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IRX8215 Digital Signal Processing Olev Märtens, Ph.D supported by Estonian IT Foundation (“Tiger jump”). Olev Märtens, Ph.D., Associate professor olev@staff.ttu.ee skype: olev38 www.elin.ttu.ee/~olev www.elin.ttu.ee/ssplab office: II-222A.
IRX8215 Digital Signal Processing Olev Märtens, Ph.Dsupported by Estonian IT Foundation (“Tiger jump”)
Olev Märtens, Ph.D., Associate professorolev@staff.ttu.eeskype: olev38www.elin.ttu.ee/~olevwww.elin.ttu.ee/ssplaboffice: II-222A
Practical DSP realizations -TTU, dep-nt of electronics (www.elin.ttu.ee)Competence center ELIKO (www.eliko.ee)ARTEC Design (FPGA-based.. www.artecdesign.com)M&T Electronics (www.mtel.ee)...........................
Content (I) • IRX8215 Digital Signal Processing 5,0 7,5 • Course covers the sampling theorem in detail, introducing the notion of bandpass sampling as well as the tradeoff between sampling rate and word length. A/D and D/A conversion techniques based on Delta-Sigma-Modulation are covered to reinforce the concepts of trading off conversion speed and conversion word length. Multirate digital filters,Discrete Fourier Transforms (DFTs), and bandpass filter banks are covered using the transmultiplexer as a concrete example.
Content (II) • Adaptive filter techniques, specifically the LMS algorithm, are explained using echo cancelers as an application. Additional topics, time permitting, include Linear Predictive Coding (LPC) as applied to speech compression,design of recursive (IIR) digital filters, and waveform generation using DSP concepts.
Teaching materials • Lecture notes • Lab materials • TMS320VC5416 DSKs (DSP Starter kits) • ..... • Ifeachor,..”Digital Signal Processing: Practical Approach”,,
Time-Table • RX8215 | Digital Signal Processing • Esmaspäev 12.00 Monday • II-309 | Olev Märtens | LoengLecture • Rühmad: IVIM11 • IRX8215 | Digital Signal Processing • Esmaspäev 14.00 Monday • II-204 | Olev Märtens | Harjutus Labs/... • Rühmad: IVIM11
DSP=? • 1. DSP= Digital Signal Processing • --focus on real time! • 2. DSP= Digital Signal Processors • -Special architecture of processors • (P)DSP-programmable digital signal processors