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EU Structural Funds. Milestones or millstones ! Søren Holm Pedersen EURA A/S. Fields of intervention for Structural Funds ERDF – productive investments, infrastructure, endogenous potential, technical assistance
EU Structural Funds • Milestones or millstones ! • Søren Holm Pedersen • EURA A/S Søren Holm Pedersen
Fields of intervention for Structural Funds • ERDF –productive investments, infrastructure, endogenous potential, technical assistance • ESF – support for multi-annual national employment plans, local and regional employment pacts, information society • FIFG – support for keeping the balance between supply and demand, competitiveness, processing and marketing, revitalisation of fisheries areas • EAGGF – support for adjustment ofagricultural structures, retirement, rural development measures Søren Holm Pedersen
Objectives of the Structural Funds, 2000-2006 Objective 1 (territorial) To promote the development and structural adjustment to regions whose development is lagging behind Objective 2 (territorial) To support the economic and social conversion of areas facing structural difficulties Objective 3 (thematic)) To support the adaptation and modernisation of policies and systems of Education, training and employment Søren Holm Pedersen
Principles of the EU Structural Funds • Concentration (thematic, geographic, financial) • Programming (integrated and multi-year planning • Partnership (relevant stake holders involved) • Additionality (add some extra to planned activity) • Other (subsidiarity, flexibility, sustainability, equal opportunities, etc.) Søren Holm Pedersen
The role of local government : Being the pipeline • Detection and identification • Development • Appraisal and partnership building • Promotion, negotiation and decision • Co-funding • Implementation and monitoring • Evaluation and valorisation Søren Holm Pedersen
EURA A/S Creating the common picture Sustainable regional and local development Projects Projects Programmes Priorities SME-Structure Environment Innovation and training centres Infrastructure Labour Market Søren Holm Pedersen
Project Cycle Søren Holm Pedersen
Current Situation 1.We have a perceived problem 2.We need to change the way things are 3.We need to improve the situation Søren Holm Pedersen
Project Design • What is Project Design? It’s the phase where you: • Outline project background and overall objectives • Discuss/justify the project internally and with key stakeholders • Identify the key policy documents (regulations/programmes) • Define project purpose and results of the project • Define the project outputs, inputs and the assumptions • Make a preliminary estimate of project cost and funding • Summarize project description (e.g. using LogFrame) Søren Holm Pedersen
Structure of a LogFrame matrix Søren Holm Pedersen
Project Design - LogFrame LogFrame matrix definitions • Intervention Logic • Indicators of Achievement: Important definitions/targets for objectives that are objectively verifiable • Sources of Verification: How and where to check achievements • Assumptions and Risks: Things taken for granted – What could happen? Søren Holm Pedersen
Project Design - LogFrame • Overall objective: Overall development orientation of the policy/ programme which the project is a part of and contributes to • Project purpose: Specific objective to be achieved by addressing the core problem of the sector/area concerned • Results: The ”products” of activities undertaken, the combination of which achieve the project purpose • Activities: Actions to be carried out or services provided • Means: Inputs required to produce results • Costs: Budgets and financing Søren Holm Pedersen
Development • Review the project internally and with stakeholders • Comprehensive Project Proposal • Finalising the budget • Finalising the time and activity plan. • What are the minimum requirements of such a plan? • Develop a detailed time and activity plan. Søren Holm Pedersen
Appraisal • Resources, organisation and stakeholders • How will you ensure, that staff (internally/externally) is available to the extend needed and their qualifications appropriate? • How will you ensure the commitment of top management in your own organisation? • You should ensure, that stakeholder’s interests are finally met and commitment obtained. What method(s) could be used here? Søren Holm Pedersen
Negotiations and decisions – organisation & implementation • Discuss, how the project organisation could be made – who will be responsible for carrying out which tasks and how will contacts/communication be organised. • Elaborate a project organisation diagram. • Describe the skills/qualifications that “your ideal project manager” should have. • Describe the skills/qualifications that the members of “your ideal project staff” should have. Søren Holm Pedersen
Project evaluation • What are the main objectives of evaluation? • Three types of evaluations exists • Feasibility evaluation • Implementation evaluation (monitoring) • Summative evaluation Søren Holm Pedersen
EURA A/S ERDF/EAGGF : Types of Tourism projects Facilities n Events n Agrotourism Experience centres Meeting points Farm house holiday Markom LOK Farm holiday network Access & comfort Access & comfort Søren Holm Pedersen
EURA A/S ERDF : Types of Local/ SME projects Infrastructure n Production n Marketing Purification plants Product development Markom Markom LOK Market development Innovation Centres EMAS Søren Holm Pedersen
EURA A/S ESF : Human Resource back upexamples SME-projects n Skills improvement n Job preparation Higher educated to SME’s The light is not for the learned only E-business Markom LOK Integration in practise Winners of the future HRD Curriculum Søren Holm Pedersen
How do local governments become the pipeline ? • Commitment of sufficient resources by sharing • Regional Alliances of municipalities • Networking with authorities, institutions, associations, companies etc. • Cross border contacts • Outsourcing • Creation of common service and support facilities Søren Holm Pedersen