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Student: ____________________. Mark Twain’s Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. Due: 26 NOV 2013. Chapter 1-16 Student Work Packet .
Student: ____________________ Mark Twain’s Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Due: 26 NOV 2013 Chapter 1-16 Student Work Packet This packet serves as your first set of unit activities. Failure to submit any materials will result in a ZERO for that activity. Retakes and resubmissions will be left up to the discretion of the teacher/facilitator. Please staple ALL extra papers (including the Reading Log entries) to this packet and submit when completed. You may type your Reading Logs, if you choose.
Student:_____________________________ Adventures of Huckleberry Finn: Webquest Complete the activities included in the attached webquest packet. Go to each of the websites listed (they all worked when I checked them) and answer each of the questions. These activities will serve as research and notes for the presentation you will complete to demonstrate your work. After your research is completed, create a PowerPoint, Prezi, or poster board (any project will do) that displays your information. How you complete this portion of the activity is up to you, but include the following: • At least FIVE slides of information (with 3-5 pieces of information on each). • One must be a bio of Mark Twain • One must be a discussion of the controversy surrounding the book • At least FIVE pictures related to your research topics. • Title Slide • Resources Slide *Do not simply copy and paste information to your presentation. I will check them for plagiarism.*
Adventures of Huckleberry Finn: Ch. 1-16 Vocabulary Sentences Choose TEN of the vocabulary terms from the previous page and use EACH in a sentence. The terms MUST be used correctly in the sentence (based on its part of speech, verb tense, subject-verb agreement, etc.) in order for students to receive full credit. If you use ALL 25 terms in a sentence, you can receive TEN bonus points to be used on any unit activity.
Complete the following reading log entries for EACH chapter. You may complete the work as you read, and at your own pace, but all submissions must be in your tray by the due date. Failure to submit your work will result in a ZERO for this activity. If you submit your work by the deadline, then you have the opportunities to review, revise, or re-submit any materials. These entries will serve as a Study Guide for you moving forward. Please remember to restate ALL questions in your answers. Failure to do will result in a loss of points. The numbers in parenthesis represent the amount of sentences required to sufficiently answer each question. Your work MUST be your own. Do not copy and paste your answers, nor copy from another student. You may work together, but all materials you submit must be your own work. Please staple to your packet and submit to your tray. Adventures of Huckleberry Finn: Ch. 1-16 Reading Log
Mark Twain’s Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Student: ____________________ Due: 13 DEC 2013 Unit Enrichment Activity Packet This packet serves as your additional set of enrichment activities to be completed in addition to your Chapter Work Packets. Failure to submit any materials will result in a ZERO for that activity. Retakes and resubmissions will be left up to the discretion of the teacher/facilitator. Students must select TWO enrichment activities to complete in addition to the grammar exercises. One activity must be completed individually (essays or presentations). For the second activity, students may work in groups or pairs (dependent upon the instructions for each activity--usually this will be the presentation).* Activity #5 is the most challenging of all activities--students who choose to complete this activity will earn their grade, plus TWENTY bonus points to be used on any unit activity**. ALL students must complete the Unit Grammar Activities***. Please CIRCLE the activities you have chosen. *Group Project ONLY. FIVE total members. #PacketsSoldSeparatelyForAllActivitiesExceptTheThemesEssaySoBeSureToInformMeAsToYourChoiceSoThatICanMakeCopiesForYou
Student:_____________________________ Enrichment Activity #1 Themes in Huckleberry Finn The following themes pervade Mark Twain’s Adventures of Huckleberry Finn: Freedom, Education, Religion, Superstition, and Nature. Choose AT LEAST ONE of these themes and write a 4-5 page, typed, critical analysis of Twain’s representation of these themes. You may, if you choose, work with more than one theme (hint: freedom and education work together very well--as do religion and superstition). In a reading journal (or from your reading logs), keep a list of references to the themes of education and freedom in the text and a list of personal ideas on those themes. After you have finished reading the book and collected notes, brainstorms, and other prewriting activities, use the following guides to assist you with your composition.
Enrichment Activity #1: Themes in Huckleberry Finn Student:_____________________________
Enrichment Activity #2: Banned Book Project Student:_____________________________ The following activity introduces you to the notion of the “banned book” and its relationship with your 1st Amendment right to free speech. Huck Finn has been banned from public schools and libraries on many occasions. Create and establish a debate over the banning of the book from our school curriculum. This may serve as a GROUP or INDIVIDUAL PROJECT. Students MUST complete all roles for the project—if you choose to present your debate to the class, you will receive 20 bonus points to be used on any unit activity. • Who has the right to tell us what we can and cannot read? • Between 1990 and 2004, the American Library Association reported 8,332 challenges to keep books out of school and community libraries. • Often challenges are motivated by a desire to protect children from “inappropriate” sexual content or “offensive” language. The following were the top three reasons cited for challenging materials as reported to the Office of Intellectual Freedom: • 1.the material was considered to be "sexually explicit" • 2.the material contained "offensive language" • 3.the materials was "unsuited to any age group" • But what may be considered offensive language to one person might not really matter to another; each person can use their own discretion in determining what they feel comfortable reading. And so the topic of banned books can be a highly controversial topic, as everyone believes that they know best as it relates to appropriate adolescent literature. How do you feel about the issue of banned books? Imagine that your town has recently elected a new Mayor whose main campaign promise was school reform. Now that he has won, he feels pressure to act and feels strongly about the need to protect the students in his town from exposure and access to controversial issues and materials. Therefore, he is proposing a bill to ban Adventures of Huckleberry Finnfrom the school system: If he succeeds, this book will be removed from all of the school libraries, and they will not be allowed for use in the classroom nor will students or teachers be allowed to have these books on school property. The city council will conduct a public hearing on this issue at its next meeting. Students will assume the roles of Parent, Student, Lawyer, Superintendent, and Teacher. Assuming these roles, each student will research and gather information that pertains to each specific role. Answer the questions provided for you in your packets, and then create a presentation based on your assuming of each role. ONE SLIDE FOR EACH ROLE. 20 bonus points for students that work together, take on one of their roles, and debate in front of the class. **SEE PACKETS FOR MORE INFORMATION**
Enrichment Activity #2: Project-Presentation Student:_____________________________ The following rubric will be used to assess you banned Book Project Presentation. See the packet for a full set of requirements, expectations, etc.
Student:_____________________________ Enrichment Activity #2 Banned Book Project The following activity introduces you to the notion of the “banned book” and its relationship with your 1st Amendment right to free speech. Huck Finn has been banned from public schools and libraries on many occasions. Create and establish a debate over the banning of the book from our school curriculum. Create a project-based “hypothetical” situation in which you assume EACH of the FIVE roles. Answer the questions provided for each role in your project. You may create a PowerPoint, Prezi, or any other artistic creation (video, photo collage, etc.) in which you provide your depiction of each role. Provide AT LEAST 2-3 sentence responses for EACH question!! *Take this opportunity to be CREATIVE! * *Create conflict, drama, and all those other crazy things that you love so much.*
Student:_____________________________ Enrichment Activity #4: Critical Analysis Read the critical analysis by Dr. Roberta Seelinger-Trites entitled, “Title” and develop an analysis of the author’s argument and its relationship with Twain's novel. This activity requires a strong ability to think critically and independently in order to develop and present your ideas. Use the following format to develop a 3-5 page analysis of the article and then develop a PowerPoint, Prezi, or any other medium to display and present your information. See the attached rubrics/requirements for directions. Title of Nonfiction Piece: ____________________________________________________________________ Author: ____________________________ Publication Info: __________________________ • Factual Summary: Provide a brief (1-2 paragraphs) summary of the piece you read. • Interpretation (1-2 pages): • What is the author’s thesis (or main argument) in the article? This is also referred to what you know as the “PURPOSE”--what is the author’s reason for writing? • Identify and explain the supporting facts the author uses to support the thesis. (There will be several). • Criticism (1-2): • With which points of the piece did you agree or find easy to accept? Why? • With which points of the piece did you disagree or find difficult to believe? Why? • Vocabulary (optional, and can be included in your criticism of the article; 1-2 pages). • With which vocabulary words in the piece did you encounter some degree of difficulty? (List & Define 8-10 words) • How did you resolve your lack of understanding with these words? How did this affect your understanding of the article? • Personal Response (1-2 pages): • What do you think about this piece? OR • How does this piece influence your ideas/opinions/understanding of Twain’s novel? Essay/Analysis Create some sort of project to display the information from your article. The format may be in PowerPoint, Prezi, poster board, or any other way students wish to display information. Be brief in the information provided (you need not include your entire essay, only the main ideas). Include the following in the presentation: • One slide with the article information (title, author, any publication info) • One slide with a summary of the article • Any number of slides needed to include the following: • The author’s thesis • The author's supporting facts • Your criticism • Your personal response • List of 5-10 vocabulary terms with which you became familiar • Be creative. Include FIVE pictures; make sure your presentation is neat, organized, easy to read, and uniform in design. Presentation
Student:_____________________________ Enrichment Activity #4: Critical Analysis Rubrics Essay/Analysis Presentation
Resources • http://www.mrburnett.net/HighSchool/AmericanLiterature/HuckleberryFinn.html • http://sobratoenglish11.wikispaces.com/file/view/HF_Materials.pdf • http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/cultureshock/teachers/huck/index.html • http://cspetro.wikispaces.com/