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EU-Structural Fonds Evaluation

Dive into the ongoing evaluation of EU funds programs (2007-2013) distributed in Saxony-Anhalt among priority axes. Explore the comprehensive plan of evaluation, types of indicators, and possible themes for future strategies.

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EU-Structural Fonds Evaluation

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Presentation Transcript

  1. EU-Structural Fonds Evaluation Evaluation SeminarBrussels, 26.06.08

  2. Saxony-Anhalt

  3. Distribution of EU EFRE, ESF and ELER/EFF among priority axes Total 3.4 bn € EU-funds Programs 2007-2013

  4. ongoing evaluation: 31.03. every year: annual report (ongoing evaluation and themes - firstly 2010) 30.09. every year: midterm review (ongoing evaluation and themes- firstly 2009, decision of new themes for next year) Plan of Evaluation 01/2008: implementation of steering group 04/2008: call for tenders (13 possible applicants, but only 3 offers) 08/2008: award 09/2008: finding of themes for 2009 03/2009: review of list of indicators 2007 2008 2009 2010 ……… 2015 2010: evaluation of all funds 09/2015: review of pro- cedure strategic evaluations to rebuilt strategy and programs (max. 3)

  5. Steering Group • subgroup of Steering Committee • members are • ministries, • Social Partners (including Centre of Competence) • statistic authority • regularly quarterly sessions

  6. Types of Indicators • Input (financial indicators) • Output (mainly) • Result (only few) • Impact (context) • All together: • project indicators: 59 (each quantified and connected to certain levels of financial plan) • context indicators: 40 (each quantified)

  7. Groups of Indicators • N1 = persons / participants • N2 = financial resources (monthly reported) • N3 = number (how many projects) • N4 = funded areas • N5 = funded length, routes • N6 = masses, quantities, • N7 = whereabouts • N8 = horizontal themes

  8. Possible themes (provisional) • reasons and solutions against school failure • urban dimension • poverty and discrimination • demographic change • revolving funds • whereabouts of participants after 6 month • structure of jobs regarding qualification and income (especially jobs for women)

  9. Conclusion Who wants to steer a ship, needs information! Who wants to steer needs a steer ! • Information society and eGovernment ! Who wants to steer has to use information and steer! - otherwise:

  10. Ways to same objective!

  11. Big success! Thanks for your attention! www.europa.sachsen-anhalt.de

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