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The Storyline Ontology

The Storyline Ontology. Jeremy Tarling @jeremytarling Data Architect BBC News. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news. semantic annotation. journalists ‘ tagging ’. annotating ( “ tagging ” ) content tool embedded into CMS concept extraction/NLP for topic suggestion

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The Storyline Ontology

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Presentation Transcript

  1. The Storyline Ontology Jeremy Tarling @jeremytarling Data Architect BBC News

  2. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news

  3. semantic annotation

  4. journalists ‘tagging’ annotating (“tagging”) content tool embedded into CMS concept extraction/NLP for topic suggestion journalists accept/reject suggested topics

  5. pilot – location tagging it worked… except when big stories broke we write several articles about the same storyline

  6. articles… storytelling is fragmented manual linking decays massive amount of repetition

  7. from articles to storylines develop a data model to describe a news storyline and its topics refine our content model to handle granular updates (A/V clip, short-form, social media update, long-form) ask journalists to annotate (‘tag’) these updates with their storyline

  8. collaborative model development

  9. www.purl.org/ontology/storyline

  10. www.purl.org/ontology/storyline

  11. www.purl.org/ontology/storyline

  12. www.purl.org/ontology/storyline

  13. an example storyline

  14. linking storylines

  15. linking events

  16. tag storylines with topics…

  17. topics topics are real-world entities, or things people organisations places themes

  18. people a Person can have properties like ‘birth-place’, ‘birth-date’, and roles like ‘President of Syria’ or ‘interpreter’ Thamsanqa Jantjie Bashar al-Assad Nick Robinson Lara Clarke

  19. organisations an Organisation can have properties like ‘address’, ‘website’, and can be notably associated with a person, place or theme

  20. places Places can have a latitudes/longitudes and parent features (an administrative district or country for example)

  21. themes Themes are the intangible things that we might want to classify our content by: ‘smoking’, ‘unemployment’, ‘health’ unemployment smoking health

  22. tagging with a topic <:thing> :type <:video> <:thing> :about <:David Cameron>but is this video clip reallyaboutthe topic of David Cameron?

  23. about-ness?

  24. tagging with a storyline <:thing> :type <:video> <:thing> :about <:storyline> <:storyline> :slug “Cameron EU statement”<:storyline> :topic <:David Cameron><:storyline> :topic <:European Union><:storyline> :attribution <:Nick Robinson>

  25. topics connect storylines

  26. curation vs automation two ways to present tagged content: automatic aggregations where all content tagged with that storyline, event or topic is included in a chronological stream manual curations where a journalist picks and orders content in order to tell a particular story

  27. automatic aggregation

  28. anything with that storyline or topic tag automatically surfaces it in that stream this could be the default/out-of-hours state for a storyline or topic page less time-consuming, but no control over tone and sequence automatic aggregation

  29. manual curation

  30. more time consuming, but greater control candidate content is manually selected for inclusion in a storyline or topic page attribution – manually curated storylines can be attributed to a person or group (internally or publicly) manual curation

  31. demo? production tagging with topics and storylines live pilot of storyline tagging in the Midlands

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