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Financial Planning and Goal Setting: Achieving Success with Your Money

Gain insights on smart financial planning, setting meaningful goals, and making informed decisions to secure your financial future. Explore topics such as budgeting, income sources, investing, economic systems, and more to build a solid financial foundation.

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Financial Planning and Goal Setting: Achieving Success with Your Money

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  1. Bell-ringers 2012 Life, Money, and You

  2. February 14, 2012 __/5 • Examine the value of having a process of planning how to use money. • “Most people don’t plan to fail, they simply fail to plan!” • How does this quote apply to using money wisely? Why is it necessary to have a financial plan for success when it come to YOUR money?

  3. February 15, 2012 __/5 • Define S.M.A.R.T goals and identify the values YOU use to form your personal S.M.A.R.T goals. • (Using your workbook/notes) What is a S.M.A.R.T goal? Why is it important to set goals in your life?

  4. February 22, 2012 __/5 • Explore decision making and financial planning skills that align with our goals. • LIST the decisions you made yesterday. LIST all the examples you can think of. For example, I selected this shirt over that shirt, or ate this for lunch vs. that.

  5. February 28, 2012 _/5 • Analyze and modify your personal short term S.M.A.R.T goal. • Briefly describe the short term S.M.A.R.T goal you set for yourself and which ‘value’ it is based upon. Why did you set this goal? Have you started work toward this goal yet?! Why or why not?!

  6. March 1, 2012 __/5 • Analyze and apply Unit 1’s objectives and review for Unit 1 exam. • Take a look at your 5-year poster. Describe your poster in your bell-ringer today, listing why you selected the goals and values you did. Also, talk about where you hope to be financially in 5 years. (stage 1, but give specific examples from this stage that you hope to be working on).

  7. March 8, 2012 __/5 • Examine your spending habits and know the benefits of having a spending plan, or budget. • In your own words, what is a budget? How do you create a successful budget? Yes or No, do you have your own personal budget?

  8. March 12, 2012 __/5 • Explore paychecks and understand forms of income. • List a few jobs you’ve had and how you have been paid for your work. Were you paid in cash? Check? With goods? With services in return?

  9. March 15, 2012 __/5 • Demonstrate ability to track expenses in order to create a future personalized budget. • Your short-term goal deadline is in exactly 12 days. Where are you at in meeting your goal? What do you need to do now to make sure you accomplish this goal by the deadline?

  10. March 20, 2012 __/5 • Identify various sources of temporary government assistance (income) for individuals or families that qualify. • Explain the difference between gross and net income. Which of these two income types is the same as the ‘check amount’? Also, list and describe ONE deduction that will come out of your paycheck.

  11. March 29, 2012 __/5 • Apply budgeting skills to real life events. • While planning for a vacation what challenges did you run into? What parts were easy? What are some things about planning a vacation you really never thought about before (in terms of budgeting)?

  12. April 10, 2012 __/5 • Review and examine Unit 2’s: Budgeting learning objectives. • Leadership points are due April 20th, in ten short days! How many points do you have to date? How will you earn the remaining points needed by the 20th (100pts)? Write a SMART goal that specifically outlines how you will do this.

  13. April 17, 2012 __/5 • Identify the terms investing and saving and understand the difference between the two. • What things do you know about investing? What do you hope to learn about investing in this unit? Do you think investing is important? Why or why not?

  14. April 19, 2012 ___/5 • Evaluate the economic system of the United States and why markets go up and down. • In your opinion, what have been the major contributors to the current down economy in our country? If unsure, list factors that you’ve heard about that may have led to our current state.

  15. April 26, 2012 __/5 • Explore common investments and understand how to compute interest on payments. • What are some ‘big ticket’ items you plan to invest in/purchase in the next ten years? How comfortable do you feel with the process of computing interest and making payments on large tickets items? (house, loans, college)

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