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Freight 4 ALL: Training contents. Presented by Julie MURAT. GENERAL INTRODUCTION. The trainer should introduce him / herself Ask each participant to do so Ask the participants their level of knowledge regarding Freight4All Finally introduce the course. Training contents INDEX.
Freight 4 ALL: Training contents Presented by Julie MURAT
GENERAL INTRODUCTION The trainer shouldintroducehim/herself Askeach participant to do so Ask the participants theirlevel of knowledgeregarding Freight4All Finallyintroduce the course
Training contents INDEX • The Freight4All revolution • Initial observations • Origin of the project • F4All objectives • Economic and politicalimplications (at « local » levels) • Freight 4 ALL platform’sstructure • Overview : a step-by-step approach • The Generic Harmonisation Framework • Technical prerequisites to access the platform • The system architecture • Demo with local demonstrators
PART ONE : The Freight4All revolution
The Freight4All revolution • The aims of this part are: • To set the scene • To explain in an evocativeway the F4All stakes • To promote the impacts of the projectat local levels in order to increase the number of users – added value for the users
a / Initial observations Reducingcompetitiveadvantage Limitingproductivity Long product lead times Fragmented long transnational chain Hamperinggrowth Disastifiedcustomers A multitude of actors
a / Initial observations Closed national solutions A multitude of actors Barriers A multitude of heterogeneous IT systems
b / Origin of the project • Main considerations • What are the main problems in transnational freight transport chains ? • What are the key policy drivers for developing and enhancement of multimodal transport? • Is the collaboration between actors an issue for success? • Can the Regional Authorities have an « umbrella » role supporting the stakeholders involved in the transport sector (both from demand and supply)? • What are the main missing elements of the MED transport system in relation to Central and North Europe (apart from infrastructures?) • What kind of services (in the field of transport) can support the Cretan export and import activities? • How can the transport links be improved in the MED area?
b / Origin of the project • ICT as a tool for improvements but…… how? • Several closed systems already in place by major freight transport stakeholders • Several customised systems leading to fragmentation • Provision of solutions for a niche of functionalities • Interoperability is still an issue • Dissimilar technological standards between geographical areas • Integrated and interoperable ICT platform available to ALL players • An ICT solution that interconnects the complementary applications of remote systems • An ICT solution that can provide complete and alternative workflows for various supply chainsneeds. • Decentralized administration/management for systems/transport services providers. • Information exploitation for operational and strategic decision making
b / Origin of the project The MED area transport cohesion can be achieved by introducing smart ICT networking solutions allowing accessibility for all. In this context, Freight4ALL capitalizes on the e-logistics applications implemented in MED areas by isolated initiatives, however introducing a distributed ICT platform that allows the integration of existing systems and break the barriers for all actors involved in transnational freight transport chains.
b / Origin of the project Under DAC’s coordination wewish to respondthese issues within the framework of the Freight4All project in cooperationwithEuropeanMediterranean and multi-actorspartners:
c / Freight4All objectives • To bridge the gaps in the transnational supply chains in a synergic way: • To capitalize on the e-logistics applications implemented by isolated initiatives in various MED areas • To introduce a distributed ICT platform allowing the integration of existing systems and break the barriers for all actors involved in transnational freight transport chains.
c / Freight4All objectives • More specifically: • To design and develop a distributed platform as a mediator for the effective interactions of the stakeholders, end-to-end supply chain management and continuous visibility of the operations • To provideadvancedinteroperability and interconnectivitytools • Easy entry with low cost for advanced and transnational e-logistics
d / Economic and political implications Resolution on transport policy of the RS (Intermodality: time for sinergy) / year 2006: Transport as basis for economic development of a country- weaknesses in Slovenia: no cooperation among transport service operators and no links between different types of transport infrastructure (intermodality, multimodality), lack of logistics centres
d / Economic and political implications • Opportunitiesfor Slovenia: unificationandharmonisation of transport systemsoperation, development of new transport technologies. • Vision of economic supply: Theoffer of overalllogisticserviceswithintheeconomic supply andthroughtheinterconnection of providersof suchserviceswillalongwiththeimplementation of a modern cost-effectiveenvironmental transport policyproviceeconomicviability of intermodalitywithinthenationalgoods transport in thelong run. Slovenia willstronglysupportthedevelopment of newtechnologieswhichprovidedifferentforms of intermodal transport, externallogistics or optimisation of supply chainsandthereduction in adverseenvironmenteffects in transport
d / Economic and political implications • Transport policymeasures: educationandtraining, informationand marketing withtheaim to raiseawarenessof theimportance of transport systems, itsoperationandoptimumusage of transport infrastructure • Transport policymeasures – freight transport sector: fiscalpolicymeasuresandothermeasuresforthepromotion of intermodalityandfocusing on the transport system on contemporarysolutionsin supply chainswheresuchstatemeasuresmustbeeconomicallyjustified.
d / Economic and political implications • Consideringsuchframework, F4All contributes to : • Promotingintermodality • Sustainable transport solutions • Innovativetechnologies • Cooperation of operators
d / Economic and political implications • Experience of cooperation between logistics providers in Slovenia: • Transport Logistics Cluster – approx. duration 2002 – 2005 • Slovenian technological platform – approx. duration 2008 • Chamber of commerce of the RS/ transport section - well established section, in particular representing interests of truck drivers • Association of shipping agents – historic association of some of the shipping agents present in the Port of Koper • Propellerclub of thePort of Koper – associationthatpromotesmaritime transport andunitesactors of maritimefield (pilotes, tugservices, moorersecc)
d Economic and political implications National Level F4All contributes to the National objectives of the « Grenelle de l’environnement » • The “GrenelleEnvironnement” is a conference bringing together the government, local authorities, trade unions, business and voluntary sectors to draw up a plan of action of concrete measures to tackle the environmental issue. • It was launched during last presidential period…
d / Economic and political implications National Level F4All contributes to the National objectives of the « Grenelle de l’environnement » • Sustainabledevelopment issue • F4All enablesmanaging and piloting of intermodality • F4All reduces/limits the negativeexternalities of transport one of the main sectorconcerned by CO2 emmisions • F4All enables the creation of toolsfavouringsustainable transport solutions
d / Economic and political implications RegionalLevel : PACA • The PACA-Corsica Chamber of commerce and Industry (CCI), which is the cornerstone of the region’s development policy as regards its transport and Logistics system, manages 11 maritime and inland waterways ports as well as 5 marinas, employing 307 personnel in ports, covering 50 000 square meters and 9200 meters of quay availability. This generates a turnover of approximately € 60 million yearly. • The PACA regional development policy benefits from a broad legal framework involving laws and regulations of various natures.
d / Economic and political implications RegionalLevel : PACA • Consistent with the Regional Economic Development Plan (SRDE) drawn up by the PACA regional authority and the Corsica Sustainable Development and Land Use plan (PADDUC), the plan presents the current situation concerning seaports, inland waterway ports and airports, with details of the main features of such facilities. • The plan is based on an assessment of the port and airport infrastructures. In light of the number of facilities managed in PACA-Corsica, the plan will include not only a file on problems common to both regions, but also two reports on the specific features of each tool.
d / Economic and political implications RegionalLevel : PACA • Proposals for regional orientations will complete the plan. This is the purpose of the first part of the work. The plan will be deployed in four areas, according to requirements: • In terms of organisation and management • In terms of communication, including ICT • In terms of marketing, • In terms of financial engineering.
d / Economic and political implications RegionalLevel : PACA In thatsense F4All contributes to : • Sustainable transport solution: F4All developsinternalplatforms networking • F4All isactually for PACA actors a proof of concept of Freight Villages networking • F4All develops innovations: • TIC innovations • Organisational innovations
Economic and political implications of Freight4All • Economic and political implications of F4All at National level • Economic and political implications of F4All at Local level
Economic and political implications of F4All at National level • Positive economic impact due to the integration of different tiers of the transport chain. • Promotes better relations between the actors involved. • Has to potential to cut delays due to duplicate information and through the reuse of documentation
Economic and political implications of F4All at Local level • Local actors benefit from an digital solution • Benchmarking and assessment allows actors to improve on current process • Previously paper based processes have the potential to be digitized cutting errors.
d / Economic and political implications National Level Freight4all is in line with at least one objective /axis of the three main Greek policy documents i.e. • The National Strategic Reference Framework (NSRF) • The Sectoral Operational Programmes • The Regional Operational Programmes of Crete and Aegean islands
d / Economic and political implications National Level • Greek NSRF puts emphasis on the • development of multimodal transport networks and efficient interconnections between nodes • use of ICT systems • investment in the productive sector of the economy • management of the environment in a sustainable way.
d / Economic and political implications National Level • Incorporates the intermodal transport issues and ICT use for efficiency improvement. • Achieves digital convergence – through the incorporation and systematic use of ICT • Reinforces research and technology – and promotes innovation in transport sector as a factor for restructuring the Greek economy • Increases extroversion • Provides alternatives to road transport
d / Economic and political implications Freight4all is expected to have the following positive economic implications at Regional Level: • Facilitating structural funds (for full scale implementation and similar activities to those of Freight4all) • One important criterion for co financing is the maturity of the idea to be implemented. Freight4all mobilizes the regional community about the necessity and benefits of such initiatives • Successful piloting leads to full scale implementation project • Facilitating transport service providers to create new business opportunities • Easy access to transport services all over Europe • Use of Freight4all platform with limited adaptation costs
d / Economic and political implications Freight4all is expected to have the following positive economic implications at Regional Level: • Widening the transport services selection for the shippers • Wider selection -> increased possibility to get better prices • Several selection criteria depending on the services provided • Tackling the islander barriers of the Crete Region • Cooperation with other Regions/Authorities • Support the integration of Cretan transport nodes in major transport and logistics nodes • Familiarisation with modern collaborative logistics practices • Increased competitiveness through collaboration • Creation of business clusters with complementary operations
d / Economic and political implications Freight4all is expected to support the Regional policy through the provision of incentives and funding schemes in the areas of : • Modernisation of the operational and management schemes of the regional SMEs • Clustering in the field of transport and ICT • Use of alternatives to international road only transport • Consolidation of cargo through the creation of collaborative schemes • Provision of e- services in the transport and logistics sector
d / Economic and political implications National Level
d / Economic and political implications RegionalLevel: Regione Emilia-Romagna
d / Economic and political implications RegionalLevel: RegioneCampania
PART TWO : Freight 4 ALL platform’s structure
Freight 4 ALL platform’s structure • The aims of this part are: • To present the platform • Provide information about technical aspects (thisplatformcomesfrom a deep collaboration) • To explain the audience that the main outputs of the platform have been builttakingintoconsideration real cases
Freight 4 ALL platform’s structure There willbetwo parts: One orientedtowards « general » audience The other one orientedtowards « specialised » audience According to the attendees’ profile , feel free to design yourown training contents! The commoncore curriculum + specific curriculum
PART TWO A: Freight 4 ALL platform’s structure This part isorientedtowards an audience that do not have anydeep background of ICT. Indeed, if the structure of the platformispresnetedwithtoomanydetailsand using to manytechnicalterms , then the audience maybeboredand youwillosetheir attention!
a / Overview : a step-by-step approach Harmonisation model and system architecture Development of the F4All distributed ICT platform Testing and validation
a / Overview : a step-by-step approach Harmonisation model and system architecture Development of the F4All distributed ICT platform Testing and validation Policy guidelines and recommendations
a / Overview : a step-by-step approach Provision of a harmonised operational and organisational framework and of a comprehensive system architecture in order to break fragmentation barriers and build complementarities for users and dispersed systems. Harmonisation model and system architecture
a / Overview : a step-by-step approach The F4All platform Allows all parties to remotelyaccessand use the applications availablein F4ALL ICT network froma single access point Provides global security, via web technologies, allowingauthorizedaccess and interactions of bothhumanand machine based on predeterminedcredentials and rights Includes administrative mechanisms and supportive services for dividingusers/systemsintoautonomous, independent, self-administered groups, allowingincreasedconfidentiality for sensitive data and remote administration of selectedsuites of applications for virtual management of entiretransport chains. Development of the F4All distributed ICT platform Thus, the actorscanfunctionautonomouslywithin a virtual network of Interrelatedapplications.
a / Overview : a step-by-step approach The objectives are to implement F4All end solution in real transport cases in order to be validated for its applicability and extended operationalpotential. These real transport cases fully comply with the transnational collaborative approach of the project and actively involve users from the regional community of the partners. The technical and operational environments have been prepared facilitating the stakeholders of the selected transport chains to execute their daily business activities with the use of F4All platform. Testing and validation
PART TWO B: Freight 4 ALL platform’s structure This part isorientedtowards an audience that do have ICT background. However, the 2/ b part canalsointerest public actorsdealingwith transport.
b / The Generic Harmonisation Framework • The Generic Harmonisation Framework (GHF) lays the foundation for the development of the System Architecture. • Assessmentof the current situation at transport , logistics and ICT levels in partner countries. Establishing the harmonisedoperational model Developing the specifications of the ICT solution detailed system architecture
b / The Generic Harmonisation Framework When defining the GHF, three distinctive layers have been considered:
b / The Generic Harmonisation Framework … How didwegetthere? Compilation by partners of different transnational transport business cases having the potentiality of being tackled by Freight4All scope. 17 representative business cases have been analysed • Description of the organizational scenarii • Business/operational transactions • Stakeholders involved in the transnational business case • Information technology capacity • Transnational Approach • Potential role of the Freight4All platform in the business case Differenttools
b / The Generic Harmonisation Framework National examples : business cases analysed « National business cases canbepresented to illustratepreviousexplanations and be more evocative to the audience» • Tracking and Tracing data among Mediterranean ports • Facilitation of ICS Customs formalities among EU countries • Services to facilitate the coordination of customs security formalities to maritime carriers • Simplification of transit procedures in intra-community traffic