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Neal Stublen nstublen@jccc.edu. HTML5 and CSS3. Chapter 8 CSS3 Transforms and Transitions. Transforms. Transforms. Defined by the transform property Translate Rotate Scale Skew Apply to any element without affecting document flow
Neal Stublen nstublen@jccc.edu HTML5 and CSS3
Transforms • Defined by the transform property • Translate • Rotate • Scale • Skew • Apply to any element without affecting document flow • Elements occupy their original size and location for document flow
The translate property • Move elements left, right, up, down • Similar to position: relative but without flow implications transform: translate(x, y); -webkit (display: inline-block) -moz -ms -o
The scale property • Resize elements – larger or smaller • Scale of 1.25 = 25% larger transform: scale(x, y); -webkit (display: inline-block) -moz -ms -o
The rotate property • Rotate elements • 0 to 360 degrees transform: rotate(angle); -webkit (display: inline-block) -moz -ms -o
The skew property • Skew elements in the x and y directions • 0 to 360 degrees transform: skew(x, y); -webkit (display: inline-block) -moz -ms -o
The origin property • Redefine the origin for a transform transform-origin: x y; -webkit (display: inline-block) -moz -o
Apply Multiple Transforms • Applying multiple transforms can be done with a single line of CSS • transform: translate(x, y) scale(x, y) …;
Apply transforms to an ad • Update the “Put up your dukes” ad to transform the element on :hover. • Find the element in the HTML • Update h1:hover • Rotate, translate, scale • Origin?
Transitions • Animate form elements • Apply a transformation over time instead of immediately • No JavaScript required
What can we animate? • Color (color, background-color) • Position (left, top, right, bottom) • Spacing (line-height, padding, margin) • Size (width, height) • Shadow (text-shadow) • Transparency (opacity) • Transformation (transform)
Create a transition • Specify the properties to be transitioned on :hover transition-property: background-color; -webkit -moz -o • Include prefix on property as well when needed
How long? • We need to specify the duration of the transition • Durations are specified in seconds (s) or milliseconds (ms) transition-duration: 0.5s; transition-duration: 500ms; • Required before you can see anything
Not smooth enough? • Use transition timing to control the animation transition-timing-function: function; • Available functions: • ease, linear, ease-in, ease-out, ease-in-out
When should it start? • Control the start of the animation by adding a delay • Times specified in seconds (s) or milliseconds (ms) transition-delay: 0.1s transition-delay: 100ms • Delays can be negative
Putting it all together • A shorthand syntax allows everything to be specified together transition: property duration function delay
Not enough? • Specify multiple transitions with commas transition-property: transform, color; transition-delay: 0.2s, 0.1s; transition-timing-function: ease-out; • Similar for shorthand syntax
Apply transforms to an ad • Update the “Put up your dukes” ad to transition the element on :hover. • Find the element in the HTML • Update h1 to transition the color and transform
Keyframes • Allows control of intermediate states not available through transitions • Create a named animation • Attach the animation to an element
Create an animation • Use the @keyframes rule @-webkit-keyframes ‘name’ { 0% { opacity: 0 } 20% { opacity: 0.5; } 100% { opacity: 1; } }
Attach to an element • CSS properties attach an animation to an element -webkit-animation-name -webkit-animation-duration -webkit-animation-timing-function -webkit-animation-iteration-count -webkit-animation-direction: alternate -webkit-animation-delay -webkit-animation-fill-mode (stopped state) -webkit-animation-play-state (.js control)
Animation shorthand • Specify the animation in a single line -webkit-animation: name duration timing-function iteration direction fill-mode
Animation Sample • View a color animation • http://www.w3schools.com/css/css3_animations.asp • Add a rotation on :hover