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UofL Micro/Nano Technology presents. CLEANROOM SAFETY ORIENTATION. INTRODUCTION. All prospective cleanroom users are required to complete the “Cleanroom Access Training”program consisting of passing each of the following:
UofL Micro/Nano Technology presents CLEANROOM SAFETY ORIENTATION
INTRODUCTION All prospective cleanroom users are required to complete the “Cleanroom Access Training”program consisting of passing each of the following: • “General Chemical Lab Safety Training” provided by University Department of Environmental Health and Safety (DEHS). Info available at http://louisville.edu/admin/dehs/LSM/generaltrain.htm • “Hazardous Waste Safety Training” provided by University DEHS. Info available online at http://louisville.edu/admin/dehs/haztrain.htm • “Cleanroom Orientation” provided by University Cleanroom Staff • “Process Specific Training” provided by University Cleanroom Staff
Orientation Purpose • To provide Cleanroom users a background understanding of the location and how the laboratory operates • To cover facility rules and safety procedures • To bring user awareness of the potential hazards involved with working in a Cleanroom environment. • To educate new users how to avoid accidents and respond to emergency situations.
General Rules and Restrictions The following Rules are to be observed by all persons qualified to work in the Microfabrication Laboratory: • Only Individual qualified through the Cleanroom Access Training program are allowed to enter the cleanroom. • No makeup shall be worn inside the cleanroom • Food and drinks are prohibited in the cleanroom. • No Smoking is allowed 30 minutes before entering the cleanroom. • No Chewing Gum allowed in the cleanroom. • Avoid wearing contacts. Contacts can absorb vapors or trap chemicals in the space between the lens and the eye. Contacts may thus interfere with flushing the eye with water in case of an accident. • Clothing Requirements. Everyone must wear full-length pants, shoes made of leather that completely cover the foot (no sandals, no open-toed shoes).
General Rules and Restrictions • Only use pens. Pencils are not allowed in the cleanroom. • Hair nets, shoe covers,safety glasses, mustache/beard nets, and gloves must be worn at ALL times. • Nonessential items (tools, books, backpacks etc…) must be kept outside the lab or in the gowning room lockers. • Try not to sneeze, cough or breathe directly on a clean surface or wafer. • Do not let your skin touch any surface in the cleanroom. Do not touch your face with your gloved hand. Do not touch the outside of a glove (expect for the wrist edge) with your ungloved hand. • Do not enter the service corridor unless there is an emergency evacuation. • Always clean up your work area before you leave.
General Rules and Restrictions • You must have a complete understanding of all the chemicals at the wet benches. Read the went benches SOP before you use them. • You must have a complete understanding of equipment operation and become a certified user before you process, read the SOPs and request training sessions @ louisville.edu/research/cleanroom • Review the MSDS sheets of chemicals before you use them so you understand the hazards, risks and methods for responding to an incident. • ****YOU MUST NEVER WORK ALONE**** You must have a buddy who has been qualified through the Cleanroom Access training program. This person should be qualified to assist you in case of a incident.
Emergency Equipment Safety Showers • Purpose: For chemical decontamination of a person and their clothing. • Location: On the windowed wall next to the fire extinguishers. (5 total)
Emergency Equipment Eye Wash Station • Purpose: For mitigating a chemical splash in the eye. • Location: In the pull-out drawer in the wall under the safety shower.
Emergency Equipment Fire Alarms • Use: Lift Cover and pull in case of a fire if alarm does not start on its own. • Speaker Location: In the gowning room, thermal chase, service corridor and HPM room. • Pulls Location: Outside the gowning room door, in the service corridor by emergency exit, loading dock and BRB lobby.
Emergency Equipment HAZMAT Alarms • Purpose: Toxic Gas Monitoring System Alarm. Will detect a hazardous concentration of a gas or leak. Lift cover and push if an emergency hazardous material situation arises. • Speakers Location: Gowning room, HPM room, service corridor and inside the cleanroom. • Push Buttons Location: Gowning room, HPM room, service corridor and by exit doors inside the cleanroom.
Emergency Equipment Carbon Dioxide Alarms • Purpose:CO2 fire suppression system. • Use: You must vacate the area during and after a discharge. Activate in case of a fire contained in a wet bench /spinners hood if alarm does not start on its own. • Location: On the solvent wet benches and hotplate/spinner combo hood (3 total).
Emergency Equipment Fire Extinguishers • Use: For fires smaller than a waste paper basket by those who are trained to use them. • Location: Along the windowed wall of the cleanroom, in the gowning room, HPM and service corridor.
Emergency Equipment First Aid Kit • Use: For minor injuries and minor burns pain relief • Location: In the gowning room and wet etch hallway.
Emergency Equipment MSDS Book • Use: All users seeking information on chemical hazards and precautions. • Location: In the gowning room, HPM and service corridor. You may also access the MSDS library online.
Emergency Equipment Telephone • Use: For contacting help in case of emergency (Dial 852-6111) or use speed dial • Location: In the gowning room on the table.
Emergency Equipment Calcium Gluconate • Use: For HF Burns • Location: In the gowning room on the table, in the gowning room inside the First Aid Kit, in the wet etch bay on the table by the windowed wall.
Safety Equipment • Name: Personal Protective Equipment (PPE). • Purpose: For personal protection against chemical spills. • Use: You must wear the following items (in addition to cleanroom apparel) when working with chemicals: • Full-sleeved aprons • Face Shields • Chemical Resistant gloves • Location: By the wet benches at the wet etch bay and lithography room hanged on the wall. • WARNING:These items are chemical resistant, NOT chemical proof.Do not immerse gloves in chemicals!
Specific Rules When Working with Chemicals • DO NOT use a chemical without first reading its MSDS. • Use the dedicated beakers only and label the chemicals and processes used on the beaker. • Wear personal protective equipment in addition to required cleanroom apparel. • Do not work with acids or bases in the solvent hoods. • Do not work with solvents in the acid or base hoods. • Use only one bottle of chemical at a time and store it back in its chemical cabinet when not in use. • Do not pour used chemicals back into a new bottle. For chemical waste disposal rules read the Wet Benches SOP • Make sure that gloves are clean and dry before transferring chemicals to or from the bench.
Specific Rules When Working with Chemicals • Put the cap back on each chemical bottle securely. Clean the outside of the bottle of residual chemicals (clean and dry) before returning to storage. • Do not wear safety apparel outside of wet bench areas unless working under emergency or HAZMAT cleanup conditions • Make sure that all PPE is clean and dry before returning to storage areas
Emergency Response: Chemical Spill Clean-Up A Minor Spill (excluding HF) A minor spill is one thatis not toxic and does not spread rapidly or poses a health, fire or property risk, and is less than 1/2 gallon of liquid. The lab occupant responsible for the spill is expected to clean up simple spills. Please read the Chemical Spills & Injuries SOP available online at www.louisville.edu/research/cleanroom
Emergency Response: Chemical Spill Clean-Up A Minor Spill (excluding HF) To clean up minor spills: • Wearproper Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) in addition to cleanroom apparel: PPE may include full-sleeved apron, face shield, a respirator and chemical resistant gloves. • Review the MSDSsheet for the chemical hazards.Contain spill following instructions listed on the“Chemical Spills and Injuries SOP”. • Minor spills may be contained and absorbed using the appropriate absorbents available in the cleanroom. Refer to SOP • If unsure how to clean the spill, call a cleanroom staff member and ask your cleanroom buddy tostay by the spill and alert otherswhile you go seek assistance.
Emergency Response: Chemical Spill Clean-Up A Major Spill A large or toxic spill is a high hazard emergency. A spill is considered hazardous if it is more than a 1/2 gallon of liquid or if it includes any amount of HF. A toxic spill is one that spreads rapidly and poses an immediate health, fire, or property risk. • Push the HAZMAT Alarm • Alert others of the need toevacuate the cleanroom • DO NOT De-gown • Meet cleanroom staff in the Belknap Research Building lobby.
Mercury Release When a high pressure mercury lamp explodes toxic gas is released; this is an extremely high hazardous situation. (Mercury lamps are located in all mask aligners and steppers) • Evacuate the buildingas quickly as possible and activate a HAZMAT alarm (push blue button) on your way out. • DO NOTtry to finish an experiment. • DOalert others • DO-NOT De-gown • Call 852-6111 to send an ambulance if someone is injured. • Meet at the designated evacuation spot and inform staff of the incident.
Emergency Response: Chemical Exposure For a Minor Chemical Exposure on Skin (Other than HF): • Immediately place affected areaunder running water for 15 minutes. • Remove any jewelry or clothes that may contain the residue. • After washingDO NOT dry skin. FOR PERSON HELPING THE VICTIM: • Be sure you arewearing appropriate protective apparel before helping the chemical contact victim. • Call Poison Control (589-8222) and Cleanroom Staff to inform them of the incident and ask for advice on how to treat it. Seek medical assistance if recommended. • Obtain the MSDS and hand it to the ER team.
Emergency Response: Chemical Exposure For a Major Chemical Exposure on Skin (Other than HF): Definition: This exposure is Life threatening, a health hazard, poses long term health risks or disfigurement. 1. Whilestanding under a safety shower, immediatelyremove all contaminated clothing, including shoes, undergarments, and jewelry. Be careful not to get any chemicals contaminating the shirt into your eyes. Clothing may be cut off to prevent eye exposure. You should stay under the shower until emergency help arrives. FOR PERSON HELPING THE VICTIM: 1. Be sure you are wearing appropriate protective apparel before helping the chemical contact victim. 2. Call 852-6111 to request an ambulance for the victim 3. Obtain the MSDS and hand it to the ER team.
Emergency Response: Chemical Exposure For Flammable Solids on Skin: Brush off as much of the solid as possible, then treat as a minor/major liquid spill on skin. For Chemical Splash In Eyes: • Flush eyes with eye wash fountain for 15 minutes or until ER ambulance arrives. • While flushing, hold eyelids open with hands and rotate eyeball up, down, and side to side to ensure all areas are rinsed. FOR PERSON HELPING THE VICTIM: • Be sure you are wearing appropriate protective apparel before helping the chemical contact victim. • Help victim get to the eye wash station and activate the eye wash fountain for him/her. • Call 852-6111 to request an ambulance for the victim • Get the MSDS and hand it to the ER team.
Emergency Response: Other Incidences Chemical Inhalation: • Close containersand attempt to move worker to an area wherefresh airis available. • Call poison control and seek medical attention if advised by Poison Control.* In extreme situations resuscitate withrescue breathing, shock prevention treatment(victim lying down, lightly covered to preserve body heat and comforted to reduce anxiety). • If symptoms such asheadaches, nose or throat irritation, dizziness, or drowsiness persist, seek medical attention.
Emergency Response: Other Incidences Chemical Ingestion: Immediately go to the emergency room and/or call the Poison Control Center (589-8222) for advice about poisoning and chemical toxicity.Call for an ambulanceif suggested by Poison Control Center.Do not induce vomiting unless directed to do so by a health care provider. Bleeding: Hold a clean pad directly on the wound and apply hand pressure. If necessary, elevate the bleeding extremity and apply pressure to a pressure point to reduce blood flow.
Emergency Response: HF Exposure For an HF Spill On Skin: • Immediately place affected areaunder running water for 2 minutes. • Remove any jewelry or clothes exposed to HF while rinsing under a safety shower. • After washingDO NOT dry skin. • ApplyCalcium Gluconate Gel FOR PERSON HELPING THE VICTIM: • Be sure you arewearing appropriate protective apparelbefore helping the chemical contact victim. • With clean double-gloved hands help the victim cover the entire affected are withCalcium Gluconate, continuously apply fresh gel while on the way to the ER. • Call 852-6111to request an ambulance for the victim and demand a HAZMAT team be sent to the area. • Obtain the MSDSand hand itto the ER team.
Emergency Response: Fire Alarm If the Fire Alarm Sounds • YOU MUST exit the building immediately through the nearest door. • DO NOT try to finish an experiment. • DO NOTtry to figure out why the alarm is sounding. • DO NOTattempt tode-gown. • DO warn others in you vicinity of the need to evacuate the building. • After evacuationall cleanroom users and staff must meetat the designated evacuation spot, located in the large circular driveway at the southwest corner of the building. (The driveway is located to your right when exiting the building through the main entrance,). IF the CO2 Alarm Sounds • First Pull the CO2 Alarm and evacuate. • Also activate the fire alarm on your way out. • Treat as a Fire Alarm (Follow all steps described above)
Emergency Responses: HAZMAT Alarms If the Toxic gas Monitoring System Alarm Sounds (No Fire Alarm) • A sounding HAZMAT speaker indicates that exhaust failure or a chemical gas leak has been detected is not a high enough concentration to cause serious harm. However the alarm should still be taken seriously. If an alarm 1 sounds, there will be blue HAZMAT lights flashing and a horn will be enabled. No fire alarm activation occurs. • If you hear a HAZMAT alarm and not the fire alarm. • YOU MUST exit the cleanroom immediately through the nearest door. • DO NOT try to finish an experiment. • DO NOT try to figure out why the alarm is sounding. • De-gown only if possible • DO warn others in you vicinity of the need to evacuate the cleanroom.
Emergency Responses: HAZMAT Alarms If the Toxic gas Monitoring System Alarm Sounds (No Fire Alarm) (cont.) • After evacuation all cleanroom users and staff must meet at the atrium (BRB lobby) • If the Toxic gas Monitoring System Alarm and the FIRE Alarm Sounds • Both Fire and HAZMAT Alarms sounding indicate a potentially dangerous gas leak or a fire. Treat as a FIRE alarm (follow steps on previous slide)
Emergency Responses: HAZMAT Alarms If the Toxic gas Monitoring System Alarm and the FIRE Alarm Sounds • Both Fire and HAZMAT Alarms sounding indicate a potentially dangerous gas leak or a fire. Treat as a FIRE alarm (follow steps on previous slide)
Responsibilities • The procedures and precautions outlined in this presentation are for the purpose of protecting cleanroom workers and equipment. Anyone found in violation of the aforementioned procedures will suffer consequences, which may include a loss of privileges or even a complete loss of access to the cleanroom. In order to prevent such consequences, it is your responsibility to review the procedure manual accessible @www.louisville.edu/research/cleanroom(Remember this presentation is just an overview of the Safety Manual) • If you see workers in violation of protocol in the manual, please inform them of their mistake in order to prevent minor or catastrophic accidents from occurring.
When do I get my access? Before your safety training is completed you need to: • Take theCleanroom tour • Complete acleanroom layout sketch(to familiarize yourself with different safety features inside cleanroom) • Take the Cleanroom Safety Orientation Quizand return it to your safety trainer (BRB 213) for review. (After passing your Quiz your access will be granted automatically)
THANK YOU! Please FAB Safely!