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Total Protection

Total Protection. If we fail to provide life cover we may let a family down in the worst possible way. Allowing a family to fall into total financial ruin after the loss of a breadwinner’s income. Total Protection.

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Total Protection

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  1. Total Protection • If we fail to provide life cover we may let a family down in the worst possible way Allowing a family to fall into total financial ruin after the loss of a breadwinner’s income

  2. Total Protection • If we fail to provide disability benefits we may give a policy owner the worst of fates Allowing him to see his family collapse because he can no longer support them

  3. Total Protection • If we fail to provide Health Benefits we may destroy a family’s dreams for the future If their savings are used up to pay for the cost of medical treatment

  4. Total Protection Total Protection 3 Component Parts Death Benefits Disability Benefits Health Benefits

  5. Riders • Riders are supplementary contracts • They protect client’s wealth from • Death due to • Old age (Life) • Sickness (Life + Health) • Accident (PA) • Disability due to • Accident (PA) • Sickness (H)

  6. Waiver of Premium (WP) • Protects the Owner of the plan against his/her inability to pay the premiums during a period of Permanent Total Disability (PTD) due to sickness/accident • Insured’s dreams for the future can still be achieved, though unable to pay his premiums • PTD - Inability of the insured due to sickness or accident from engaging in any business/occupation for compensation/profit for which he/she is trained, educated or experienced for a period of 6 months • WP is non-participating and does not build up cash or surrender value

  7. Waiver of Premium The following are regarded as PTD • Loss of sight of both eyes • Loss of both hands above the wrist or both feet above the ankles • Loss of one hand above the wrist and one foot above the ankle

  8. Waiver of Premium (WP) Features • Premiums are waived if the Owner is PTD for a period of 6 months • Premiums are waived if PTD happens within 6 months of the accident • Age Eligibility : 18 yrs to 55 years • WP in force if the disability is before the age 60 and continues until - Insured dies - Ceases to be PTD - Policy matures - Fails to provide proof of disability once a year

  9. Waiver of Premium (WP) 1/1/97 Premium paid by policy owner 1/1/98 Premium paid under the Waiver of Premium cover 6 months Disability occurs 1st February 6-month period ends 1st August • Claim to be made when insured is alive • Claim to be made during period of disability • Claim with in 1 year of due date of 1st premium following disability

  10. Waiver of premium (WP) • Exclusions – Self inflicted injury & disability caused while flying other than as a passenger • Cancellation – Becomes member of Military forces or attached to civilian/auxiliary units • Policy surrendered • Terminate if any premiums for the benefit or to the main policy are not paid after the end of the grace period, unless main policy can support the premium through its Automatic Non - Forfeiture Provisions

  11. Family Protection Agreement (FPA) • Works similar to WP • Can choose to be covered for (only death) or (death and disability) • PTD definition– Same as in WP • Age Eligibility: 18 yrs to 60 yrs • Waives all premium in case of death or disability of the OWNER during the term of the policy • Full lump sum on maturity If the family chose to surrender the policy at some later date, the full expected surrender value would be available. • Family’s financial objectives are met / future dreams come true

  12. Family Protection Agreement (FPA) Cancellation - Non payment of premium - Surrender or converted under the options of Elective Non-Forfeiture Provisions - becoming a member of military services as in WP - Policy anniversary after 60th birthday

  13. Level Term Rider (LTR) • Lump sum to the beneficiary in case of death of insured during the term • Benefit amount and term is selected • High cover, low premiums • Non-participative and not adding up cash value • Eligibility – 20 yrs to 60 yrs • Can be renewed up to age 75 • Minimum Face Amount – USD 25,000 • Maximum Face Amount : 2 X Regular premium x Term of SS basic plan • Termination – Same as WP • Exceptions - Insured commits suicide within 2 years • In case of suicide, death benefit is sum equal to premiums paid

  14. Spouse Term Rider (STR) and Child Term Rider (CTR) • Lump sum to the beneficiary in case of death of Insured spouse • Benefit amount and term is selected (min 10 years) • Can be taken only with LTR and STR • Eligibility – 20 yrs to 60 yrs • Can be renewed up to age 75 • Minimum Face Amount – USD 25,000 • Maximum Face Amount - USD 50,000 • Child Term Rider – USD 10,000 upto 50% of Spouse Term face amount

  15. Permanent Total Disability (PTD) • PTD defined same as in WP • Provided only with LTR • Disability with in 6 months of injury/disease and remain disabled for 6 months • Lump sum payment benefit • The face value paid over 2 years • In the event of Death – Balance principal amount in lump sum

  16. Face amount US$50,000 Disability occurs InsuredDies 9 months 6 months US$10,000 Paid US$40,000 Paid Permanent Total Disability (PTD) E.g.: Face value $ 50,000 Insured dies 9 months after disability Exclusions: Same as in WP Termination: Same as in WP Making claim: Same as in WP

  17. Permanent Total Disability (PTD) • Age Eligibility - 18 yrs to 59 yrs • Minimum Face Value – US$ 5000 • Maximum Face Value – Age 18-49 $ 500K - Age 50-59 $ 250K • Max limits inclusive of other Alico policies

  18. Spouse Pension Rider (SPR) • Provide income for a set period of time incase of death and/or disability of the insured • Client chooses the amount of annual income he/she wishes to provided and the period over which he/she wishes to be covered • Covers Death and Disability – client can buy either or both • Paid to beneficiary for a period of 20 years (Qtly) • Minimum income – US $ 1500 • Maximum income – lesser of Regular Premium X 6 or $50,000

  19. Spouse Pension Rider (SPR) • Term – 5,10,15,20 years • Initial term chosen can be renewed / extended w/o medical evidence • Eligible Ages – 18 to 60 • Plan expires at age 60 • Making the claim : Same as WP • Termination : Same as WP • Exclusions : Same as WP

  20. Income Benefit Rider (IBR) • Monthly income to the Beneficiary until plan’s maturity in case of Policy Owner’s Death/PTD • PTD definition – Same as in WP • Age Eligibility – • Minimum 18 years • Maximum (Disability) 55 yrs • Maximum (Death) 60 yrs • Minimum Monthly Income – USD 200 pm Maximum Monthly Income – higher of half of regular annual premium or USD 3,000 pm • Termination – Same as in WP • Non participating and No cash value

  21. Forever Rider • Protects insured provides a monthly income guaranteed for 20 years and thereafter for life, paid quarterly in the event of • Permanent Partial Disability due to Sickness or Accident • Permanent Total Disability due to Sickness or Accident • insured receiving the monthly benefit dies during this period the income will continue to be paid to his dependants for the reminder of the benefit period • Eligibility – Age 18 to Age 59 • Minimum monthly benefit - $200 pm Maximum monthly benefit - $3000 pm • Can be renewed up to Age 65 with half of the previous benefit

  22. Forever Rider Exclusions • Intentionally self-inflicted injury, suicide • War, invasion, act of foreign enemy, hostilities or war like operations • the Insured is serving in the Armed Forces of any country whether in peace or war • opportunistic infection or any other sickness condition • Any bodily injury which shall result in hernia • Pre-existing conditions of illness • Participation in competitions • Flying other than as a passenger in a commercial airline • Any mental or nervous disorder • Consumption of alcohols, and/or narcotics

  23. Recovery Benefits Plan (RBP) • Provide lump sum benefits if the Policy Owner suffers from certain specified illness or conditions • Does not reduce the Death benefit from any other riders • Benefit payable if diagnosed after the rider in force for 6 months • Pays the Principal Sum, a set period of time after the diagnosis of 11 specified illness • Age Eligibility – 20 yrs to 60 yrs • Minimum FV – USD $ 5000 • Maximum FV – US $ 80,000 or 50% of the basic policy coverage whichever is greater • Owner should survive for a set period

  24. Recovery Benefits Plan (RBP) • Payable after 14 days of Diagnosis/Surgery of Heart Attack, Coronary Artery surgery, Stroke, Cancer, Renal Failure, Blindness due to sickness, Multiple Sclerosis, Paralysis, Major Burns, Major organ transplant • Coma is payable after 90 days of diagnosis • Ideal to refer to the doctor for clarifications • Paid only if the diseases are diagnosed to be severe

  25. Recovery Benefits Plan (RBP) Exclusions • The benefit will not be payable from the RBP if the disease or condition is caused by any of the following: • An intentional self-inflicted injury or illness • A deliberate exposure to exceptional danger or a criminal act. • The willful misuse of alcohol or drugs. • An AIDS related condition or infection by HIV Virus. • An illness or injury caused by war, riots or civil commotion. • An illness caused by radiation, nuclear reaction or radioactive contamination.

  26. Recovery Benefits Plan (RBP) • Only one claim against the plan • The benefits can never exceed the principal sum of the main policy • The maximum amount payable from the Recovery Benefits Plan (or a number contracts) must not exceed US$80,000 on any one life

  27. Recovery Benefits Plan (RBP) Making a Claim • A written claim within 3 months • May require examination by ALICO doctor Cancellations • Same as in WP

  28. Personal Accident on Life (PAL) • Lump sum benefit on Accidental Death (AD) • Lump sum benefit on PTD only due to accident • Lump sum benefit on Dismemberment only due to accident - Loss of speech, Hearing or Sight (PPD) • Provides Accidental Medical re-imbursement • Accidental Disability Income (Weekly Indemnity) for 104 weeks (Optional)

  29. Personal Accident on Life (PAL) Claims – Accidental Death • If within 365 days from accident • principal sum paid as lump sum on death

  30. Personal Accident on Life (PAL) Claims – PTD due to accident • If within 365 days from accident • Continued disability for 12 months • Indemnity equal to principal sum • Paid as 25% lump sum after 12 months • Remaining paid monthly over 3 years

  31. Personal Accident on Life (PAL) Claims – Dismemberment / PPD due to accident • If within 365 days from accident • Total indemnity equal to max of 100% of principal sum

  32. Personal Accident on Life (PAL) Claims - Accident Medical Expense Reimbursement • Re-imbursement of Hospital & Nurse fees for treatment commencing within 30 days of accident • Expenses incurred up to 52 weeks from date of accident • Pays the reasonable, customary medical charges up to the specified limits

  33. Personal Accident on Life (PAL) Accident Disability Income (Weekly Indemnity - WI) • Weekly benefit in case of Totally disabled within 90 days from accident • Maximum period of 104 Weeks or until PO is 65 years of age • Portion of Week – 1/7 of Weekly benefit • Recurrent disability – Return to normal work for 12 months, new disability

  34. Personal Accident on Life (PAL) • Triple Indemnity on Common carrier & Flying – triple benefit in case of AD, PTD, PPD

  35. Accident & Hospital Care Rider (A& H Rider) • Accident care rider protects an insured and provides benefits in the event of: • Accidental Loss of life (AD) • PTD due to accident • Dismemberment / PPD due to accident • Accidental Medical Re-imbursement • Hospital care rider protects an insured and provides benefits in the event of: • PTD due to sickness • Weekly benefit when confined in a hospital up to 52 weeks due to accident or sickness • Accident and Sickness In Hospital Surgical expense • In hospital charges of Surgeon’s fees, anesthetist's fee, operating room rent

  36. Accident & Hospital Care Rider • Benefits paid in case of PTD due to sickness,

  37. Accident & Hospital Care Rider • Packages available and benefits

  38. Child care Benefits • Waiver of Premium towards child care benefit in case of AD and PTD of the policy owner • School tuition fees paid in case of AD and PTD of the policy owner • Telemedicine – 2nd opinion from America’s best hospitals • AIG Assist – Global assistance in case of emergencies • AMR – re-imbursement of hospital expenses, double benefit in case of confinement to ICU • Accident In-Hospital Income – paid weekly if confined in hospital, double benefit in case of confinement to ICU • Monthly catastrophe cash – monthly benefit paid for 20 years in case of PTD of child • Dismemberment lump sum benefit, double benefit paid if accident happened while at school

  39. Child care - Package

  40. Total Protection If we fail to provide Total Protection We are in danger of letting our clients down At the time they most need us

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