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Research problem: Detecting clusters of activity in Catalonia

Research problem: Detecting clusters of activity in Catalonia. Jenifer Ruiz-Valenzuela. Regional Quantitative Analysis Research Group. Institut d’Economia Aplicada Regional i Pública. 1. Motivation and objectives. Enlargement of the EU to the Central and Eastern European Countries,

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Research problem: Detecting clusters of activity in Catalonia

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  1. Research problem: Detecting clusters of activity in Catalonia Jenifer Ruiz-Valenzuela Regional Quantitative Analysis Research Group Institut d’Economia Aplicada Regional i Pública

  2. 1. Motivation and objectives • Enlargement of the EU to the Central and Eastern European Countries, • Elimination of textile quotas between WTO members. reinforcement of the relocation processes of industries from west to east. Objective: Delimitate those areas that could be more affected by relocation processes of high risk delocalization sectors in Catalonia • Geographic unit: Local Labour Systems –LLS – (aggregation of municipalities according to commuting flows. Problem: Modifiable Areal Unit Problem)

  3. What fraction represents Catalonia in Spain in terms of… • Population: 15,47% • Total GDP: 18,43% • Employment in service sectors: 15,9% • Employment in industrial sectors: 25,04% Source: INE, 2001

  4. 2. Data • Employment in each municipality of Catalonia with a 2-digit level of sectoral disaggregation - NACE-Rev 1.1. (60 sectors), 2001 (Idescat) • Input-output table of Catalonia, 2001

  5. Total employment in sector j Employment in sector j and LLS i Total employment in LLS i Total employment in Catalonia 2. Methodology • Determine those sectors in Catalonia with a higher risk of delocalization according to: • Existing literature • Closure of establishments between 2001 and 2005 • Input-output relations • Compute for each risk sector and LLS the LOCATION QUOTIENTS (employment data): >1: LLS i is more specialized in industry j than Catalonia

  6. 2. Methodology • Select high risk LLS according to: 1. 2. Using the LISA cluster map: select the significant high-high values! BUT: Significant HH values do not correspond with those areas with a higher location quotient!

  7. 3. Research problem:Example: Manufacturing of textiles

  8. 4. Question Is there any other technique in the Exploratory Spatial Data Analysis to detect the particular areas that form a cluster of activity???

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