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Briff 7 Munud Gorchmynion Amddiffyn rhag Priodi Gorfodol ac Anffurfio Organau Cenhedlu Benywaidd Forced Marriage and FGM Protection Orders 7 Minute Briefing. 1. BETH YDY W ? 1. WHAT IS IT?.

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  1. Briff 7 MunudGorchmynion Amddiffyn rhag Priodi Gorfodol ac Anffurfio Organau Cenhedlu BenywaiddForced Marriage and FGM Protection Orders7 Minute Briefing

  2. 1. BETH YDYW? 1. WHAT IS IT? • A ‘Forced Marriage ‘ is a marriage where one or both spouses do not consent to the marriage but are coerced into it • Coercion (or duress) can include physical, psychological, financial, sexual or emotional pressure • Forcedmarriage is a criminal offence under Section 121 of the Anti-Social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014 • ‘Priodas Orfodol’ yw priodas pan nad yw un neu’r ddau sy’n priodi’n cydsynio i’r briodas ond eu bod yn cael eu gwthio i briodi • Gall gwthio neu orfodi gynnwys rhoi pwysau corfforol, seicolegol, ariannol, rhywiol neu emosiynol • Mae priodi gorfodol yn drosedd dan Adran 121 Deddf Ymddygiad Gwrthgymdeithasol, Trosedd a Phlismona 2014

  3. 2. BETH YDYW? 2. WHAT IS IT? • FGM is a crime under the Female Genital Mutilation Act 2003 (amended by Serious Crime Act 2015) • ‘FGM’ comprises all procedures involving partial or total removal of the external female genitalia or other injury to the female genital offence has been committed for non medical reasons” • Mae anffurfio organau cenhedlu benywaidd yn drosedd dan Ddeddf Anffurfio Organau Cenhedlu Benywod 2003 (wedi’i diwygio gan Ddeddf Troseddau Difrifol 2015) • Mae anffurfio organau cenhedlu benywaidd yn cynnwys pob triniaeth i dynnu organau cenhedlu allanol merched yn rhannol neu’n gyfan gwbl neu eu hanafu mewn unrhyw fodd arall am resymau anfeddygol

  4. 3. BETH YDYW? 3. WHAT IS IT? • Forced Marriage Protection Orders: FMPO’s enable courts to prevent forced marriages from going ahead and to protect those who have already been forced into marriage. Only specified courts can issue FMPO’s – including Liverpool Family Court • Similar to Non-Molestation Order, but it can be made against a wide range of people. – it is not restricted to ‘associated persons • Gorchmynion Amddiffyn rhag Priodi Gorfodol: Mae GAPG yn galluogi’r llysoedd i atal priodas orfodol rhag parhau a gwarchod y rhai sydd eisoes wedi’u gorfodi i briodi. Llysoedd penodol sy’n cael rhoi GAPG – gan gynnwys Llys Teuluoedd Lerpwl • Mae’n debyg i Orchymyn Rhag Molestu, ond mae modd ei osod ar ystod eang o bobl – nid yw wedi’i gyfyngu i unigolion ‘cysylltiedig’ yn unig

  5. 4. BETH YDYW? 4. WHAT IT IS? • Examples of FMPO Prohibitions/ • Restrictions/ Requirements (not exhaustive): • Prohibit the arranging or forcing of a marriage • Prohibit travel or arranging flights • Require the location of the victim to be disclosed to the court • Require passports to be surrendered & prevent issue of travel documents • Require child to attend school • Prohibit harassment of victim • Enghreifftiau o Waharddiadau GAPG: • Cyfyngiadau/Gofynion (nid yw’n cynnwys pob dim): • Gwahardd trefnu neu orfodi priodas • Gwahardd teithio neu drefnu i hedfan • Ei gwneud yn ofynnol i leoliad y dioddefwr gael ei ddatgelu yn y llys • Meddiannu pasbortau ac atal dogfennau teithio rhag cael eu rhoi • Ei gwneud yn ofynnol i blentyn fynd i’r ysgol • Gwahardd y dioddefwr rhag cael ei aflonyddu

  6. 5. BETH YDYW? 5. WHAT IT IS? • Who can apply for a FMPO? • Any person at risk of forced marriage can make their own application • A ‘relevant 3rd party’ – specified as the local authority • Any person who is given leave of the court • e.g. police, solicitors, charities, family members, friends • The court https://www.gov.uk/apply-forced-marriage-protection-order • Pwy all ymgeisio am GAPG? • Gall unrhyw berson sydd mewn perygl o briodas orfodol wneud eu cais eu hunain • ‘3ydd parti perthnasol’ – a nodir fel yr awdurdod lleol • Unrhyw berson sydd â chaniatâd gan y llys • e.e. yr heddlu, cyfreithwyr, elusennau, aelodau’r teulu, ffrindiau • Y llys https://www.gov.uk/apply-forced-marriage-protection-order

  7. 6. Materion Allweddol 6. Key Issues • Female Genital Mutilation Protection Order (FGMPO) • Civil order, issued by designated family court – includes Liverpool Family Court • For the purposes of: • Protecting a child/adult against the commission of FGM • Protecting a girl against whom such an offence has been committed • Can contain such prohibitions or requirements, as appropriate • Gorchymyn Gwarchod rhag Anffurfio Organau Cenhedlu Benywaidd • Gorchymyn sifil, sy’n cael ei roi gan lys teuluoedd penodedig – yn cynnwys Llys Teuluoedd Lerpwl • Er mwyn: • Amddiffyn plentyn/oedolyn rhag i rywun anffurfio eu horganau cenhedlu benywaidd • Amddiffyn merch y mae trosedd o’r fath wedi’i chyflawni arni • Gall gynnwys gwaharddiadau neu ofynion, fel y bo’n briodol

  8. 7. Materion Allweddol7. Key Issues • Legislation mirrors FMPO legislation • Where a girl is under 18, safeguarding procedures apply and the local authority would ordinarily take the lead • Ensure risk to siblings is considered – they can be protected on the same order • Forms and advice: https://www.gov.uk/female-genital-mutilation-protection-order • You may only have one chance to speak to a potential victim and thus only have one chance to save a life. In an emergency always call 999 • Deddfwriaeth yn adlewyrchu deddfwriaeth GAPG • Os oes merch dan 18 oed, mae gweithdrefnau diogelu’n cael eu gweithredu a byddai’r awdurdod lleol, fel arfer, yn arwain • Sicrhau bod risg i frodyr neu chwiorydd yn cael ei hystyried – mae modd eu gwarchod ar yr un Gorchymyn • Ffurflenni a chyngor: https://www.gov.uk/female-genital-mutilation-protection-order • Efallai mai un cyfle gewch chi i siarad â dioddefwr posib’ ac felly un cynnig i achub bywyd. Mewn argyfwng, ffoniwch 999 bob tro

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