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Energy , resource , emissions savings for Europeans industry

Energy , resource , emissions savings for Europeans industry. Optimised exchanger operation and new maintenance equipment will lead to tremendous resource savings. I. Some facts :. Europeans maintenance market represents a value of 100 Mia. Euro Of them for Germany 20 Mia. Euro

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Energy , resource , emissions savings for Europeans industry

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  1. Energy, resource, emissionssavingsforEuropeansindustry Optimisedexchangeroperationandnewmaintenanceequipment will leadtotremendousresourcesavings I AC Rädler Environment technique GmbH, www.ac-raedler.at lecture: Sigrun Rädler

  2. Somefacts: • Europeansmaintenancemarketrepresents a valueof100 Mia. Euro • Ofthemfor Germany 20 Mia. Euro • Heatexchangersareused in large numbersfor multiple applications • Nearlynomeasuringinstrumentsareusedforexchangeroperation • 1 single Austrian service company maintained 500 heatexchangerwithin half a year2011 • Costs due to over-design, additional fuel consumption and maintenance, loss of production, etc. have been estimated as 0.25% of the GNP of industrialised countries. 1) 2) 3) AC Rädler Environment technique GmbH, www.ac-raedler.at lecture: Sigrun Rädler

  3. One don’t need to take a sledgehammer to crack a nut … onedon‘tneedtouse 1000, 3000 bar pressurewaterto clean heatexchanger – ifcleaningoperationcansuccess-fullybeperformedat 12 bar bythe RTC equipment. AC Rädler environmenttechnique GmbH, Vienna developedthe RTC equipmentformostresourcesavingefficienttubularheatexchangercleaning. Anykindofhardandevenfullyblockedtubesareregainedbythe RTC treatment. In somecaseswholeexchangerinvestmentisregained. RTC cleaningisrecommendedforgraphiteexchangers. AC Rädler Environment technique GmbH, www.ac-raedler.at lecture: Sigrun Rädler

  4. HeatexchangercanbemaintainedbyeitherRTCor High pressureequipment The differencearesavings on fuelorelectricity Fuel consumptionforinstanceduring 20 days AC Rädler Environment technique GmbH, www.ac-raedler.at lecture: Sigrun Rädler

  5. Using RTC asmaintenanceequipment, leadstoemissionsreductionsuch asfor 20 days. AC Rädler Environment technique GmbH, www.ac-raedler.at lecture: Sigrun Rädler

  6. UsingRTCasmaintenanceequipment will leadtoreductionofwastewaterandtorelievewastewatertreatment plant – such asduring 20 days AC Rädler Environment technique GmbH, www.ac-raedler.at lecture: Sigrun Rädler

  7. Legend: • Press information dd. 27.06.2011 by Wirtschaftsverband für Industrieservice e.V. (WVIS), Germany • Press information specialist journal Ölwerk 2011, page 11 • Homepage oftheHeatExchangerFoulingandCleaning Conference Series: www.heatexchanger-fouling.com AC Rädler A-1220 Vienna, Leonard-Bernstein-Street 8/2/23.8  + 43(0) 676 374 65 09  + 43(0) 676 616 99 22  office@ac-raedler.at www.ac-raedler.at Environment technique Ltd. AC Rädler Environment technique GmbH, www.ac-raedler.at lecture: Sigrun Rädler

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