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Guten Morgen!

Guten Morgen!. Wie heißen Sie?. Wie heißen Sie?. Wie heißen Sie? Ich heiße Dietrich. Wie heißen Sie? Ich heiße Maria. Woher kommen Sie?. Woher kommen Sie?. Woher kommen Sie? Ich komme aus Traverse City. Woher kommen Sie? Ich komme aus Muskegon. Goals of the Course. German Conversation

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Guten Morgen!

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Guten Morgen!

  2. Wie heißen Sie?

  3. Wie heißen Sie? • Wie heißen Sie? • Ich heiße Dietrich. Wie heißen Sie? • Ich heiße Maria.

  4. Woher kommen Sie?

  5. Woher kommen Sie? • Woher kommen Sie? • Ich komme aus Traverse City. Woher kommen Sie? • Ich komme aus Muskegon.

  6. Goals of the Course German Conversation Reading in German Knowledge Cultural Agility

  7. Goals TO CONVERSE IN GERMAN about . . . yourself your family your town your interests

  8. Goals TO READ straightforward German texts (with a dictionary) about subjects with which you are somewhat familiar.

  9. Goals TO DEVELOP KNOWLEDGE of . . . German History German Culture German Attitudes How Germans experience us

  10. Goals TO GAIN CULTURAL AGILITY in order to . . . handle cross-cultural misunderstandings communicate well with Germans in English

  11. Kursmaterialien Auf geht’s! in the bookstore (for 2 courses) Small dictionary (NO dictionary in the book) Grammar homework (handouts)

  12. Software • Install it • Find your way around it • Do the Orientation • Do 1.1 (Smalltalk: Hallo) • Note: This has 7 parts • “Printout for this Thema” • Quit!

  13. Websites Kurs http://www.hope.edu/academic/language/german/101/ or: KnowHope > Departments > German > GER 101 Lernbuch website: http://www.aufgehts.com

  14. Expectations Be in class every day. No kidding! Come prepared. Do the homework; practice. Participate (both verbally and non-verbally). Do the assignments; look things up as needed. Learn the vocabulary; be here for quizzes. Put in the work (there’s no other way). Talk to me if you’re having difficulties.

  15. Rules and Regs • No food or drink in class • Computers, phones, and other devices silenced and stowed • Bring the Lernbuch every day • Notepaper clipped to the Lernbuch • Bring a pen or pencil (or two or three) • Backpacks/bags stowed (we move) • Be on time and be ready to TALK! 

  16. Homework • Homework will be posted on the first slide on the screen • It’s also on the online syllabus • Assignments must be completed before you arrive in class • Major penalties for late homework • Your homework for tomorrow is . . .

  17. Guten Tag!Dienstag den 27.8. Hausaufgabe für Mittwoch den 28.8. IA Software: Orientation IA Software: 1.1 (7 modules) Lernbuch: 1.1A-B

  18. Alphabet A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Ä Ö Ü ß

  19. Wie schreibt man das? • Wie heißen Sie? • Ich heiße Kristin. • Wie schreibt man das? • K-R-I-S-T-I-N

  20. Erstes Gespräch Guten Morgen! Wie heißen Sie? Ich heiße ____ Wie schreibt man das? ____________ Woher kommen Sie? Ich komme aus __ Tschüss!

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