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SOUTH AFRICAN NATIONAL BIODIVERSITY INSTITUTE. Overview of SANBI’s Strategic Plan 2014 – 2019 & Annual Performance Plan 2014/15 Presentation to Portfolio Committee on Environmental Affairs 1 st July 2014. SANBI DELEGATION. Ms Carmel Mbizvo, Acting Chief Executive Officer

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  1. SOUTH AFRICAN NATIONAL BIODIVERSITY INSTITUTE Overview of SANBI’s Strategic Plan 2014 – 2019 & Annual Performance Plan 2014/15 Presentation to Portfolio Committee on Environmental Affairs1st July 2014

  2. SANBI DELEGATION • Ms Carmel Mbizvo, Acting Chief Executive Officer • Ms Lorato Sithole, Chief Financial Officer • Mr Christopher Willis, Chief Director: Conservation Garden & Tourism • Ms Vivian Malema, Director: Biodiversity Education & Empowerment

  3. Presentation Outline • Strategic Overview • Key Information • Policy and Legal Framework • Delivery on Mandate • High level structure • SANBI’s Value Chain • Programmes to deliver mandate & support MSTF • Annual Performance Plan & Strategic Plan • Financial Overview and Approved Budget 2014/15

  4. STRATEGIC OVERVIEWVisionBiodiversity richness for all South Africans Goal Positioned to lead the biodiversity sector of South Africa and is recognised as the first port of call for knowledge, information and policy advice on biodiversity

  5. KEY INFORMATION • Schedule 3A Public Entity (for public good) reporting to DEA • Responsibility of the Minister of Environment • Minister & Cabinet appoint Board – Accounting Authority • Subject to the PFMA & other Treasury regulations • Number staff about 700, most Gardens staff (also 818 Groen Sebenza Pioneers) • Geographic locations – at 9 NBGs (11 NBGs by end of year) • Head Office in Pretoria

  6. DELIVERY ON MANDATE • Mandate reflected in Corporate Strategic Plan (CSP) & Annual Performance Plan (APP) & is part of protocol agreement with DEA • CSP is a tool to organise, manage, prioritise & deliver on the broad SANBI mandate • CSP & APP are approved by Board & DEA & submitted to Presidency & Parliament • Targets are monitored through quarterly progress report which is reviewed by DEA • Performance information is audited by the AG



  9. PROGRAMMES to deliver mandate & support MSTF P 1 Render effective & efficient corporate services P 2 Manage & unlock benefits of National Botanical Gardens network P 3 Provide scientific evidence to support policy & decision making relating to biodiversity, including impacts of climate change P 4 Co-ordinate & provide access to biodiversity information & science knowledge P5 Provide biodiversity & climate change adaptation policy tools & advice in support of South Africa’s development P 6 Drive human capital development, education & awareness in response to SANBI’s mandate

  10. Programme 1: Render effective & efficient Corporate Services

  11. Strategic Objective1.1 : SANBI is positioned as an employer of choice in the biodiversity sector

  12. Strategic Objective 1.2 : Compliant financial management systems and policies are provided • Strategic Objective 1.3 : Compliant financial management systems and policies are provided • Strategic Objective 1.4 : Effective communication and technology support services through enhanced communication and technology infrastructure

  13. Strategic Objective 1.5 : Effective marketing and communication services delivered to internal and external stakeholders

  14. Strategic Objective 1.5 : Effective marketing and communication services delivered to internal and external stakeholders

  15. Programme 2: Manage & unlock benefits of National Botanical Gardens network

  16. Strategic Objective 2.1 : A world-class network of National Botanical Gardens are managed

  17. Strategic Objective 2.1 : A world-class network of National Botanical Gardens are managed

  18. Strategic Objective 2.1 : A world-class network of National Botanical Gardens are managed • Strategic Objective 2.2 : Revenue generating activities are strengthened in all National Botanical Gardens

  19. Programme 3: Provide scientific evidence to support policy & decision making relating to biodiversity, including impacts of climate change

  20. Strategic Objective 3.1 : Foundational information on species and ecosystems is generated and collated

  21. Strategic Objective 3.1 : Foundational information on species and ecosystems is generated and collated

  22. Strategic Objective 3.2 : Scientific evidence on the status of biodiversity, risks and benefits is produced in order to inform policy and decision making

  23. Programme 4: Coordinate & provide access to biodiversity information & science knowledge

  24. Strategic Objective 4.1 : Access is provided to biodiversity data, information and knowledge

  25. Programme 5: Provide biodiversity & climate change adaptation policy tools & advice in support of South Africa’s development

  26. Strategic Objective 5.1 : Ecosystem management tools developed and applied

  27. Strategic Objective 5.1 : Ecosystem management tools developed and applied • Strategic Objective 5.2 : Projects for ecosystem restoration developed and implemented

  28. Strategic Objective 5.3 : Scientific advice to support national and international policy processes provided

  29. Strategic Objective 5.4 : The direct access climate finance modality is proved to be effective in building resilience in communities vulnerable to adverse climate impacts

  30. Programme 6: Drive human capital development, education & awareness (2011+) • 50 GreenMatter Fellowship awards (post-graduate bursaries; professional development; senior fellowship acknowledgement) • Fundisa for Change (expand, transform and strengthen environmental education) • Trained 82 teachers in 6 provinces • Trained 120 teacher trainers around the country • New teacher education resources developed • Greening the Youth (attract and support talented young South Africans to study in fields relating to biodiversity) • Convened over 20 organisations active in environmental education • Identified NCC/Birdlife Consortium as lead implementing agency • (2013+) • 861 pioneers appointed • 302 unemployed matriculants • 559 unemployed graduates • (age groups: 18 – 23: 24%; 24 – 29: 57%; 30 – 35:19%) • 52 placements in permanent jobs (as at March 2014) • 43 host institutions (partners) • Mentor support provided • Career guidance workshops GroenSebenza GreenMatter Biodiversity HCD SANBI Graduate Development Education and Outreach (2004 – 2013) • Garden learning & awareness: ±350 000 beneficiaries • Awareness raising programmes: ±29 350 beneficiaries • Community greening: ± 28 gardens • Outreach bus transporting seniors, youth and children: ± 48 400 beneficiaries • Outreach bus transporting learners for lessons: ±55 750 beneficiaries • Capacity Development: ± 7 000 beneficiaries • (2004 – 2013) • 114 work-integrated learning/ experiential learning students • 361 Interns • 9 Honours students • 74 Masters students • 48 PhD students • 35 Post Doc Fellows

  31. Strategic Objective 6.1 : A socially equitable and suitably skilled workforce is developed

  32. Strategic Objective 6.2 : All national botanical gardens are promoted and used as platforms for biodiversity awareness, education and recreation. • Strategic Objective 6.3 : Civil society is engaged to contribute to science and monitoring.

  33. Financial Overview and Approved Budget • 2014/15


  35. Revenue Sources

  36. Expenditure

  37. Expenditure Allocation

  38. Expenditure %

  39. Thank you Thank you!

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