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1. GROUP. Mgr. Mria CilipovPeriodization of Slovak literatureIng. Anna CopkovKacarkaMgr. Sona FrimmerovSchool attendanceMgr. Mria HrivnakovClassification of plastic art techniques Mgr. Eva JutkovWe drive safelyMgr. Iveta LeferovicovFascinating buildings and historical monuments
1. Courses
2. 1. GROUP Mgr. Mária Cilipová Periodization of Slovak literature
Ing. Anna Copíková Kacarka
Mgr. Sona Frimmerová School attendance
Mgr. Mária Hrivnaková Classification of plastic art techniques
Mgr. Eva Juštíková We drive safely
Mgr. Iveta Leferovicová Fascinating buildings and historical monuments
Mgr. Beáta Lukácová Traffic safety
Mgr. Mária Lukšová Lyric poetry
Mgr. Anna Mišková Knights´ day
Mgr. Anna Pajdicová Pancakes á la Mari
3. 2. GROUP Mgr. Mária Alušíková Nature
Mgr. Erika Buralová Basic children rights
PhDr. Darina Coganová Functions of family
Mgr. Ladislav Holovác Classification of musical instruments
Mgr. Alexander Kapral Water on Earth
Mgr. Dorota Kaprálová I cut and glue
Mgr. Iveta Kocanová Trees
Mgr. Jana Kostovcáková Greece
Mgr Júlia Lelicová Evolutional types of man
PaedDr. Gabriela Mikuláková Country types on Earth
Mgr. Svetlana Romžová Stars and planets
Mgr. Anna Rosicová Countryside workability
Mgr. Mária Starošcáková Countryside
Mgr. Vlasta Škovranová Earth records
PaedDr. Evald Štofík 1st May Street primary school
Mgr. Valéria Vasovcáková What nature provides man with
4. 3. GROUP Mgr. Lubica Belková Human body
Ing. Milana Buhajová Saccharides
Mgr. Dana Curová Aesop´s fables
Mgr. Eva Grnová Transport
Mgr. Božena Kucerová Spring plants
Mgr. Marta Kucerová Composition
Mgr. Svetlana Legdanová Cooking with 7th formers
Mgr. Tamara Michalcová You know, you can, you must
Mgr. Renáta Pargácová Realism in Slovak literature
Mgr. Anna Regulová Musical classicism
Mgr. Slavomíra Slivková Human body eng
Mgr. Viera Volochová Romantism
5. 4. GROUP Mgr. Iveta Cenknerová Domestic animals
Jozef Copík Porsche
Mgr. Mária Dudicová Space nature
Mgr. Lubica Durkajová Father
Lubomír Džomba Volkswagen Touareg
Mgr. Erika Gerbocová Wild animals
Peter Holota Toyota Prius – hybrid drive
Mgr. Eduard Chrin Snina
Mgr. Daniela Kacurová Assimilation
Michal Karapin Škoda Superb
Maroš Kincek Renault Laguna
Tomáš Koman Fsi engine
Jaroslav Pastorok Mazda 6
Mgr. Alena Smetanová Egypt
Mgr. Valéria Zgaburová Seasons
6. Jana Barancíková Murphy´s laws
Mgr. Renáta Bednárová Glass decoration
Kvetoslava Bobenicová The north-east of the USA
Božena Bovdová Tools issue office at SPŠ in Snina
Mgr. Svetlana Cimbáková Bratislava – a pearl on the Danube
Ing. Mária Harmanošová My class
PaedDr. Beáta Hricková Romantism
Mgr. Monika Jankovská Church leisure time centre
Ing. Eva Kresilová Long journey of wood until it reaches us
Mgr. Adriana Kubalíková Giving first aid
Mgr. Silvia Lattová Daily programme
Andrea Miklošová Children´s calendar
Mgr. Miroslava Mišková Federal Republic of Germany
Ing. Silvia Olenocinová Sun and its planets
Ing. Štefan Ontkovic Electromagnetic wave
Mgr. Jana Semjonová Ancient Rome
Mgr. Jaroslava Šaffová Transport education
Emília Štofirová Fashion
Ing. Martina Tkacuková Skeleton
7. Peter Bobák The combustion engine
Ján Burda The four-stroke cycle of the ignition engine and the diesel engine
Peter Copík The two-stroke combustion engine
Tomáš Copík Air conditioning, heating and ventilation
Peter Dzido Engine accessories
Boris Fech Lubrication of combustion engines
Lukáš Hrabík The cooling system of combustion engines
Ján Ihnat The fuel system
Marek Jeremiáš The break system
Tomáš Juško Ignition
Milan Kelemeca Electrical sources and appliances
Lukáš Koto The transmission system
Tomáš Koto Bodyworks
Martin Pandula The chassis
Lukáš Pavlík The construction of brakes
Matúš Pavlík The Wankel engine
Peter Pitel The transmission of motive power to the wheels
Tomáš Sarka The steering of vehicles
Marián Sicák The exhaust system
Peter Vasko The injection system – diesel engines
Tomáš Vilcek The lighting of vehicles
Tomáš Zušcák The injection system – petrol engines 6. GROUP