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North Lake Apopka Rural Aviation Village. Aviation: “Florida’s aviation system is absolutely critical to the States’ economic prosperity and quality of life”. FDOT Florida Aviation System Plan 2025 Statewide Overview, pgs. 13 April 2004
Aviation: • “Florida’s aviation system is absolutely critical to the States’ economic prosperity and quality of life”.FDOT Florida Aviation System Plan 2025 Statewide Overview, pgs. 13 April 2004 • “Airports are engines of business growth and job creation”.FDOT Florida Aviation System Plan 2025 Statewide Overview, pgs.8 April 2004 • “It would be prudent to investigate the expansion potential of these privately held resources (private general aviation airports) to address regional shortfalls (general aviation operation capacity demand in Orlando exceeds Florida’s average)”. Florida Aviation System Plan 2025 –Central Florida Demand/ Capacity Study , 2004
Aviation • “Aviation-related businesses and their employees annually contribute $105 million in local taxes”. • “Airport jobs are desirable, and the average airport wage was 40 percent higher than the average area salary”. • “For every job at the airport, nearly three are created in the visitor-related economy”. • RIMS II Regional Input Output Modeling System Virginia Study/ FAA
Aviation • Aviation is an existing use ( Orlando North Airpark) • Amendment for expanded aviation support provides for important and significant economic development opportunities. • Aviation alone can restore over $8 Million annually in benefits to the local economy • Consistent with intent of the South Apopka Enterprise Zone
Aviation Village: • The South Apopka Enterprise Zone. • Revitalize economically distressed area • Provide incentives and regulatory relief in the Zone • Encourage businesses to locate and invest • Stimulate the creation of new jobs, hire local residents and • Enhance the social and economic well-being of affected neighborhoods.
Village: Compatible Use
Village: Enterprise Zone & Comprehensive Plan Consistency
Village: Wekiva Parkway and Protection Act (WPPA) Consistency
Village: • Utilities • Property is within the City of Apopka Utility Service Area. • Potable water and sanitary sewer lines will be extended at developer expense. • Reduced demand from property owner’s current 1.8 billion gallons Consumptive Use Permit (CUP). • Proposed FLUE Policy 8.1.8 – The Rural Aviation Village shall be served by central water and sewer facilities. Where it is determined that adequate facilities are available to permit development, the project shall be deemed in compliance with the Urban Service Area Requirements in the Orange County Comprehensive Plan.
Village: • Stormwater & Water Management: • New standard for management of agricultural run-off which now flows directly to Lake Apopka via drainage canals. • Development as proposed will meet or exceed current SJRWMD stormwater management rules including Lake Apopka Basin Rules.
Rural: • Use of Innovative Planning & Design Principles associated with Conservation Planning Practices: • 50% open space overall • conservation easements to be used for protection of contiguous open space. • Clustered mixed use and single family housing to create compact center focused village design within a rural setting to maximize economic development opportunities without promoting urban sprawl patterns. • Overall Residential density 1/1 • Lake County property to be developed consistent with Lake County Comprehensive Plan. • Airport approaches respect Lake Apopka Restoration
Lake County Orange County 1/1 2/1 RURAL AVIATION VILLAGE Lake County Orange County Rural Aviation Village Concept
Property Summary: • 446 gross acres • 50% Open Space 223 acres • 2600’ paved runway w/ aviation support facilities • Contiguous to the Lake Apopka North Shore Restoration Area (NSRA) • Within the Wekiva Parkway and Protection Act (WPPA) study area • Within the South Apopka Enterprise Zone • Provides for important and significant economic benefits to the local economy
Development Program: • 223 acres Open space • 107 acres Single-Family Residences (329 maximum du’s.) • 116 acres Non Residential • 13 acres maximum Civic Uses • 89 acres Airport (Hangars & 15,000 sq. ft. Fixed Base Operator) • 13 acres 125,000 sq. ft. of “flex space” • Commercial • Office • Light Industrial
Text Policies Proposed FLUE Goal 8 – As noted in Wastewater Element Policy 1.5.2, Northwest Orange County has experienced a State documented economic decline due to the significant loss of agricultural land and commerce. It is Orange County’s goal to ensure sustainable, quality development in Northwest Orange County to allow greater opportunity for economic development while preserving the historic character of the area and protecting environmental resources.
Text Policies Proposed FLUE Objective 8.1 – A Rural Aviation Village (RAV) designation shall be implemented to recognize existing economic development opportunities within Northwest Orange County and provide area residents greater accessibility to services, cultural and civic amenities and employment, while at the same time maintaining the unique character associated with historic rural development. The proposed RAV will allow for a mixed-use rural village containing residential, civic, commercial, office and industrial uses at a scale consistent with existing rural development. Rural character will be retained through the use of innovative design requirements that create a compact rural village while preserving open space and creating a strong sense of community. This planning technique shall be utilized by implementing the following policies.
Text Policies • Proposed FLUE Policy 8.1.1 – A Rural Aviation Village shall include a minimum of 400 net developable acres. This acreage is established as the minimum land required to create a sustainable mix of land uses, including residential and non-residential uses as well as open space.
Text Policies • Proposed FLUE Policy 8.1.2 – A Rural Aviation Village must contain an existing aviation facility as its economic focal point.
Text Policies • Proposed FLUE Policy 8.1.3 – Residential densities within the Rural Aviation Village shall range from a maximum of one (1) dwelling unit per net developable acre to a minimum of one (1) dwelling unit per five (5) net developable acres. All residential uses are subject to the Land Use Allocation table contained in Policy 8.1.6.
Text Policies • Proposed FLUE Policy 8.1.4 – Non-residential development including office, commercial, light industrial and civic uses shall be permitted in the Rural Aviation Village. All non-residential uses are subject to the Land Use Allocation table contained in Policy 8.1.6.
Text Policies • Proposed FLUE Policy 8.1.5 – Open space within the Rural Aviation Village shall be defined as lands suitable for passive recreation, conservation or agricultural uses. Stormwater management areas that are designed as amenities may be considered as credit towards minimum open space requirements. To the greatest extent possible, all open space shall be contiguous both internally and with protected open space on adjacent parcels. Open space is subject to the Land Use Allocation table contained in Policy 8.1.6.
Text Policies Proposed FLUE Policy 8.1.6 – Land use allocation within the Rural Aviation Village shall adhere to the following: Land Use Allocation
Text Policies Proposed FLUE Policy 8.1.7 – The Rural Aviation Village shall be compact and create a focal point of activity within the context of the surrounding rural area. Residential lots within the Rural Aviation Village shall be clustered to provide for a variety of lot sizes and increased open space, consistent with the intent of the Wekiva Parkway and Protection Act criteria. Although overall density may not exceed 1 dwelling unit per acre, in the interest of preserving open space, individual lots may be less than one acre in size.
Text Policies Proposed FLUE Policy 8.1.8 – The Rural Aviation Village shall be served by central water and sewer facilities. Where it is determined that adequate facilities are available to permit development, the project shall be deemed in compliance with the Urban Service Area Requirements in the Orange County Comprehensive Plan.
Text Policies Proposed FLUE Policy 8.1.9 – The Rural Aviation Village shall have final approval as a Planned Development. The Planned Development shall ensure and preserve rural character, consistent with criteria listed in Policy 8.1.7.
Text Policies Proposed FLUE Policy 8.1.10 – In the event that a commuter rail station is located within or adjacent to the Rural Aviation Village, increased densities and mixtures of housing types for areas within ¼ mile of the transit stop shall be considered.
Infrastructure & Public Services Police and Fire Protection • The County Sheriff stated that the proposed project would result in the need for 1.27 additional deputies and .62 staff. • Orange County Fire Rescue determined that the proposed project would not have a significant impact for fire or rescue services. • Property within the proposed development will be set aside for civic uses which may include a fire station and/or police substation.
Infrastructure & Public Services Public Schools • Per OCPS staff, high school relief will occur in 2007 & 2008. • A consortium of home builders is actively working to advance the construction of a relief elementary school. • A CEA for the subject property will be executed prior to the LPA adoption hearing.