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The “Business PC” campaign (Ondernemer PC / PC de l’Entrepreneur )

The “Business PC” campaign (Ondernemer PC / PC de l’Entrepreneur ). Agenda. Market & Channel Situation Customer Insight Objectives Tactical execution The Campaign Your call-to-action. Market & Channel Situation. SOHO market in Belgium: 500.000 independent workers

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The “Business PC” campaign (Ondernemer PC / PC de l’Entrepreneur )

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Presentation Transcript

  1. The “Business PC” campaign(Ondernemer PC / PC de l’Entrepreneur)

  2. Agenda • Market & Channel Situation • CustomerInsight • Objectives • Tacticalexecution • The Campaign • Yourcall-to-action

  3. Market & Channel Situation • SOHO market in Belgium: • 500.000 independent workers • 132.000 companies with 2-4 employees • Purchase behaviour: • PC breakdown = buying a new PC. They usually don’t buy SW separate from HW • SOHO Entrepreneurs do not know which PC they should buy, at moment of replacement • They often compare prices • Entrepreneurs buy (often unconsciously) PC’s with consumer edition software • Small Business owners have to take big decisions all the time, they are fine with that. If it comes to buying a PC they get insecure • Who influences their IT decisions:

  4. Market & Channel Situation • SOHO & Windows Vista: • Lack of awareness : 25% never heard of it. 50% know only by name (Source: Heliview Dec 07 in Netherlands) • Lack of relevance : 75% would not move to Windows Vista. Reason “good enough/not necessary” (Source: Heliview Dec 07 in Netherlands) • Channel insight • Difficult for partners to sell expensive Small Business PC’s • Partners do not know well the Microsoft offering towards small business PC’s

  5. Customer Insight • My PC is still good enough, although I suspect that I don’t get everything out of it. • If I need a new PC, I ask friends, people I know with technical knowledge or retail staff. They will know. Because I don’t really know what I need and I have neither time nor interest in doing research. • If a business PC is really cheap, I have the feeling that it cannot sufficiently support and is not worth the investment. But if I spend more money, I am concerned that I get all kinds of stuff that I do need…

  6. Objectives • Drive SOHO customers to use Windows Vista Business and Office 2007 Professional. • Increase the SOHO customers global satisfaction linked to our products Objectives: • 18.000 unique visitors/months on the site www.microsoft.be/ondernemer & www.microsoft.be/entrepreneur • 4.200 users/month of the “PC advisory profiling tool” • 1.750 clicks/month on partner websites (through the partners list)

  7. TacticalExecution • Build an end-to-end value proposition • Approach target group when they do research to buy a new PC (via bannering, advertisements, SEA, …) • Make them aware that, to run a business, they need a PC that fits business needs • Give them advice via a “PC advisory profiling tool” and direct them to partners with the right Business PC offerings

  8. The Campaign

  9. The Workflow AwarenessInterest DesireAction • SEA • Google • Live Search • Banners, Newsletters, • Articles • MS.bespecific site • MS.behomepage • Ultimatemakeover.be • Unizo • BECI • UCM • Forum for the Future • Start Academy • PR Orientation:Answersimplequestionsthroughprofilingtool Objective: 18.000 visitors/month Advise:PC Purchase help:Good/Better/Best Objective: 4.200 users/month Decide:Connect to participating partner Objective: 1.750 clicks to partners/month

  10. The Campaign Site 1. Answerquestionsonneeds 2. Getadviseon HW/SW/Network/Formfactor 3. Choose partner 4. Connect to partner site/purchase

  11. Partners online

  12. The Partner Dossier

  13. Next steps • Launch the newBelgianversionof the site by the end of October • Addnewparticipatingresellers in a monthly batch • Launch a “Financial edition” (with Isabel) and/or a “Sales/Marketing edition” (with Trends Top 100.000) of the Business PC • Prepare the nextversion of the website

  14. Yourcall-to-action 1. Registerfor the campaign via: www.mspartners.be/register4OPC.aspx (PS: send a mail to andrehu@microsoft.comifyouencounteranyproblem)

  15. Yourcall-to-action 2. Developa web page onyour sitewith the Toshiba “Business PC” offerings (good, better, best). Toshiba Belgium has selected the following machines: • Good: SatellitePro L300-19K • Better: SatellitePro S300-10J • Best: TecraS10-11D Youcanfind all the details on the Toshiba dedicated page: - Dutch: www.toshiba.be/goedbeterbest - French: www.toshiba.be/bienmeilleurlemeilleur

  16. Yourcall-to-action 3. Sendyourspecific URL forthiscampaign and your logo to andrehu@microsoft.com

  17. Thankyou !

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