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Integrating Gender Equality, Cultural Diversity and Human Rights in PAHO

Integrating Gender Equality, Cultural Diversity and Human Rights in PAHO. Marijke Velzeboer-Salcedo Coordinator, Gender, Diversity and Human Rights Office 2-3 February, 2011. Purpose of the Training.

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Integrating Gender Equality, Cultural Diversity and Human Rights in PAHO

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  1. Integrating Gender Equality, Cultural Diversity and Human Rights in PAHO Marijke Velzeboer-Salcedo Coordinator, Gender, Diversity and Human Rights Office 2-3 February, 2011

  2. Purpose of the Training • To learn concepts of Gender Equality, Cultural Diversity and Human Rights and Health. This includes the analysis of health information with a gender and intercultural perspective. • Apply these cross cutting priorities in the Results-based management framework of the BWP and other PAHO instruments. • Form a Gender, Diversity and Human Rights network of focal points within PAHO (HQ and the CO) to facilitate and support the mainstreaming of GDR in PAHO’s planning and corporate processes. Ultimately, to increase Efficiency and Equity in Health  Health for All

  3. (Include PAHO organizational charts where GDR is located) see Floriza’s presentation!

  4. Gender, Diversity and Human Rights (GDR) Marijke Velzeboer-Salcedo Coordinator • Gender • Gender Equity Advisor • Genevieve Grabman, Gender Mainstreaming • Specialist • Cathy Cuellar, Regional Advisor on Gender • Vielka Jones, Consultant • Cultural Diversity • Cultural Diversity & Gender Advisor • Maria Inês Barbosa, Cultural Diversity • Mainstreaming Specialist • Human Rights • Javier Vasquez, Regional Human Rights • Law Advisor • Cristina Leria, Advisor, Human Rights • Law for Health Services • Bioethics • Bioethics Regional Advisor Management and Coordination • Lilia Jara, Advisor on GDR Evidence • Floriza Gennari, Program • Management Specialist • Oswaldo Gómez, KMC • Esmeralda Burbano, Program Support • Support Staff • Miriam Almazan Aguirre • Support Staff • Celeste Medina • Bethany McCurley • Florencia Behrensen

  5. GDR 2010 GEH (Gender Equality & Health) + CDH (Cultural Diversity & Health: Includes Indigenous Peoples and Ethnicity) + HRH (Human Rights & Health) + Bioethics & Health = GDR (2010)

  6. MOH MOH MOH TA/FP FP/PWR FP/PWR FP/PWR TA/FP TA/FP Decentralized support Regional Advisor/PAN Sub-reg. Focal Points HQ Technical Areas(TA): Focal points from FCH, PBR,SDE etc PAHO GDR Regional TEAM HQ

  7. What is Mainstreaming ? The process of integrating defined policies, strategies or priorities into all areas and levels of institutional policy making, including planning, implementation, research, monitoring and evaluation, while promoting these through the participation of public bodies, social partners, NGOs and other relevant actors, so that women and men, girls and boys of all diverse populations can equally benefit and so that inequality is not perpetrated. In this way, mainstreaming helps to align policies, programs and operations with the long-term goal of the Health Agenda of the Americas of attaining equity in health for all, while increasing the efficiency of their implementation, and promoting a pro-active approach rather than responding to impacts as they unfold. (PAHO Definition)

  8. Strategy for Mainstreaming Cross Cutting Priorities (CCP) Why? • Strategic Plan calls for integrating CCP • Gender Equality Policy/Plan of Action/monitoring framework • Resolution CD47R18, Health of the indigenous peoples of the Americas • Human rights instruments.

  9. PAHO’s Gender Equality Policy and Plan of Action Action 1: Evidence building Gender Equality Policy Goal: Achievement of gender equality in health status and health development Core objectives -Optimal health status and well being for men & women - Equity in resources allocations for health - Equal participation & empowerment of men a& men in relation to their health - Fairness in distribution of burden and rewards associated with health work for men & women Action 4: Monitoring and evaluation Action 2: Capacity Building Action 3: Participation of civil society

  10. Strategy for Mainstreaming Cross Cutting Priorities (CCP) What? CCP: GEH, CDH, HRH CC strategies: Primary Health Care, Social protection, and Health promotion Who? Mainstreaming mechanisms: CCP COT (cross-organizational team) and GDR Office  all entities

  11. Strategy for Mainstreaming Cross Cutting Priorities (CCP) How? • Identify key corporate processes (Strategic Plan  BWP, CCS, Governing Body documents, key publications) • Develop guides and checklists to integrate and monitor the integration of CCP • Analysis for accountability with checklists  feedback  incoporate comments  reanalyze for accountability

  12. Mainstreaming Cross Cutting Priorities to Achieve Equity in Health Health Agenda for the Americas 2008-2017 EQUITY • Governing Bodies • Documents • Guidelines • Document Review Cross Cutting Priorities Gender Ethnicity Human Rights Health Promotion Primary Health Care Social Protection • Member States • Common Country • Strategies • Guidelines • Checklist Strategic Plan 2008-2012 • Biennial work plans • CCP Markers • Checklists • Budgets

  13. PAHOs Gender, Diversity and Human Rights Office (GDR): mainstreaming GDR for achieving Health for All • Integrating Gender in Health • - Technical Areas/HQ • - Support to countries, especially PAHO priority countries • Integrating Cultural Diversity in Health • Improving evidence on Gender and Ethnicity in • Health • Integrating commitments on human rights into the • health policies and plans • Managing knowledge for planning, programming, • monitoring and advocacy

  14. Gender Equality, Cultural Diversity and Human Rights Matter: • Health for All • Thank you! Gracias!

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