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Eng. Mohammed Timraz Electronics & Communication Engineer

University of Palestine Faculty of Engineering and Urban planning Software Engineering Department. Digital Logic Design ESGD2201. Lecture 2. Number Systems. Eng. Mohammed Timraz Electronics & Communication Engineer. Wednesday, 10 th September 2008. Agenda. 1. Decimal Number

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Eng. Mohammed Timraz Electronics & Communication Engineer

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  1. University of Palestine Faculty of Engineering and Urban planning Software Engineering Department Digital Logic Design ESGD2201 Lecture 2 Number Systems Eng. Mohammed Timraz Electronics & Communication Engineer Wednesday, 10th September 2008

  2. Agenda 1. Decimal Number 2. Binary Numbers 2.1 Binary to Decimal Conversion 2.2 Decimal to Binary Conversion 3. Octal Numbers 3.1 Octal to Decimal Conversion 3.2 Decimal to Octal Conversion 3.3 Binary to Octal Conversion 3.4 Octal to Binary Conversion 4. Hexa Decimal Numbers 4.1 Binary to Hexa Decimal Conversion 4.2 Hexa Decimal to Binary Conversion 4.3 Hexa Decimal to Decimal Conversion 4.4 Decimal to Hexa Decimal Conversion

  3. Number Systems 1- Decimal Number: [Base10], *Integer Number:[0,1,2,3,………..9] Example:- [23]10=3×100 +2×101 =3×1+2×10 =3+20= 23

  4. Number Systems Decimal Number *Float Number: [16.15] Integer part float part Decimal Point Example:-[16.15] 16.15=6*100+1*101+1*10-1+5*10-2 =6 + 10+ 0.1 + 0.05 =16.15 …..104 103 102 101 . 10-1 10-2 10-3 10-4 …..Decimal Point

  5. Number Systems 2. Binary Numbers: [Base 2],[ 0,1] ex:- 00 ,01 ,10 ,11 Decimal Binary

  6. Number Systems 2-1 Binary to Decimal Conversion: Example:- [1101101]2 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 MSB LSB Most significant BIT Least Significant Bit

  7. Number Systems 2-1 Binary to Decimal Conversion: Example:- For integer numbers, [1101101]2 = [ ? ]10 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 [1101101]2 =1×20+0×21+1×22+1×23+0×24+1×25+1×26 =[109]10 MSB LSB

  8. Number Systems 2-1 Binary to Decimal Conversion: Example:- For float numbers, [10.111]2 = [ ? ]10 1 0 . 1 1 1 21 20 2-1 2-2 2-3 [10.111]2 =0×20+1×21+1×2-1+1×2-2+1×2-3 =[2.875]10 Binary point

  9. Number Systems Number Systems 2-1 Binary to Decimal Conversion: Example:- [1011]2 = [ ? ]10 1 0 1 1 23 22 21 20 [1011]2 =1×20+1×21+0×22+1×23 =[11]10

  10. Number Systems Number Systems • 2-2 Decimal to Binary Conversion: • There are two ways to convert the decimal numbers to binary numbers. • By using the Truth Table: we can use the truth table for small decimal numbers, but for large decimal numbers it will be more difficult. • So, we will use the division: which we can use it for small and large decimal numbers

  11. Number SystemsThe Truth Table Decimal to Binary Conversion:

  12. Number Systems Number Systems Decimal to Binary Conversion: The Division: [198]10 = [ ? ]2 By using the division system: Carrier 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 0

  13. Number Systems Number Systems Decimal to Binary Conversion: The Division: For float numbers, [0.3125]10 = [ ? ]2 By using the multiplication system: MSB LSB . 0 0 1 1 Carrier 0 0.3125 × 2 = 0.625 1 0.625 × 2 = 1.25 0 0.25 × 2 = 0.5 0.5 × 2 = 1.00 1 Continuo to the desired number of decimal places or stop when fractional part is all zero

  14. Number Systems 3. Octal Numbers: [Base 8],[ 0,1,3,4,5,6,7] 3-1 Octal to Decimal Conversion: Example:- [2374]8 = [ ? ]10 =4×80+7×81+3×82+2×83 =[1276]10

  15. Number Systems Number Systems 3-2 Decimal to Octal Conversion: The Division: [359]10 = [ ? ]8 By using the division system: Carrier 7 4 5 4 7 5

  16. Number Systems 3-3 Binary to Octal Conversion: Example:- [110101]2 = [ ? ]8 Here we will take 3 bits and convert it from binary to decimal by using the decimal to binary truth table: BinaryDecimal 1 1 0 1 0 1 = (65)8 { { 6 5

  17. Number Systems 3-4 Octal to Binary Conversion: Example:- [13]8 = [ ? ]2 Here we will convert each decimal digit from decimal to binary (3 bits) using the decimal to binary truth table: BinaryDecimal (13)8 = (001011)2

  18. Number Systems 4. Hexa Decimal Numbers: [Base 16],[ 0,1,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,A,B,C,D,E,F] 4-1 Binary to Hexa Decimal Conversion: Example:- [1100101001010111]2 = [ ? ]16 Here we will take 4 bits and convert it from binary to decimal by using the decimal to binary truth table: 1100 1010 0101 0111 { { { { C A 5 7 Then, [1100101001010111]2 = [CA57]16

  19. 1101 1110 0010 0111 Number Systems 4-2 Hexa Decimal to Binary Conversion: Example:- [DE27]16 = [ ? ]2 Here we will convert each Hexa decimal digit from decimal to binary (4 bits) using the decimal to binary truth table: D E 2 7 Then, [DE27]16 = [1101111000100111]2

  20. Number Systems 4-3 Hexa Decimal to Decimal Conversion: Example:- [B2F8]16 = [ ? ]10 =8×160+F×161+2×162+B×163 =[45816]10 Where, B=11, and F=15

  21. Number Systems 4-4 Decimal to Hexa Decimal Conversion: Example:- [650]10 = [ ? ]16 By using the division system: Carrier 10 8 2 8 A 2

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