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Myasthenia Gravis

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Myasthenia Gravis

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Presentation Transcript

    1. Myasthenia Gravis Nursing Interventions

    2. Respiratory Support -respiratory assessment frequently -ventilatory support or BIPAP Mobility -appropriate rest periods -ROM exercises Medications:anticholinesterases Promoting Self Care Communication Nursing Interventions for Acute Care/Crisis

    3. Observe surgical site: - transcervical (more common) -transthoracic( pneumo/hemothorax) -endoscopic Monitor respiratory status Monitor for infection Postop Thymectomy

    4. Medications -importance of taking meds on time -know meds and side effects -what meds to avoid: antibiotics (icin, mycin, xacin) beta blockers (“ol” drugs) opoids antihistamines -keep extra supply in car/at work Patient Education

    5. Precipitating factors -Stress -Infections -Temperature changes (hot tubs) -Medications -Alcohol -Surgery Signs and Symptoms of Myasthenia or Cholinergic Crisis Patient Education

    6. Promoting mobility and Self Care -schedule activities with rest periods -use of assistive devices as needed -support of OT/PT -encourage independence Patient Education

    7. Communication -when weak, yes/no questions -use of gestures -assistive devices (notepads,pictures) Nutrition -smaller, frequent meals (timed around med) -high, calorie snacks Patient Education

    8. Activity Intolerance r/t muscle fatigability and weakness Disturbed Sensory Perception r/t ptosis and diplopia Impaired Verbal Communication r/t muscle weakness Nursing Diagnosis

    9. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-v8XNHE9vH0&NR=1 Video for Myasthnia Gravis

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