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SPDG Performance Measure Discussion. Tuesday, April 12 th 2011. OMB-approved SPDG Program Measures Projects use evidence-based professional development practices to support the attainment of identified competencies .
SPDG Performance Measure Discussion Tuesday, April 12th 2011
OMB-approved SPDG Program Measures • Projects use evidence-based professional development practices to support the attainment of identified competencies. • Participants in SPDG professional development demonstrate improvement in implementation of SPDG-supported practices over time. • Projects use SPDG professional development funds to provide activities designed to sustain the use of SPDG-supported practices. (Efficiency Measure) • Highly qualified special education teachers that have participated in SPDG supported special education teacher retention activities remain as special education teachers two years after their initial participation in these activities.
Evidence-based Professional Development Projects use evidence-based professional development practices to support the attainment of identified competencies. • Grantee can choose to follow NIRN, NCSD, Guskey or can submit their own evidence-based standard (rubric). We will also provide guidance with the rubrics. • Projects will provide a PD plan and describe how this will help participants to meet specified competencies. Then the project provides a description of their PD activities and a number related to the activities. In the description section they could add more information about how this is helping participants reach specified competencies. • The project will choose one initiative to report on for this program measure. • How do we define “initiative”? The number of people reached? The number of PD activities? • We need to determine the number of the practices from these models that must be present to reach a threshold. • How do we quantify? (At least X% of “quality” criteria must be met?)
Improving Implementation Participants in SPDG professional development demonstrate improvement in implementation of SPDG-supported practices over time. • Grantee will submit protocol for assessing evidence of fidelity of implementation of sustainable EBPs in targeted programs. For APR Grantee will survey targeted programs and report the number of participants in these programs determined to be implementing Sustainable EBPs over the number of schools targeted. • Specifically, the project writes a plan for how they will collect implementation data, what their sample will look like, what benchmarks they are setting each year for each cohort and then report on the percentage of units meeting those benchmarks. • A baseline will be taken at before initial training begins for participants from programs. • Intervals will be delineated: how much improvement expected year from year. • Some improvement, significant improvement? • A metric: 1 through 5? • Would self-assessment be enough or would we need observation? • Programs = Classes, schools, districts, agencies (EC), individuals?
Sustaining Implementation Projects use SPDG professional development funds to provide activities designed to sustain the use of SPDG-supported practices. • Grantee should report cost of activities designed to sustain learning of scientific or evidence-based instructional practices, divided by the total cost of all professional development activities carried out under the grant award (per year and cumulative) • A list will be provided of activities that are correlated with sustainability. • Are there certain types of budget items that should not be included (e.g., administrative staff; office supplies)? • What is an acceptable percentage of the budget for this? • There would be a lot of overlap with the evidence-based PD measure.
Teacher Retention • Highly qualified special education teachers that have participated in SPDG supported special education teacher retention activities remain as special education teachers two years after their initial participation in these activities. • Only inservice • Define initial participation
Overall Plans • Will have a pilot year and will examine a few chosen projects. • Will produce a worksheet for projects to fill in. • Projects will propose an evaluation plan the first year and their Project Officer will work with them.