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Definition of Function. Picture of a Function. Definition of Function Illustration. There is a domain, a range, and a rule. An arrow emanates from each domain element. No domain element has two arrows emanating from it. Definition of Function Illustration.
Definition of FunctionIllustration There is a domain, a range, and a rule. An arrow emanates from each domain element. No domain element has two arrows emanating from it.
Definition of FunctionIllustration There is a domain, a range, and a rule. An arrow emanates from each domain element. No domain element has two arrows emanating from it.
Definition of FunctionIllustration There is a domain, a range, and a rule. An arrow emanates from each domain element. No domain element has two arrows emanating from it.
Definition of FunctionIllustration There is a domain, a range, and a rule. An arrow emanates from each domain element. The domain element 2 hastwo arrowsemanating from it.
Definition of FunctionIllustration There is a domain, a range, and a rule. An arrow emanates from each domain element. The domain element 9 hasno arrowemanating from it.
Graph of a Function Defined Definition: The coordinates of a point (a, b) are said to satisfy the rule of a function f if b = f(a). Definition:The graph of a function is the set of all points whose coordinates satisfy the rule of the function. Points on the graph of a function f must therefore have coordinates like (m, f(m)) where m is a domain element.