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Introduction to Physics and 1-D Motion. Physics Lecture Resources. Prof. Mineesh Gulati. Happy Model Hr. Sec. School Udhampur, India Email: mineesh.gulati@gmail.com. Text Book. Phundamentals of Physics. F. 7th Edition. Halliday, Resnick and Walker. lectures. slides. problems.
Introduction to Physics and 1-D Motion Physics Lecture Resources Prof. Mineesh Gulati Happy Model Hr. Sec. School Udhampur, India Email: mineesh.gulati@gmail.com happyphysics.com
Text Book Phundamentals of Physics F 7th Edition Halliday, Resnick and Walker happyphysics.com
lectures slides problems happyphysics.com
Ptolemy Maria Mayer Galileo Yukawa Kepler Marie Curie Kelper and Tycho-Brahe Newton ????? In praise of Physics happyphysics.com
In 500 BC Physics was quite simple Earth Water Air Fire Kinematics Dynamics Astronomy Objects stay at rest unless being pushed! happyphysics.com
Aristotle 384 BC -322 BC happyphysics.com
The retrograde motion in the orbit of mars was a serious challenge to the standard geocentric cosmology which demanded that all the planets orbit the earth. Ptolemy (85-165 AD) came up with an elaborate mechanism to keep the earth at the center of the Universe. October 14 June 6 July 26 September 4 (1971) happyphysics.com
Ptolemy’s Epicycles (85-165 AD) happyphysics.com
Crystal sphere with stars Paradise Can you imagine no change to this theory for more than 1000 years! Earth happyphysics.com
Copernicus ~1540 Earth rotates on its axis -- 1 day Earth revolves around the Sun ---365 days happyphysics.com
Retrograde motionaccording to Copernicus happyphysics.com
Galilei Galileo 1564 - 1642 happyphysics.com
Johannes Kepler 1571-1630 Kepler’s Laws of Planetary Motion Law 1 The planets circulate in eliptical orbits with the sun at one focus Law 2 A line joining the planet to the Sun sweeps out equal areas per unit time. happyphysics.com
The law of areas When closer to the sun, the planet moves faster happyphysics.com
A CHRONOLOGY OF THE SCIENTIFIC REVOLUTION 1440 Gutenberg completed his wooden press which used metal moving type. 1543 Nicolas Copernicus publishes On The Revolutions of the Heavenly Spheres 1571 Tycho Brahe develops instruments for precise astronomical observation and records positions of stars and planets. He creates a Tychonic System of the cosmos called geoheliocentric. Planets revolve around the sun, while the sun and planets still revolve around the central earth 1609 Johannes Kepler publishes his first and second Laws of Planetary motion. (l) Planetary orbits are elliptical. (2) Planets sweep out equal areas in equal times 1609 Galileo Galilei develops a telescope of 30X magnification and begins observations 1619 Kepler announces his Third Law of Planetary Motion which stated that a planet's distance from the sun is related to the time it takes a planet to revolve around the sun 1632 Galileo publishes his Dialogues on the Two Chief Systems of the World which popularized the Copernican system and articulated the concept of a world subject to mathematical laws 1633 Galileo is denounced by the Inquisition and forced to recant his belief in Copernican theory 1667 Sir Isaac Newton constructs the first reflecting telescope 1687 Newton publishes his Principia Mathematica which explained gravitation, contained the components of Newtonian Physics (matter, motion, space, attraction), and challenged the Aristotelian/Ptolemaic cosmos. happyphysics.com
The year Newton postulated gravity! JOHANNES VERMEER ~1660 happyphysics.com
The Geographer Vermeer 1668/9 The Astronomer Vermeer 1668 These paintings reflect the blossoming of scientific enquiry in seventeenth century Europe. At this time, Newton is making the first reflecting telescopes, Louis XIV is building an observatory in Paris, the satellites of Jupiter are being used for navigation at sea, and Huygens has discovered the sixth satellite of Saturn. The old views, that it would be presumptive for man to probe too closely the sky or the Earth, are being replaced by modern principles of science. happyphysics.com
At this time artists began to paint pictures of everyday people and events. Women and their children The everyday tasks of caring for a family The caring love for a sick child Woman peeling potatoesGabrielMetsu (~1660) Milkmaid Vermeer(~1660) Sick ChildGabrielMetsu (1660) Courtyard (1658) Pieter deHooch Sick Child happyphysics.com
Mozart Bach Purcell Scarlatti Monteverdi Handel Vivaldi And over this same period, as Physics became liberated and questioning, as architecture flourished, and art became less constrained and reflected the real world, there developed a blossoming of music. The baroque period: new enlightened and liberated forms of music, and newly developed instruments. The chamber works of Vivaldi The splendor of Bach’s organ works The choral works of Monteverdi and Handel The new opera works of Purcell The genius of Mozart So we see that in this revolutionary time, Physics was ready for Newton (born in1643), to revolutionize our understanding of mechanics.. happyphysics.com
Isaac Newton 1642-1727 G r a v i t y happyphysics.com
Why is it so!!! Riding a bike The unstable top Racing down hill happyphysics.com
For you to read by next lecture Sections from the Text book: Review of Year 12 Physics 2.3 Defining position in 1D 2.4-2.6 Definitions of average and instantaneous speed and acceleration in 1D. The relationships between these 2.7 The case of constant acceleration (VCE Physics) Read this for next lecture 3.2- 3.6 Specifying vectors happyphysics.com
To think about: I will quiz you on this next lecture. 1 km 2 km For Next Lecture: What is her average speed? What is her average velocity? What do you mean by velocity? If she rode directly to school, what would be her speed? Velocity? happyphysics.com
Here endeth the lesson lecture No. 1 happyphysics.com
Erect = straight WHY things move Rectilinear Motion Straight line Motion Kinematics HOW things move Dynamics happyphysics.com
x Distance travelled in equal time intervals happyphysics.com
x x x x x Dist (x) Time (t) happyphysics.com
x speed = Dist (x) distance . time taken Time (t) Average speed x5 x4 Dx x3 x2 Dt x1 t5 t1 t2 t3 t4 happyphysics.com
Instantaneous speed x x6 Dist (x) x5 x4 x4 Dx Dx x3 x2 x1 Dt Dt Gradient of the x-t curve t3 t4 t4 Time (t) happyphysics.com
Position (x) Position as a function of time If we know x(t), we can find v(t) happyphysics.com
Speed as a function of time If we know x (t), we can find v(t) time time time happyphysics.com
Acceleration as a function of time If we know x (t), we can find v(t) time Similarly if we know v(t), we can find a(t) since time time happyphysics.com
If we know a(t), we can find v(t), since: And from v(t) we can find x(t), since From acceleration speed distance happyphysics.com
(accel) (t) t0 t speed v0 (t) If acceleration is constant,life is easy! VCE easy if t0 = 0, See slide lect 2 Similarly x-x0= v0t + ½ at2 v2 = v02 + 2as etc. happyphysics.com
VCE Physics 1-D (linear kinematics) with constant acceleration See modified slide lecture 2 happyphysics.com
2-D Kinematics Vectors have magnitude and direction distance displacement speed velocity happyphysics.com
Distance from Melbourne to Bendigo = 1600 km Displacement of Bendigo rel. to Melbourne = 200 km (NW) Average speed=distance/time =1600/20 = 80 km/h Average velocity = displacement/time = 200/2 = 100 km/h happyphysics.com N.W.
r1 is the vector displacement of P1rel to origin Y y1 The length of r1= r y Unit vectors y2 x 2 1 x1 x2 X r2 is the displacement vector of P2 rel to origin r is the displacement vector of P2 rel to P1 P1 (x1, y1) P2 (x2, y2) r1 = ix1 + jy1 +( kz1) r2 = ix2 + jy2 +( kz1) r1 r = r2 - r1 r = (ix2 + jy2) -(ix1 + jy1) r2 r= i(x2- x1) + j(y2-y1) + r= ix+ jy + happyphysics.com
Average velocity Y y1 r y y2 r1 r2 x 2 1 x1 x2 X Instantaneous P1 (x1, y1) P2 (x2, y2) Vav is in direction of Dr happyphysics.com