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LexisNexis one place to quickly master the research

Learn the objective and scope of legal research, search skills, and functionalities on LexisNexis. Understand exact and conceptual search techniques. Find primary and secondary legal sources. Define research scope by width and depth, and conduct a conceptual search on legal principles. Select databases and extract keywords for effective research.

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LexisNexis one place to quickly master the research

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  1. LexisNexisone place to quickly master the research www.lexis.com Sep. 2009

  2. Agenda • Objective of Legal Research • Definition of Scope of Research • Skills on Search and other Functionalities • Exact Search • Conceptual Search • Questions & Answers

  3. Objective of Legal Research Finding Authorities Authorities includes primary and secondary legal sources: Primary sources – legislation, cases, treaties, rules and releases Secondary sources – journals, commentaries, text-books and news.

  4. LexisNexis JP

  5. LexisNexis Recht

  6. LexisNexis China Online

  7. Definition of Scope How to define the scope of research? Width – Jurisdictions e.g. Comparative study on legal principles between New York and California Depth – coverage (time and contents) e.g. Search all federal case law and state regulations for 10 years

  8. Select Databases to Search

  9. Conceptual Search Whether the principle of res judicata is modified in criminal cases in U.S. especially in the first degree murders? Keywords extraction: Principle or rule or common law Res judicata Modified or Modification or Modify Criminal or Crime Murder First Degree or 1st Degree

  10. Conceptual Search Whether the principle of res judicata is modified in criminal cases in U.S. especially in the first degree murders? Formulation Method: (Principle or rule or common law) w/s Res judicata and Modif! w/p Core-terms (Criminal or Crime) and Murder w/s (First Degree or 1st Degree)

  11. 2002 2001 1998 2004 1999 2000 2006 1987 2007 Related Reference Cited Reference Citing Reference Shepardize Table of Authorities More Like Selected Text Core Terms Core Cites

  12. Sign Off

  13. Online Demo

  14. Search Practice 1. Whether choice-of-law clauses in an international commercial contract is enforceable by the Court ? ( Reference: Batchelder v. Nobuhiko Kawamoto, 147 F.3d 915  ) 2. Whether the President of U.S. has the authority to detain a suspected terrorist by military order? Can the suspect file a habeas petition to the Court to challenge the order? (Reference: Rumsfeld v. Padilla, 124 S. Ct. 2711  )

  15. Questions & Answers

  16. Contact Information Jensen Wang E-mail:jensen.wang@lexisnexis.com Customer Support Website: www.customer-support.com.tw TEL: 02-7731-5580

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