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One Million Climate Jobs: What...when...how?. Gareth Dale (Brunel University & Campaign Against Climate Change). UK Low Carbon Transition Plan (General).
One Million Climate Jobs:What...when...how? Gareth Dale (Brunel University & Campaign Against Climate Change)
UK Low Carbon Transition Plan (General) “Every major decision now needs to take account of the impact on the carbon budget as well as the financial budget. The budget constraint will be real: failure to reduce emissions through policies and measures could mean a need to buy credits from abroad.” A sample of the proposed initiatives: New nuclear; CCS; smart meters; “Demonstrating 340 new electric + lower carbon cars”; £5 million investment “in improving cycle storage at rail stations” “Encouraging English farmers to take action to reduce emissions to at least 6% lower than currently predicted”
UK Low Carbon Transition Plan (Renewable Energy) EU ETS; Renewables Obligation; “clean energy cashback” initiative. And investment: • £120 million investment in offshore wind • £60 million investment in marine (wave and tidal) energy The NEF response:"at £180 million or 23 per cent of the estimated £775m annual bonus package for staff at RBS, we have to question how far the rhetoric is matched by real commitment."
UK Low Carbon Transition Plan (Jobs) Currently there are 880k “green jobs“…. “By 2020, this could rise to more than a million if we seize the opportunity to establish the UK as a global centre of low carbon industries and green manufacturing. Around 200k of these new jobs by 2015 are expected to be in renewable energy, which could grow by a further 300k additional renewables jobs by 2020.”
The Vestas Test July 2009: UK Govt Low Carbon Transition Plan. The promise: 1.2 million “green” jobs Aug 2009: Vestas workers occupy their plant. The test: save 400 actually existing green jobs. The outcome: abject failure.
Vestas changes the climate • Direct action • Community support • Red-green alliances • A role for trade unions
The 1m climate jobs charter Introductory Who we are • TUs, CaCC, academics What we propose • 1m govt-hired climate jobs How to go about it • campaigning, publicity, lobbying
The jobs: Energy Manufacturing (wind + marine turbines, PV cells, solar water heating) Transport, assembly, maintenance If 300k wind workers employed for 10 yrs, by 2020 wind could produce 300TWh (= ¾ of present supply)
The jobs: Buildings Weatherisation • Requires: manufacture of boilers, heat pumps, etc; architects and engineers; R&D Regulation • energy efficient appliances + lighting, etc. Insulation, double glazing, boiler replacement, solar water heaters. To cut household emissions from heating, air, water by 45%: 200k/10yrs; 51%: 300k; 59%: 500k
The jobs: Transport The general task: switch from cars, planes, lorries to buses, trains, bicycles. In addition: switch to hybrid/electric cars The jobs: bus and rail travel; rail construction; electric bus/car manufacture Nr of jobs: ≤ ¾M
In addition: • Organic agriculture • Waste management/energy • Additional manufacture • Education and training
Can we pay the bill? 1M jobs = ca. £50bn p.a. (£25bn wages, £5bn NI + pensions; £20bn materials, overheads, interest.) Savings via taxes/benefits: £12bn Savings via taxes/benefits of ‘indirect jobs’: £6bn Returns (eg energy bills, transport): £12bn • Real cost = £20bn How to pay? 5% tax on the top 1%? Trident etc.? Borrowing or printing money? Windfall taxes?
Making it happen Campaigning: • Trade unions; environmental reps • Red & green • Councillors, religious groups, political parties, students The Vestas example The Copenhagen conjuncture