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Tuesday, March 11 th

Tuesday, March 11 th. Bell Work : Please turn in your SFI sheet (HW) to the homework bin and pick up a presidential review worksheet from the front table. Take the first 10 minutes of class to complete the worksheet. Daily Agenda:. Bell Work : Presidential Word Association

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Tuesday, March 11 th

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  1. Tuesday, March 11th Bell Work: Please turn in your SFI sheet (HW) to the homework bin and pick up a presidential review worksheet from the front table. Take the first 10 minutes of class to complete the worksheet.

  2. Daily Agenda: • Bell Work: Presidential Word Association • WOD  intemperate • Review: The Age of Jackson • Lecture: The Age of Jackson • Collaborative Pre-Writing: Jacksonian DBQ Essential Questions: • Although Jackson wanted to decrease government power, how did he actually increase it? • Although Jackson was a defender of the common man, what groups of people was he not a defender of and how? Homework: Complete DBQ Pre-planning (Read background essay, analyze documents, group documents in preparation for essay writing.

  3. intemperate– lacking restraint; excessivePronunciation for Word • Categorize the following words into two groups: • What is their connection? Word Categorization March 11th, Block 2

  4. intemperate– lacking restraint; excessivePronunciation for Word • Categorize the following words into two groups: • Synonyms for intemperate: unbridled(unrestrained) • Antonyms for intemperate: moderate (normal range) Word Categorization March 11th, Block 2

  5. What does this have to do with intemperate?

  6. intemperate– lacking restraint; excessivePronunciation for Word • Complete the following sentence: “Intemperate is like an angry coach, because…” Synectic Comparisons March 11th, Block 4

  7. intemperate– lacking restraint; excessivePronunciation for Word • Complete the following sentence: “Intemperate is like an angry coach, because they often don’t listen to reason in their ire, and can be prone to outbursts.” A little over a minute into this video, Bobby Knight shows his tendency toward intemperance. Synectic Comparisons March 11th, Block 4

  8. Age of Jackson • What was the 2nd Party System? What did each party stand for? • What is the spoil system? How did Andrew Jackson defend it? • How did the Peggy Eaton Affair influence the politics of the Jackson adminstration?

  9. Indian Removal Acts • Jackson signs laws that would move Tribes in the east to “Indian Territory” – Oklahoma • Worcester v. Georgia (1832) – John Marshall would rule against movement. • Jackson’s response – “Marshall has made his decision, now let him enforce it.” • Who did the people side with?

  10. Civilized? • 5 Civilized Tribes • Cherokee • Chickasaw • Choctaw • Creek • Seminole • Why named that? • Sequoya • Cherokee leader • George Guess • Creates constitution and written language.

  11. Trail of Tears • Army came to force Cherokees to move to the Indian territory • 4,000 of the 15,000 would die on the way.

  12. How did it effect Florida? • 2nd Seminole War • Began outside of Fort King by Osceola (Fort King = Ocala) • Dade Battle (108 of 110 soldiers killed) • Ft. Cooper (1836 – Cove of the Withlacoochee) • Why couldn’t the U.S. Army defeat the Seminoles? • How would they “win?” (Attrition, Mosquito Boats) • Costliest Indian War in U.S. History • Seminoles never surrender (in all 3 wars) • Those not captured, escaped to South Florida

  13. Age of Clay? • Henry Clay would promote his American System • Protective Tariffs • Bank of the U.S. • Internal Improvements • Basis of the Whig ideals.

  14. Nullification Crisis • 1828 Tariff – Tariff of Abomination • Most hated parts of it. • John C. Calhoun suggests nullification. • Where does he get this idea? • 1832 Tariff • Compromise by Henry Clay, but S.C. still did not like it • Southern Carolina Exposition – Nullifies law • Force Act – Jackson will defend Federal law • South Carolina backs down on Tariff, but nullifies Force Act

  15. Bank War • Jackson was against the B.U.S. Why? • Felt it was against common man • Personal reasons from 1819 Panic and Wildcat Banks • Henry Clay pushes the Bank to be Rechartered four years early to use in his 1832 campaign. • Jackson vetoes bill • Bank War – Jackson moves money out of B.U.S. to his “pet banks” • Nicholas Biddle (President of B.U.S) – “Czar Nicholas”

  16. Clay vs. Jackson • Maysville Road veto • Why – officially and unofficially? • 1832 Election • Dem – Jackson • Whig - Clay

  17. State Rights or Federal Power • Webster – Hayne Debate in Senate • About B.U.S., Tariff, and Nullification • Calhoun and Jackson opposing each other • Jackson actually increase Federal Power as President Hayne: Nation was “simply an association of sovereign states, from which individual states could withdraw at will.” Webster: "popular government, erected by the people; those who administer it are responsible to the people; and itself capable of being amended and modified, just as the people may choose it should be."

  18. More Financial issue • 2nd Coinage Act (1834) – ratio of gold to silver – 1 to 16. • Surplus 1835 to 1837 • No National Debt for our only time in U.S. History in 1837 • Specie Circular (1836) – all lands must be purchased with gold or silver – not paper money. • Panic of 1837 – Recession would last 5 years • Would Jackson be blamed for it? Who would?

  19. Reflection Questions • How could it be said that the Age of Jackson is actually the Age of Clay? • Although Jackson wanted to decrease government power, how did he actually increase it? • Although Jackson was a defender of the common man, what groups of people was he not a defender of and how? • How did the issues of Tariff, BUS, and Internal Improvements show the differences between the Whigs and Democrats?

  20. Van Buren • 1836 Election • Van Buren hand-picked by Jackson • Whigs try to force it to House and have 3 regional candidates run. • Harrison, Webster, White • Martin Van Buren – 8th President (1837-1841), Democrat • OK – “Old Kinderhook” • How is Van Buren much like George H.W. Bush (#41) in history?

  21. New State? • Texas broke away from Mexico and formed their own country. • (more about that in the next unit) • They applied for statehood, but both Jackson and Van Buren did not press the issue. • What scared Jackson and Van Buren enough to not let them in?

  22. I thought Jackson killed the Bus? • When Van Buren became President, the nation had just entered the Panic of 1837. • What was one of the main reasons for that economic downturn? • Van Buren pushes through the Independent Treasury Bill. • Independent Treasury = B.U.S. • How does Jackson like this? • What happens to his support of Van Buren?

  23. After Marshall… • Jackson would appoint Roger Taney as Chief Justice • Taney Court – more for states rights than federal power • Most famous case – Dred Scott decision

  24. Our Greatest President? • 1840 Election - Harrison • “Tippecanoe and Tyler Too” • Log Cabin Campaign • Did he ever live in a cabin? • Hard cider campaign • Meanwhile, how is Van Buren viewed? • This is the one election that any Whig running probably would have won. But did Henry Clay run this time? • Whig – Harrison • Democrat – Van Buren • Anti-Mason Party….

  25. One really Great Month • 9th President – William Henry Harrison, Whig, 1841 • Dies after one month in office • “His Accidency” takes over – 10th President John Tyler (1841-45) • Does a V.P. that takes over have same powers? • Whigs finally have a man in office, but Tyler doesn’t act like a Whig. • Internal Improvements Bill vetoed • Independent Treasury removed (no more BUS again) • Entire cabinet resigns and replaced with Democrats • How does Clay like all this?

  26. Diplomacy • Caroline incident (1837) – Americans supplying Canadian insurgents • Creole incident (1841) – Slaves that escaped to Bahamas on ship were said to be free by British • Aroostook War – Fighting over Maine / Canada Boundary • Webster-Ashburton Treaty (1842) – Resolved all the issues above

  27. Rise of 3rd Parties • What is the importance of 3rd or minor parties? • Minor/3rd Parties of the early 1800s: • Anti-Mason Party • American (Know-Nothing) Party • Liberty Party • What were each of them against?

  28. Homework: Read Background Essay for DBQ, analyze (make notes on) documents, and figure out how you would group the documents to answer the question.

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