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Charles Stafford. Many-body theory of electric and thermal transport in single-molecule junctions. INT Program “From Femtoscience to Nanoscience: Nuclei, Quantum Dots and Nanostructures,” July 31, 2009. 1. Fundamental challenges of nanoelectronics (a physicist’s perspective). Fabrication:
Charles Stafford Many-body theory of electric and thermal transport in single-molecule junctions INT Program “From Femtoscience to Nanoscience: Nuclei, Quantum Dots and Nanostructures,” July 31, 2009
1. Fundamental challenges of nanoelectronics (a physicist’s perspective) Fabrication: Lithography → self-assembly? For ultrasmall devices, even single-atom variations from device to device (or in device packaging) could lead to unacceptable variations in device characteristics → environmental sensitivity. Contacts/interconnects to ultrasmall devices. Switching mechanism: Raising/lowering energy barrier necessitates dissipation of minimum energy kBT per cycle → extreme power dissipation at ultrahigh device densities. Tunneling & barrier fluctuations in nanoscale devices.
Molecular electronics Fabrication: large numbers of identical “devices” can be readily synthesized with atomic precision. (Making the contacts is the hard part!) But does not (necessarilly) solve fundamental problem of switching mechanism.
Single-molecule junction ≈ ultrasmall quantum dot Similarities and differences: Typically, π-orbitals of the carbon atoms are the itinerant degrees of freedom. Charging energy of a single π-orbital: U ~ 9eV. Charging energy of a benzene molecule: ‹U› ~ 5eV. Nearest-neighbor π-π hopping integral: t ~ 2 – 3eV. Lead-molecule coupling: Γ ~ 0.5eV (small parameter?). Electronic structure unique for each molecule---not universal!
Alternative switching mechanism: Quantum interference • Phase difference of paths 1 and 2: kF 2d = π → destructive interference blocks flow of current from E to C. • All possible Feynman paths cancel exactly in pairs. • (b) Increasing coupling to third terminal introduces new paths that do not cancel, allowing current to flow from E to C. David M. Cardamone, CAS & S. Mazumdar,Nano Letters 6, 2422(2006); CAS, D. M. Cardamone & S. Mazumdar, Nanotechnology18, 424014 (2007); U.S. Patent Application, Serial No. 60/784,503 (2007)
2. The nonequilibrium many-body problem • Mean-field calculations based on density-functional theory are the dominant • paradigm in quantum chemistry, including molecular junction transport. • They are unable to account for charge quantization effects (Coulomb blockade) • in single-molecule junctions! • HOMO-LUMO gap not accurately described; no distinction of transport vs. • optical gap. • Many-body effects beyond the mean-field level must be included for a quantitative • theory of transport in molecular heterojunctions. • To date, only a few special solutions in certain limiting cases (e.g., Anderson • model; Kondo effect) have been obtained to the nonequilibrium many-body • problem. • There is a need for a general approach that includes the electronic structure • of the molecule.
Molecular Junction Hamiltonian Coulomb interaction (localized orthonormal basis): Leads modeled as noninteracting Fermi gases: Lead-molecule coupling (electrostatic coupling included in Hmol(1)):
Molecular Junction Green’s Functions All (steady-state) physical observables of the molecular junction can be expressed in terms of G and G<. Dyson equation: Coulomb self-energy must be calculated approximately. G obeys the equation of motion: Once G is known, G< can be determined by analytic continuation on the Keldysh contour. Tunneling self-energy:
Electric and Thermal Currents Tunneling width matrix:
3. Application to specific molecules: Effective π-electron molecular Hamiltonian • For the purpose of this talk we consider conjugated organic molecules. • Transport due primarily to itinerant p-electrons. • Sigma band is filled and doesn’t contribute appreciably to transport. • Effective charge operator, including polarization charges induced by lead voltages: • Parameters from fitting electronic spectra of benzene, biphenyl, and trans-stilbene up to 8-10eV: • Accurate to ~1% • U=8.9eV,t=2.64eV,ε=1.28 • Castleton C.W.M., Barford W., J. Chem. Phys. Vol 17 No. 8 (2002)
Sequential-tunneling limit: ΣC(0) Nonequilibrium steady-state probabilities determined by detailed balance: Tunneling width matrix:
Self-consistent Hartree-Fock correction to the Coulomb self-energy of a diatomic molecule • Narrowing of transmission resonances; • No shift of transmission peak or node positions; • No qualitative effect on transmission phase; • Correction small in (experimentally relevant) cotunneling regime.
Determining the lead-molecule coupling: thermopower • We can express the thermopower in terms of the transmission probability Find that mAu- m0 =-3.22±.04eV, about 1.5eV above the HOMO level (hole dominated) • Experimentally the linear-conductance of BDT is reported to be 0.011G0 (2e2/h) • Xiaoyin Xiao, Bingqian Xu, and N.J Tao. Nano-letters Vol 4, No. 2 (2004) • Comparison with calculated linear-response givesG=.63±.02eV • Experimentally the BDT junction’s Seebeck coefficient is found to be 7.0.2mV/K • Baheti et al, Nano Letters Vol 8 No 2 (2008)
Differential conductance spectrum of a benzene(1,4)dithiol-Au junction • Junction charge quantized within ‘molecular diamonds.’ • Transmission nodes due to quantum interference. • Resonant tunneling through molecular excited states at finite bias. Justin P. Bergfield & CAS, Physical Review B 79, 245125 (2009)
Resonant tunneling through molecular excitons Justin P. Bergfield & CAS, Physical Review B 79, 245125 (2009)
Conclusions • Electron transport in single-molecule junctions is a key • example of a nanosystem far from equilibrium, and poses • a challenging nonequilibrium quantum many-body problem. • Transport through single molecules can be controlled • by exploiting quantum interference due to molecular • symmetry. • Large enhancement of thermoelectric effects predicted at • transmission nodes arising due to destructive quantum • interference. • Open questions: • Corrections to Coulomb self-energy beyond RPA • Fabrication, fabrication, fabrication…