High-level goals and low-level systems: how can computers help solving complex problems?Piek Vossen and Roxane SegersVU University AmsterdamKYOTO (ICT-211423)Yielding Ontologies for Transition-Based OrganizationFP7: Intelligent Content and Semanticshttp://www.kyoto-project.eu/1st Kyoto workshop: Environmental Knowledge Transition and ExchangeFebruary, 2-3, 2009, Artis Amsterdam
Overview 1. analysis of the user questions (provided by ECNC and WWF) a. clear cases b. unclear cases and possible solutions 2. Concepts and relations 3. Discussion: how to use knowledge discovery to answer complex questions 1st Kyoto workshop: Environmental Knowledge Transition and Exchange, February, 2-3, 2009, Artis Amsterdam
Analysis of the user questions ▪Total of 330 questions from WWF and ECNC. ▪ Analysis of question type (what, where, who, when, how etc). ▪ Words that express the relation that is asked for 1st Kyoto workshop: Environmental Knowledge Transition and Exchange, February, 2-3, 2009, Artis Amsterdam
Classification of questions • Finding Definitions, e.g. • What are the drivers? • What are ecosystem services? • Pin-Pointing Sources • Where are biodiversity hotspots? • Who is an expert on biodiversity? • Information Retrieval, e.g. • What is the current status of a specie? • What are the most recent countings of a certain specie? • Examples (of best practices), e.g. • Best practices of resource management in poor area's? • Are there examples of nature conservation and poverty elivation? • What are good examples of E.S.? • High level questions, e.g. • What are the key biodiversity indicators in a certain area? • What is the effect of climate change and species diversity? • What is the impact of declining bee populations on agricultural productivity? • Which rare and threatened species/ecosystems are people most dependent on for economic benefits? 1st Kyoto workshop: Environmental Knowledge Transition and Exchange, February, 2-3, 2009, Artis Amsterdam
Baseline retrieval results 30 high-level questions, 1st Kyoto workshop: Environmental Knowledge Transition and Exchange, February, 2-3, 2009, Artis Amsterdam
Some numbers… Example of question analysis: • What is the effectof poverty on biodiversity? causes • How can sustainable financing influence livelihood? causes What is 41.2% How 23.9% What/Which 16.9% Auxiliary verbs 9.3% Where 3.9% Why 1.2% When 0.6% Who 0.6% 1st Kyoto workshop: Environmental Knowledge Transition and Exchange, February, 2-3, 2009, Artis Amsterdam
Difficult causal relations (no search results) • What is the impact of dogs on wildlife? Canine x Process (spreading disease, hunting?) Organism x Process (decreasing?) • What is the effect of hedgerows on air quality? Artefact x Process Attribute x Process (Pollution?) 1st Kyoto workshop: Environmental Knowledge Transition and Exchange, February, 2-3, 2009, Artis Amsterdam
Association What is the effect of hedgerows on air quality? HEDGEROW AIR QUALITY soil erosion wildlife corridor air pollution aerosols biodiversity biodiversity aerosols 1st Kyoto workshop: Environmental Knowledge Transition and Exchange, February, 2-3, 2009, Artis Amsterdam
Decomposition of a high level question hedgerows air quality capture, interception role aerosols airborne particles hyponym hyponym aerosols dust smog 1st Kyoto workshop: Environmental Knowledge Transition and Exchange, February, 2-3, 2009, Artis Amsterdam
What does it take? • Extract all events and properties involving hedgerows ► direct relations, causal chains, roles, etc. • Extract all events and properties involving air quality ► direct relations, causal chains, roles, etc • Do the same for any synonyms, hyponyms co-hyponyms, or hyperonyms • Extract dates and locations for events and properties • Try to intersect and quantify the results 1st Kyoto workshop: Environmental Knowledge Transition and Exchange, February, 2-3, 2009, Artis Amsterdam
Small preliminary domain model Are there huge negative effects with regard to eco-networks and alien invasive species? eco-network Area core area breeding pond buffer area [area connector] migration corridor commuting corridor dispersal corridor stepping stone corridor Cultural hedgerow canal stonewall Natural watercourses rivers coastlines bird migration corridor terrestrial dispersal corridor 1st Kyoto workshop: Environmental Knowledge Transition and Exchange, February, 2-3, 2009, Artis Amsterdam
Versions of KYOTO • KYOTO-1: • extract all countings of species & populations in regions for dates and periods • KYOTO-2: • changes in numbers of species and sizes of populations, temporal relations and causal relations • KYOTO-3: • to be determined.... 1st Kyoto workshop: Environmental Knowledge Transition and Exchange, February, 2-3, 2009, Artis Amsterdam