs containing course-specific materials for all DSPM courses; students will receive free CD sets in each of these courses. Faculty view these CDs simply as a supplemental resource designed to enhance student learning.” • “Only a few faculty have actually used computer-based instruction in their classes. Despite this lack of experience, faculty members are committed to using computer assisted supplemental instruction as a means of providing our students with much needed assistance.”
“The concept for course design will be similar regardless of the option chosen. Supplemental material will be modularized and computer-based.” • “Over the past year and a half, the math faculty has spent much time researching best practices in developmental math. They have examined such topics as assessment, reading in the math classroom, math tutoring labs, active learning strategies and technology. Results of this research were shared and, as a group, the faculty decided to maintain the current three hours of lecture and to supplement classroom instruction with mandatory lab time.”
FRESHMEN DON’T DO OPTIONAL • “A Writing Lab has been available for all students for several years; recently students have been given access to SMARTHINKING, an on-line tutoring program.” • “Faculty vary in their level of encouragement of students to use these tools to improve their writing skills.” • “The Academic Support Center provides peer tutoring for students in DSP math courses as well as students in Math 1010, Math 1530, and Math 1710 who voluntarily request it.”
PLANNING FOR REDESIGN • “The faculty decided to maintain the current three hours of lecture and to supplement classroom instruction with mandatory lab time.” • NCAT projects do the exact opposite! • Three hours of mandatory lab time supplemented with one hour of classroom instruction
GOING HIGH TECH LEADS TO HIGHER MATH SCORES • At the U of Alabama, student success rates went from 40% to 78%. • U of Idaho students earned more As and Bs and fewer Ds and Fs. • At the University of Missouri-Saint Louis, successful completion rate (grade of C or better) increased from 63.3% to 78.4%. • In fall 2006, the final exam median at LSU was 78%, the highest ever achieved. • At Wayne State, two-thirds of those who took the final exam passed it compared to only about half in the traditional course.
SOME OF YOU THINK • “Our students prefer to have an instructor present the class material.” • “Students in developmental writing courses tend to work better with face-to-face contact with instructors as many need constant feedback and positive reinforcement.” • “Nontraditional students are often technologically challenged and prefer the familiar environment of a traditional classroom.”
READINESS CRITERIA • What is the level of departmental support for the redesign project? Are decisions about curriculum in this department, program or school made beyond the individual faculty member level? • Have the course’s expected learning outcomes and a system for measuring their achievement been identified?
DEFINING AND MEASURING STUDENT LEARNING OUTCOMES • “The specific way in which course objectives are addressed is largely determined by the choice of course text. Textbooks are chosen by departmental committees. These committees solicit input from anyone in the department who wishes to voice an opinion. In selecting textbooks the desired course content is discussed. The objectives of the course are considered and specific textbook content is selected to correspond to the objectives. So, for example, all sections of Math 1530 are taught using thesame textbookand cover basically the same topics.”
DEFINING AND MEASURING STUDENT LEARNING OUTCOMES • “For each course, learning outcomes and course objectives were identified in a general way when the courses were submitted to TBR for inclusion in the general education core. These course objectives appear on the course syllabi. • However, a system for measuring their achievement has not been identified. • Of course, every instructor has an individual syllabus for each class. He/she creates and grades all assessments done in the class. No across-the-board assessment tool has been created.”
DEFINING AND MEASURING STUDENT LEARNING OUTCOMES • “A common syllabus is in use. • The same textbook is used for all sections of both DSPM 0800 and 0850. • A common final exam is developed with input from everyone who teaches the course.”
DEFINING AND MEASURING STUDENT LEARNING OUTCOMES • “Each course is assigned to a full-time faculty member who serves as Course Coordinator who • assures that all course documents (syllabus, departmental comprehensive final exam, etc.) are maintained; • solicits regular feedback from faculty teaching the course; • serve as a liaison for adjunct faculty teaching the course; • prepares a draft comprehensive final exam and solicits input from all faculty prior to publishing the final exam; • maintains and distributes the semester course packet of materials and resources for use by adjunct faculty and new or new-to-the-course full time faculty. • All adjunct and full-time faculty use the departmental syllabus, course objectives, textbook and final exam so course drift is minimized.”
CONTRADICTION? • “Collaboration among the faculty is exemplified through the use of departmental exams. Unit tests and final exams are developed within the developmental studies sub-committee and are under constant revision by the department as a whole. All faculty members are encouraged to give input regarding the tests.” • “While some faculty members do prefer to write their own tests and assessments, they base their individual versions on the departmental versions.” • “Presently, the department does not have a system in place to assess student learning outcomes.”
ASSESSING LEARNING OUTCOMES • “ACT and COMPASS sub-scores in mathematics are used to determine which students lack the necessary skills for success in university-level mathematics courses.” • Why not use them as common exit exams?
MISUNDERSTANDINGS • “Curricular decisions should come from within the department rather than being imposed upon the department. However, if a redesign model is chosen which the department supports from a pedagogical standpoint, the history of the department would indicate that cooperation with university administrators will be no problem.” • “If, as has been suggested, the reading course is integrated into the writing component of developmental courses, a curriculum change will be required.” • “Any changes will impact curriculum, but until the changes are known, the impact will be uncertain.”
Approximately 60% of freshmen are enrolled in a DSPM course. Only 47% of these students are successful (grade of A-C). As a result, most DSPM students remain in the program additional semesters, delaying their enrollment in college-level mathematics. Also, DSPM courses are intended to provide students with skills needed in other areas (business, chemistry, physics, biology and engineering.) Therefore, lack of student success in DSPM has impact across the college. It is clear that the DSPM courses are not meeting the needs of the majority of our students and that redesigning the DSPM program is needed to address this issue. The goals of the redesign are to improve student learning and significantly increase the number of successful students, allowing them to make progress towards their educational and career goals.” WHAT ARE WE TRYING TO DO? Pellissippi STCC
COMMERCIAL MATERIALS • There is not a large existing body of technology-based curricular materials or assessment instruments in reading. vs. • All full-time DSPR faculty members currently incorporate some form of computer-based instruction in existing sections. There is a large, available body of technology-based curricular material in reading and study skills instruction . . . from several publishers, including Townsend Press, Addison-Wesley, McGraw-Hill, and Jamestown Publishers. • Computer-based instruction is the cornerstone of the existing reading program.
SEQUENCE VS. COURSE • “The course chosen for redesign is Intermediate Algebra.’ • “This document pertains to three courses from which one would be chosen. It has not yet been determined which of these three courses would be the subject of the redesign.” • “For its next effort toward redesign, the Mathematics Division is discussing combining DSPM 0850 and MATH 1630. Content in these two courses overlap; thus, we believe they are good candidates for combining.
MODULARIZATION • “The redesign process should take into consideration the large and diverse student population which we serve with DSP Math. • Of particular note is the large number of students taking these courses and the wide range of ACT math sub-scores of students in this population. • The best redesign plan would consider the academic needs of this population and reflect instructional methods which would enhance the learning experience for the students at each extreme and in the middle.”
MODULARIZATION • “Currently, all students spend the same amount of class time working on course elements. • It does not allow for variances in skills areas or learning differences. • Modularizing these courses will target skills areas for each student, thus speeding up student learning (theoretically.) • Students will participate in self-paced learning that gives more time to deficient skills and less time to those skills at which they are already competent.”
MODULARIZATION • “Currently, DSPR sections receive whole-class instruction in a self-contained classroom. • Modular redesign using a diagnostic/prescriptive approach could allow us to focus on needs of individual learners, resulting in more rapid student progress and numerous early exits. • We currently lose some capable students who are held back by the less capable ones, and we lose some of our less capable students because they cannot keep up with the rest of the class. • Course redesign could eliminate both problems.”
ACCELERATION • “Redesigning the courses into modules should allow more students to move through the curriculum at afaster pace. Students could finish both courses in one semester if they can successfully complete the modules in that time period. This should decrease the average length of time a student spends enrolled in DSPM courses.” • “Modularization will allow students to reduce the total time required to complete developmental math and assist the college to meet increasing enrollment demands with limited resources by providing a more efficient means of preparing for college-level coursework.”
QUALITY AND COST • “If reading and writing sections are combined and class size is increased, using the Replacement Model for the method of delivery will decrease the number of sections per course by approximately 50% per year. • A reduction in the number of sections will result in a decrease in the number of adjuncts used in each course each year. • Therefore, cost will decrease significantly, and the quality of instruction will be improved by allowing most of the courses to be taught by full-time faculty.”
QUALITY AND COST • “Redesigning the course so that students spend 3 hours per week in a classroom and 2 hours per week in a technology-based lab staffed by graduate students (vs. 5 hours in a classroom) would have a number of positive effects: • With each section contributing 3 rather than 5 hours to the teaching load, the 3 dedicated instructors could teach additional sections, a move that would result in a cost saving equivalent to the salary of 1 to 1½ full-time instructors; • Instructors who lack experience teaching developmental writing would no longer be assigned to the course; • The department could build its graduate program by offering assistant-to-the-instructor positions to graduate students who lack the 18 hours required to teach.”
QUALITY AND COST • “Because the number of students enrolled in DSPW 0700 is substantially lower than the number enrolled in DSPW 0800, we have begun to examine the possibility of redesigning these two courses by fusing them together into a combination course. • This would reduce the number of instructors needed to teach and enable students to improve and move more quickly in the writing sequence. • In our reading sequence, the situation is much the same as it is with writing.”
SUMMARY • Importance of data to • Support assertions • Make decisions • Understand what works and what doesn’t • It’s not the technology – it’s how its used • Freshmen don’t do optional • Limitations of the supplemental approach • Importance of good assessment • Grades vs. outcomes • ACT as a pre- and post-test • Cost reduction as well as quality improvement