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Kevin Tuer Canadian Digital Media Network April 25, 2012

Kevin Tuer Canadian Digital Media Network April 25, 2012. Canada 3.0 2012. Productivity. To increase productivity we can increase value added or decrease hours worked… Canadians must work smarter not harder

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Kevin Tuer Canadian Digital Media Network April 25, 2012

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  1. Kevin Tuer Canadian Digital Media Network April 25, 2012

  2. Canada 3.0 2012

  3. Productivity To increase productivity we can increase value added or decrease hours worked… Canadians must work smarter not harder Invention is not innovation. Innovation is driven by the need to improve based on customers’ demands and needs Employees are customers – leverage their social presence to build brand

  4. Connectivity Citizen involvement – especially community movements – is absolutely crucial to closing the digital divide Wide usage does not mean access is affordable for Canadians Don’t focus on the technology, focus on what the end-user gets – connectivity is about ‘serving human beings’

  5. Content Policies can create barriers and restrictions, but can also create jobs and opportunities Charging ‘public rent’ on a broadcast medium is nothing new, but we need to make sure that the way it’s done in Canada works Policy should focus on developing, promoting, and maintaining our Canadian voice

  6. Talent Need to start a new digital narrative – spread the word that tech jobs are more than just programming Rich community helps retain talent and nurture well-roundedness. This touches on the importance of integrating creativity and the arts with ICT. Students want experiential learning programs

  7. Access to Capital • To help entrepreneurs in your own nation, you have to support entrepreneurs globally • Find problems and – through collaboration – find practical solutions • Entrepreneurs need a global mindset – about building their business and raising capital

  8. Brought to you by: Official Technology Partner of Canada 3.0: Platinum sponsors: In partnership with:

  9. Team Canada 3.0 Maclean’s: REUTERS/Blair Gable (CANADA)

  10. In partnership with:

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